Dear Father

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I'm gonna be honest here dad, I don't remember you, well at least not much of you, I've heard countless bad things and very few good but they always say you where in heaven so I guess you wasn't as bad as they seem to make out sometimes

I was 6 years old when you died and I know our neighbours blamed himself for a long time mum constantly reminded him it wasn't his fault

You are looking after mum right, 21 years you been gone, most of my life, I've also been told that the man my mum married if my older brothers and sisters didn't let me know he wasn't my dad then I'd think he was, I'm glad I don't, I'd hate having a dad like him so I'm glad he's not

The older three use to always say things would be different if you was still here, that they wouldn't have dared to do some of the things they had done if you was still alive, that things would be better, I think I believe them

Maybe the family wouldn't be so broken.... I'm not gonna say I miss you because honestly I don't know you, but i hope one day I'll get to know you better

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⏰ Last updated: Dec 20, 2021 ⏰

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