4. The Costs of Being a Good Boy

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Lorenzo tried to get his mind off of Ranger Kelly's whereabouts. Thankfully, his brother did what he did best, distracting him.

Emil fidgeted beside him in the elevator. He rarely ever stopped moving, but this time he seemed more jittery than usual.

"There should be a bathroom on this floor if you're in need of it." Lorenzo stared at his brother, tapping his feet in place.

The lieutenant chuckled. "That's okay, I don't hafta pee." He paused. "Why didn't we take the stairs?"

"I thought you would've appreciated getting to the conference room faster." Lorenzo took off his hat and neatened his hair in the elevator's reflective walls. "Besides, don't you hate stairs?"

Emil bounced on his feet. "Maybe a liiiittle. But elevators," he rubbed his arms, "I dunno, I feel like one of these days, one's gonna stop while I'm on it."

"I didn't know you had a fear of elevators." Lorenzo worried on his brother's behalf. It was a good thing they were alone right now, because who knew who might've taken advantage of this flaw. Still, nothing guaranteed their safety. He glanced at the elevator camera. Anyone could be listening.

"Pshhh, I'm not afraid of 'em!" Defensiveness might have been hiding behind Emil's laughter. "I'm just," his eyes darted around, "concerned."

"Uh-huh." Lorenzo didn't know what to make of that response. He focused instead on smoothing out the wrinkles in his clothes. "I'll keep your concerns in mind."

Emil set his chin down on Lorenzo's shoulder. "What about you? You seem awfully concerned with your looks today."

"I'm just trying to make the best impression I can." Lorenzo brushed off his shoulder after Emil stood back up. "I suggest you do the same. We're César Galhardo's sons, after all."

The blond rolled his eyes. "How can I forget?"

"He has enemies."

"Again, how can I forget?" Emil began pacing. "Y'know, you and Dad keep talkin' about all the 'enemies' we have, but I've never heard of any of 'em."

"That's because he does a good job protecting us. But he can't do that right now." Lorenzo stopped Emil and began neatening up his uniform and hair. "There are many people who believe we're not qualified for our positions. This is a chance to prove we're fit to honor the Interstellar Forces's legacy."

The elevator opened to pale halls. The two captains straight ahead down the corridor where the conference room was supposed to be. A guard waited outside, signalling that they were heading in the right direction. Even he was a little older than them.

"Are you headed to the Celestion conference?" he asked.

Lorenzo nodded. "We are."

"Which group are you guys with?"

"Celestion-5!" Emil answered.

The guard's smile dropped as he read his tablet. "Sorry, I can't let you guys in yet. Your captains need to show up first."

Lorenzo and Emil exchanged glances.

"Uhhh, we are the captains." Emil pointed at the pin on his jacket. "See?"

Suddenly, Lorenzo realized that after all of his preparations, he hadn't put his hat back on. He might as well have shown up in tattered rags. What an unforgivable error!

"I'm going to have to see your IDs."

The brothers both took out their IDs and showed them to the guard.

His eyes widened as he did a hasty salute. "Oh! My apologies, sirs! Go right on ahead."

"No, the apologies are all mine." Lorenzo told him, saluting back along with Emil. "You simply did your job."

(GQ #8) Mingling on the MoonWhere stories live. Discover now