In memory of Nan

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Our Speedy Gonzale

When we went shopping we where always told never to take our eyes off you because when we did it was like you was speedy Gonzale, a blink if an eye and you would vanish from sight, we'd look to one side and you'd be down the next aisle ready for the next, or on your way to the next cloth store, you always found a way to bring a smile to my face and I'm still sure you cheated on some of those card games.

A day like now i wish speedy Gonzale didn't exist because you went so fast, you will forever be loved and in our hearts a great nan a loving member of all our hearts, you made it to grandad just in time for his birthday even if I wish you was still here by us all the way, I wish you all the best and give grandad and mum the biggest hugs from me.

I'd love to say see you soon but I guess I'll see you again when the times right, you will be in my heart and in the stars with mum to light a way, with grandad one of the best guardian angels, love you nan may you rest in peace 19.2.1935-1.4.2021❤🥰

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