In memory of Mum 2

21 2 0

What Hurts

What hurts is people complaining about the normal things I do is a problem now that you are gone.

What hurts is missing the phone calls I'd get from you when I'm not home just to see when I'm coming back

What hurts are not having the ability to joke with you or talk about our favourite horror movies or the lame parts in them

What hurts is missing the secret planning on giving my sister taste tests of things she'd probably hate and the smile on your face

What hurts is that you are not with me by my side to tell someone to back the fuck of because I'm to scared, not of them but more of my self

What hurts is not being able to give you hugs even when you think I'm just creeping for something

What hurts is missing the warmth you gave me on such a cold planet

What hurts is that dim light is not in the sky out of my reach

What hurts is missing you every day and wishing you was here knowing things wouldn't be as fucked up as they are now even if they was already a little fucked up

I miss you, and sometimes this pain is just to much

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