8. Cooling All The Way Down

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Leon clapped with everyone else as soon as the conference ended. He could barely see over the crowd, and he barely understood what was said, but being a part of an official Interstellar Forces conference was good enough for him.

Not for Aiden. "What was up with that video?" He turned to Jun. "Why'd they end it on you? So embarrassing."

"Jun's not embarrassing!" Leon argued.

Jun chuckled. "I dunno, I looked kinda lost in that pic, not gonna lie."

"No, not you. You're cool." Aiden clarified. "The IF is embarrassing. Why make it so obvious that it took building a base on Mars before they opened it up to everyone?" He gave a sarcastic clap. "Good job guys. Soooo innovative." A smug smirk crossed his face. "Bet they'll never mention they almost put 'em in jail." He pointed a finger at Jun.

"Jail??" Leon had never heard about that. Roxie and Mia showed the same confusion.

"Oh yeah, that." Jun mentioned casually. "There was a vote whether or not to lock me up for breaking the rules. I narrowly avoided getting arrested." They elbowed Aiden. "Otherwise, we both would've done time, huh?"

That reminded Leon of a question he desperately needed to ask. "So. Aiden... about breaking out of jail...?"

"Yeah?" Aiden glanced at him. "I did it."

Leon decided Jun would be more helpful. "Is he just messing with me?"

"Nope." They were just as nonchalant. "Messing with you would've been if he told you he went in for--"

"Hi, Shirley! Hi, Sparky!" Roxie's greetings distracted Leon from the terror of realizing his roommate was an escaped convict.

The tall lady and her goggled friend from earlier came up to the group. They both looked a little embarrassed.

Goggle lady spoke first. "Sorry again for stealing your stuff! We'll be more careful the next time someone asks us for 'errands.'"

Tall lady rubbed the back of her neck. "Yeah, we didn't mean t' hurt anybody."

"S'all good." Jun flipped their bangs. How could they be so cool all the time?

"It's not like you guys wanted to steal our stuff!" added Leon. "I'm sure everyone here would forgive you."

"I dooo~" Roxie chimed.

"No hard feelings." Mia gave a polite smile.

Aiden shrugged, which was basically full forgiveness coming from him.

"Plus it was kinda cool the way you picked up that whole cart!" Leon laughed.

A huge grin formed on the tall lady's face. "Aww shucks kid, thanks. And I'm glad you all forgive me an' Sparky! Hope your captain's not too mad..."

"By the way," Sparky leaned forward, "does he always carry the handbook in his hat like that?"

"No, he usually carries it in his cape!" answered Leon.

Sparky giggled. "His what?? Oh, he sounds like a riot! Anyway, me and Shirley were about to ask... something. What was it?"

"Beats me." Shirley shrugged. "Ooh! How'd'ja like the video? I thought it was pretty neat." She pointed at Jun. "You even made a little cameo!"

Jun hid the other half of their face. "Haha, yeah..."

"I didn't know Herbert Legard fell down, it kind of reminded me of you earlier!" Roxie poked Leon's cheek.

(GQ #8) Mingling on the MoonWhere stories live. Discover now