Chapter 2: into the rush - aly & aj

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Once we arrived at the academy, I grabbed my bag and we all got out of the shuttle and stepped into a hangar. An officer then instructed us to follow her so we could fill out some forms, get our uniforms, dorms and blah, blah, blah I sort of tuned her out as I saw Pike motioning for me to follow him. I started to make my way to go with him but a hand grabbed my arm. ‘’Hey, where are you going?’’ Jim whispered so as not to disrupt the officer up front.

‘’Pike wants to talk to me. I’ll see you later.’’ Before Jim could reply I already made my way halfway across the room. Pike and I walked silently through different hallways until we got to his office. I followed him inside and we both sat down. ‘’I’m glad you and your brother decided to join us. You’re probably wondering why I asked you to come with me.’’ I nodded my head slightly and looked at him curiously. Yeah, why am I here? ‘’Have you already chosen the focus you would like to pursue?’’ What does that have to do with anything?

‘’No, I have not. But, sir, what is it you wanted to talk to me about?’’

He looked at me a moment then said: ‘’Starfleet command asked several captains to recruit undercover intelligence officers for their ships.’’ He then explained why Starfleet needed new intelligence officers. ‘’Would you accept to be trained to be the intelligence officer aboard my ship?’’ He explained why he selected me and what the program, implied. Wow, um ok… I was stunned.

‘’I would be honored, sir.’’

‘’Excellent.’’ He said with a small smile. After that I filled in the forms for the academy. My focus was to be xenopsychological profiling and behavioral intent. Basically I’m going to be a shrink with secret training. After the forms were done, Pike gave me a PADD with my dorm room number and password in it, as well a map of the academy. I then left to go get my uniforms and supplies. Once I got them, I headed to my dorm room.

I entered the code and the door swooshed open. I made my way inside and there was a petite Asian girl sitting on one of the two beds in the room reading on a PADD. I dropped my things on the empty bed and she looked up from what she was doing. I then turned to her. ‘’Hi, I’m …’’

She cut me of. ‘’Georgia Belle Kirk, 22, sister of…’’ She looked at her PADD. ‘’James Tiberius Kirk and Samuel George Kirk. I’m Yuki Hattori but you can call me tech. I’m going to be your partner on captain Pike’s ship.’’ She said with a big smile, she then stood and gave me a hug, I returned it. Ok… at least she’s friendly.

‘’Wow, that’s impressive. How did you get all my information like that?’’ I asked her as I changed into my uniform minus the regulation boots, mine were prettier.

‘’I hacked it.’’ She told me in a duh tone. I let out a small giggle at that, I should’ve guessed with tech as a nickname. We then got to know each other a little before it was lunch time. Her focus is computer engineering, she’s 18, Japanese, a single child and like me a vegan.

‘’Hey tech could you tell me where’s my brother’s room? I told him I’d see him once I was done with Pike.’’ I asked as I finished putting my stuff away. She looked it up on her PADD then not even a minute later she gave it to me. ‘’Thanks, would you like to come eat with us?’’

‘’Nah, thanks. Maybe some other time.’’ And with that she got back to work on her PADD.

‘’Alright, bye.’’ I left with the PADD Pike gave me. Once I arrived at Jim’s dorm, I rang the bell and waited. It was Bones that answered. ‘’Hi.’’ I said with a smile.

‘’Hi.’’ He answered but then he just stood there staring at me… Okay…

Just as I was about to ask him if I could come in Jim asked. ‘’Hey Bones, who’s at the door?’’ This seemed to snap him out of whatever daze he was in. Jim then appeared in the doorway as Bones was about to answer. ‘’Hey B, come on in.’’ He then grabbed my hand and dragged me in. ‘’So, what did Pike want to talk to you about? Hey how did you know where our dorm was?’’ He asked me as we all sat down.

‘’I asked, as for Pike he told me he was glad we joined and wanted to know what focus I wanted to pursue.’’

‘’Oh and what did you choose?’’ Both he and bones appeared to be really interested.

‘’Xenopsychological profiling and behavioral intent.’’ Jim looked a little confused at that.

‘’A shrink, Jim.’’ Bones said so that Jim could understand. I laughed.

‘’So… are you guys hungry?’’

‘’Yeah let’s get something to eat.’’  As we made our way to the cafeteria, my PADD alerted me that I had a new message. I stopped and opened it. It said that I have a physical schedule this afternoon. I groaned.

‘’What is it?’’ Jim asked.

‘’Nothing, let’s go I’m starving’’ At the cafeteria I selected a green salad with raspberry tea, Bones took some chicken with vegetables and rice and a soda and Jim took a burger with fries and a soda. We then took our trays and sat at a table.

Bones berated Jim for his choice of food, we talked and soon Jim spotted some girl that caught his interest and left me and Bones alone. We talked and I learned he was married and have a daughter that he loves more than anything named Joanna. I told him I was schedule for a physical and he offered to do it. I accepted and we then left for the medical building. Bones did my physical and everything was fine but I had to have a couple vaccines. It stung like a bitch but I didn’t let it show I kept my face neutral. Once that was done I thanked Bones and told him I’d see him later and left.

I got back to my room and looked at my PADD, I just received my schedule for the semester. Tomorrow I begin with hand in hand combat 31 followed by stealth and deception 31 then there’s lunch followed by xenopsychology and xenocultures, dinner and then accelerated xenolinguistics 31. Looks interesting can’t to begin, man, my neck hurts. I decided to skip dinner since I wasn’t hungry plus those hypos Bones gave me were making me sleepy. I programmed an alarm for tomorrow, got ready for bed and went to sleep.

Georgia Belle Kirk (Spock/OC)Where stories live. Discover now