Chapter 6: Heroes (we could be) - Alesso feat. Tove Lo

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Once Spock was out the door, I took a deep breath. That was hot! Maybe he felt the same... But then my good senses came crashing back to me. What am I doing? Damn it, he has a girlfriend for god's sake!! Plus I can't get too close to anyone because of what I do and I already have Bones and Jim that are already my weaknesses ─well tech too but it's in her job description, the added danger─ I can't add Spock to the list too.

The doors to the gym swooshed open, indicating someone coming in. "What are you doing here, damn it?" Said the voice of dear ol' Bones. He got closer to me. "You're not really training are you?" When I didn't answer he continued with: "What the hell is the matter with you, Belle? You're injured, you can't just go punching things just because you feel like it and what are you doing on the floor?"

The ship started to shake making Bones fall to the floor. "Same thing you are, I'm enjoying the view." I said sarcastically.

"Ow, damn it!" Bones said as he sat down and rubbed his left arm where he fell.

"Are you all right?" I asked him.

"Yeah, I'm fine." He grumbled. "I just came by because Mrs. Sarek has been asking for you."

"Oh, Amanda." Maybe she could tell me the meaning of shan hal lak t'hy'la. But then again, do I really want to know? Hmmmm, yes. "Where is she? What does she want?"

"What do I look like? A receptionist?" I raised my left eyebrow with a small smirk. "I don't know what she want but she's in your office." He said as he stood to leave. But before he left he turned to me and said in his strict-doctor-tone: "Stop training until you're healed or I'll keep you in bed rest for the remaining of the trip."

"Aye, doc." I said with a sarcastic salute of my right hand. He rolled his eyes and departed. I better leave too, Amanda is waiting for me. I grabbed my bottle of water and towel and left the gym. I stopped by my quarters to drop my things and untaped my wrist before going back to med bay. I'll take a shower after I'm done with Amanda.

As I entered my office, I saw Amanda sitting peacefully in a seat in front of my desk and beside her was the Vulcan that gave me a gratitude nod when I saved her, so I'm guessing this is her husband, Mr. Sarek. Guess I'll have to ask her the meaning of the Vulcan words some other time.

"Sorry to have kept you waiting." I said as I took the seat behind my desk.

Amanda smiled. "It's no problem, dear." Mr. Sarek stayed stoic giving no expression away. "We just stopped by to invite you to dinner once we're on earth as a way to say thank you."

I smiled. "You really don't have to. I was just doing my job." Sorta...

This time it's Mr. Sarek that spoke up: "It would be an honor and a way to show you our gratitude." I could see the sincerity in his eyes even though it was well hidden behind his Vulcan impassive face.

"The honor will be mine." I replied with a small smile.

"Wonderful." Amanda said. And after making some arrangements to stay in contact so that they could set a date to invite me, they departed from my office. I only have one little worry about going to dinner with them and it's the fact that Spock might be there.

Almost as soon as they left, my communicator chirped to life. "Hey, B, I'm coming over, we need to write our report." Tech said. "I really don't know why we need to do that, when we both know most of it will end up blackened but anyway." I gave a small laugh. As soon as she finished her sentence, the door to my office opened and there she was with her PADD in hands. "Let's do this." She said as she sat in front of my desk. "So, shadow tracking report..."

Once we got back to earth, we changed back into our cadet uniforms and then entered the shuttlecrafts that were to take us back to hangar one. "I'll bring this to Captain Pike and meet you at the auditorium." I told Tech, once we exited the shuttle, showing her the PADD we did our report on as everyone left to get to the auditorium for an assembly.

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⏰ Last updated: Sep 27, 2019 ⏰

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