*°*°• Chapter 3 •°*°*

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Second Visit 

To my surprise, I had woken up before everyone else, even though i had gotten home so late. My body was stiff as i'd accidentally fallen asleep at the wooden kitchen table. Stretching as i got up to make my breakfast, i'd realized most of my pain was gone. 

Which was fantastic, now i could go back to see Venti again... If my mom didn't scold me for worrying her so much. I know its sounds like a stupid reason to be punished, but she is just trying to keep me safe. I did understand the dangers adventurers face everyday, but i don't quite understand what she is so worried about. 

Waiting for the time to pass today would be nerve racking, i wouldn't want to waste most of my energy before i had to take my walk to visit him. Utterly thrilled for the reunion i promised Venti, i couldn't sit still in my seat as i tried to finish my half eaten piece of toast. I wanted to leave now, so i'd have something  exciting to fill in my usually boring evening alone. 

Finally done eating and quickly putting my dishes in the sink, I shuffled to my room, trying not to make a sound to wake up my mother. Swiftly putting my clothes on, i remembered something Venti said last night. 

What was it he wanted me to pay him with? Was it... an apple? With that thought in mind, i grabs some of my left over mora from a previous grocery night. Hurrying to a nearby stall, i purchased a freshly picked apple and headed straight home, having to continue my long wait until the evening. 

I'd have to think of something to pass the time as i waited impatiently for my  departure. 

Pondering the subject for a few minutes longer, i came up with a couple things i intended to do for a pass time before settling with to sketch. I remembered a small hill that my mom and I used to go to watch the sunset, she loved the scenery there, i wanted to capture the perfect image in my piece. 

♡  ♥️  ♡  ♥️  

The time past fairly slow, but it gave me enough time to finish what i started, and it was finally time for me to take off again. I'd managed to stay out of trouble despite my mistake last night. So, i was free to embark on my second visit to the tree in Windrise. 

Grabbing my apple on the way out of my home, i headed closer to Springvale, hoping not to run into any inconveniences on the way there. To my luck, nothing has occurred as i passed the peaceful village. The unlucky thing was, i had forgotten to bring something to drink for my casual stroll of the day, well.. night. 

Deciding to make a quick stop to the heart of Mondstadt, I'd heart that Angel's Share tavern was a great place for a drink. I ordered an Apple Cider before quickly getting back on track with the task on hand. 

Listening carefully to the sounds around me, to ensure i didn't miss his sweet tune, the lyre gentilly sung as i approached Venti in Windrise. I couldn't help but smile as i saw him sitting on the same branch as yesterday, enjoying his moments of bliss. 

"I expected you'd be here again" I laughed, "Do you come here often?" i asked. For some odd reason, i wanted to know everything about him. Also had the urge to play with his hair, but i refrained myself from the temptation.

looking up from his concentration, Venti noticed my presence ahead of him.  "Hey y/n, I didn't expect you'd come back so soon. Care to listen to another song?" he inquired. 

"i'm always ready for a good song! Also here, i brought you this" I handed him the apple i'd picked up earlier. He seemed quite pleased that i had remembered his comment he'd made before i left the other night.

Climbing the tree to sit beside him, he started playing again. Only this time, it was different. The song was the same, but... i'm not sure, something just feels different, and i can't quite put my finger on it just yet. 

But, he still didn't fail at calming me down with this melody. I could sense all my pain drifting away to an unknown place as i sat here beside Venti, while the sunset causing a beautiful orange array in the sky above us. 

It was so beautiful and i couldn't help but grin, as i felt all the happiness in the world fill my body. Reminding me that i was still capable of this feeling. It didn't come as often as most people felt. But i knew that would change if i kept hanging around Venti, and i didn't mind it at all. 

Nothing mattered to me in this moment, nothing could ruin my perfectly calm state of mind. And then it happened, All i remembered was the free sensation of falling as i passed out. 

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