🎩Part 2🎩

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*3rd POV*

At the Hall Of Mirrors, 5 hooded strangers with a floating device stand out from the crowd.

"Is that all for the new student dorm assignments? Listen up, students. Here at Heartslabyul, I am the rules. Break them, and it's off with your head." The one with red hair spoke out with a sense of authority. Another hooded figure with a scar on their face clearly bored out of his mind.

"... Ugh. The stuffy ceremony is finally over. We're going back to the dorm. Savanaclaws, follow me." He lazily said as another stranger with white hair and wears glasses followed next.

"To the new students, congratulations on entering this academy. Enjoy your life here to it's fullest. As the dorm leader of Octavinelle, I support you to the best of my ability." He said with a mark of mischief in his blue eyes.

"By the way, where did the headmaster go? He flew out right in the middle of the ceremony..." A stranger with beautiful complex asked.

"Abandoning his post." The floating device spoke.

"Did he get a stomach ache or something?", a stranger with a tan skin and white hair thought out loud. While companion deadpanned at his statement.

Right on que, the doors to the room flew open with the headmaster, the creature in his cord, and another hooded figure behind the crowman in the door way.

"Of course not!" He said, emphasizing every word.

"He's finally here." The red head muttered.

"I can not believe you all. We were missing one new student so I went to find them." He then turned himself to face the student he found.

"You are the only one who has not yet assigned to a dormitory. I shall watch over this racoon. Step in front of the Dark Mirror." He instructed the person as they nod their head.

"Mmf! Mmhp! Mmmfh!!" The little creature was still struggling to escape.

"State they name." The Dark Mirror asked as the figure said their name.


The crowd were confused on what the stranger's words.

"What did they say?"

"Is that another language?"

Mutters and chatters filled the air. The Dark Mirror tries again, just covering the awkwardness.

"Please state thy name.", the stranger's eyes glows staring deep towards the mirror.

"I am (Y/n) de Von (L/n)."

(Y/n) gave the mirror the answer after she learned the language of this world.

"Y/n de Von (L/n). The shape of thy soul... My apologies. I cannot guarantee to speak.", upon the mirror's words filled the air with questions.

"Come again?" the man named Crowley asked.

"For what I saw, her soul swirls in purity that is not stained. There is also power that reaches the faith. She is qualified to all the dormitories." Mutters and whispers echoed the room as the female only stared at them blankly.

"An Ebony Carriage would absolutely would never go collect someone that is suited all dorms. In 100 years, there has not once been a mistake in student selection. Not only that but a FEMALE!?" Crowley explained.

'This is clearly unexpected. But it is for them. Fate always opens an unknown path for you to keep you surprised.' (Y/n) thought.

"Sir Crowley, is this the environment for only men were educated?",she asked.

"Yes, this is an all boys school.", he answered as she observes everyone to their reactions.

"Did the mirror said She?"

"Why would a girl enrolled in an All Boys School??"

"But why is she wearing a mask?"

"She looks weak."

The only female never listens to their judgment.

"This definitely a predicament. I'm sorry my dear but you can not attend this school." Crowley said as he scratches the back of his neck in frustration. "What do we do now?"

"Mmmfh... Phew!!! Then I'll take her place!!!" the creature finally got out of the cord around him.

"Stay right there racoon!" Crowley firmly said to Grim. But he looked more pissed off.

"Unlike that dumb human, I am a boy so let me in the school instead! If you want proof, I'll show you right now!"

"Everyone get down!!" A boy with red hair yelled.

"Kalim! Look out!", the tanned teen's eyes widened as an incoming fire goes towards him. Using his arms as a shield and close eyes waiting for the impact but it never came.

"What in the world?" the students left in dazed. The tanned teen named Kalim opens his eyes with surprised to the blue fires stops in mid air. All the fires did stop.

"Fyuunya!?" Grim got surprised to see his magic stop working. He tried to shoot out more fire but it only stops in mid air.

Tap tap tap

A sound of heels echoes the floor of the room. The crowd direct their attention only to stare in amazement at the glowing rubies behind the mask.

"To endanger a life by anger is not a reason to show one's potential." her words boomed in the room making everyone felt their knees waver. The creature felt his furs stand up sensing danger.

As the female stops in front of Grim, he slowly look up to her seeing himself in her red glowing eyes behind the mask.

"To be the greatest, would you accept to cover your paws with blood just to show your capabilities?", Grim stared at her with fear, knowing that she is not someone to messed with.

His blue fire ears folded in shame and look down on the ground.

"I'm sorry.", the tension in the air slowly disappears along with the blue fire as it was never there at the beginning. (Y/n) felt pity at the creature seeing Grim tries to reflect his mistakes. She picks him up to her arms and Grim buried his face to her cloth.

"Please forgive the child for he might have not notice his doings."she bowed slightly in front of everyone.

'This woman.. Who is she?' this question left the dormheads mind.

"Miss (L/n), please raise your head. Why not you left the creature to Dorm Leader Rosehearts and Dorm Leader Ashengrotto?"

Her red ruby eyes darted at the said men. The red hair boy which she recall Rosehearts stood still but to her, he is a bit intimidated to her presense while the white hair gentleman Ashengrotto gave a different aura which she felt a greedy desire.

"You have an excellent control on your familiar, Miss (L/n).", Crowley complemented.

"This child is no familiar to me. He moves in his own measures which clearly he need guidance.", she patted Grim's head in comfort.

"But..", Crowley gave her confused gazed.

"As the headmaster of this prestigious school, you show a very low performance to become a role model of your students. It's disappointing.", her bluntness shoot him harder than he expected. She hears the man with the scar on his face snorted in amusement. The beautiful man,Rosehearts and Ashengrotto tries to hold down the smiles on their faces. Kalim, the boy she have save, chuckled and the floating device can be heard someone holding down their laughter.

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