Chapter 2: An Act of Passion

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    I hung up the phone and threw it across the room, something felt wrong and I felt so cold I was shivering. So I crawled into my bed and buried my self, I felt so tired I wanted to sleep for an eternity I wanted to forget Daniel and of how much humiliation he has put me thru. I eventually drift off into a deep sleep, and I have a dream a very strange dream about that man Sebastian.

   I'm sleeping on my bed and I open my eyes all I can see is red it's like looking at the world dyed in blood. And my balcony doors are open and the wind is sweeping my red curtains around, and then it dies down only to make me gasp as I see Sebastian walking towards me. I noticed that he wasn't wearing a shirt and God did his body look so hot I almost felt the pit of my stomach tingle with anticipation. He had a strange look in his eyes almost like a wild animal and that made me want him even more. The smile he sent me drove me crazy and never in my life did I experience such a pleasure, and I realized is this what you call a wet dream... I couldn't dwell on the thought much more because I felt as if someone was touching me. It felt too real that I had to wake up!

    I was somewhat disappointed seeing as I didn't get to see what Sebastian was going to do to me. I opened my eyes and I realized it was hard to open them and it burned, and it was only because I had been crying and my mascara had run and was in my eyes. "Good your finally up," I quickly opened my eyes to look at my uncle Roman sitting at the edge of my bed looking at his phone. "What are you doing in my room!" He smiled at me, "I got worried when you didn't show up for your piano lesson." I quickly looked at my clock, "shit!..." my uncle laughed out loud, "a lady like yourself shouldn't use such words Irene." I glared at him I sometimes hated him but during our piano lessons I really loved him, and that was the only reason I had asked him to teach me to play. My father had told me that back in high school he had already won a prodigious award for being the youngest member ever to be an accompany to the orchestra. But for one reason or another he quit playing the piano around the time my mother left us. "Sorry...but I really wanted to practice today I think I already got down the piece for Chopins Nocturne in C# minor." He smiled, "don't worry about it, I mainly came to see what you were up too." I settled back down I had a huge headache, "you look horrible Irene..." he then began to laugh so hard that I got mad, "your so mean I'm going to call you old fart so you sound old!" I said and he stopped laughing, "now Irene that's not funny I'm not that much older than you." I smiled and I began to wonder why he was always so serious when it came to his age or appearance. "Anyways weren't you going to go on a date with Daniel? Why aren't you ready? And why are your eyes so red?" Men are so clueless as to how a women feels on the inside. " you love someone so much that you would die for the one you love?" I was expecting him to laugh it was surprising to see him staring at me with such a look that I never saw before, it made me a bit self conscious that he was a man after all and not just my uncle or an older brotherly figure to me. But a man that had a heart and fire burning inside, "I do love someone so much that I would do that and so much more to see her happy." He then brushed a strand of my hair back and placed his warm hand on my cheek it felt so comforting I closed my eyes. "You should really start getting ready if your going on your date with Daniel." I snapped out of it, "I'm not going with him any where any more! We are thru!...can't you tell that I was crying!" I got up and walked into my large bathroom to get the water ready for my bath. "No I knew you were crying I just didn't want to upset you even more by saying it straight out." I got even more mad, "now it makes me even angrier that you were acting so vague to my feelings!" He smiled kind of sadly, "this is the only way to protect you Irene..." I didn't understand what he meant, and he just got up and left. I wondered why he had said that, but either way I had to get ready to have this date with Sebastian. And now that I remember that dream felt too real...I was scared to face him now and embarrassed at the same time to see him.

   A couple hours later I was clean and looked like the princess that my father made me out to be. I chose a nice tight black dress with a corset, and black lace collar that made the tear of blood jewel around my neck glow with beauty. That necklace was given to me by my father on my sweet 16 birthday, he said it was a jewel of royalty. I had heard them all gathering in the main dinning room, and I made my descent down my beautiful white marbled steps with caution. Considering I had chosen brand new heels I hadn't had the chance to break in, but they were the only ones that went well with the dress I wore. I was glad to have made it down safely and even more glad I didn't have an audience unlike my birthday, I couldn't make a wrong move if not it was the end. It made me laugh a little and with that I managed to take some of the pressure I had which was more nerves than anything. I walked into the dinning room and stopped at the entrance, father noticed me right away like always. "Well the princess of the night has just arrived, come this way to greet our guests Irene." I smiled and I think it was such an awkward smile because I noticed my uncle holding the urge to laugh out loud. "It's nice to meet you once again Irene your father speaks highly of you." I instantly blushed when he shook my hand, and that was when I recalled the dream which made me feel so hot I was sweating. "And this is my younger brother Alexander," I snapped out of it as I looked behind him to see a much younger version of him. "Please help him out he will be starting school tomorrow at Richfield Academy." Just then my father laughed, "what a coincidence Irene goes to the same school I'm sure she would be happy to help him along, isn't that right my dear daughter?" When father turned to look at me I could have sworn I saw money symbols in his eyes instead of pupils. "Hi I'm Irene it's nice to meet you," I extended my hand to his and he didn't take it, "I'm sorry about that can you be patient with him." I didn't get way Sebastian was saying that, "he's not very good with girls yet but please try to get along with him." I nodded and smiled at him just then Alex looked at me, and blushed he was so cute. "It's...It's nice to" he said slowly and kind of nervous but still cute. "How old are you Alex?" I said while smiling, "I...I...just turned 17," Sebastian looked somewhat happy that he was responding to me, "well then are we all going to stand here all day asking questions or are we going to eat?" Uncle Roman said as he suddenly appeared out of no where and started to push me towards my seat. Which was next to father who was at the head of the table and next to father sitting across from me was my uncle. Even more so I felt so nervous I couldn't eat properly considering how right next to me was Sebastian, and across from him was Alex. Who looked quiet shy as well, "darling I thought that you were going out to eat with Danny boy?" I almost chocked as my father said that but before I could reply uncle Roman was telling him everything. "It's fine I never planned to stay with Daniel for such a long it seems that there is someone much more important to him than I." I felt so embarrassed, "but Irene we were already discussing marriage between you two." Ugh seriously this is not a good first dinner impression, "don't worry too much about Irene, it's not her fault that Daniel is gay." We all looked at uncle as he had said that so nonchalantly while eating his steak. "What are you talking about Roman!" My dad sounded mad, "well it's not hard to tell he is...I mean the other day I saw him making out with that friend of his." I looked down it hurt and I knew that Roman wouldn't lie because he stared deep into my eyes, and I knew that I had begun to cry. "May I be excused I'm not hungry anymore..." I said as I stood up and didn't even look at any of their faces seeing as I was crying and my mascara might be running again. I didn't wait for my father to give me permission I just left and headed towards my room, I then heard before heading out my father talking about business like nothing had happened. It almost made me feel as if I was a nuisance and that's why he had done it in front of everyone.
   I walked thru the corridors and headed instead to the old wing of the manor where my mother met her lover. If I had known at that time that the Gardner was her lover I would have told my father instead of witnessing them sleeping together. I sat on the edge of the balcony looking up at the moon. It was such a beautiful night so clear and so starry, "be careful I wouldn't want to attend a funeral now..." I was startled by my uncle's voice coming from behind me. "I'm not here to commit suicide although I wish now that I did since your here." He chuckled and came to sit next to me, "you know thinking about that lady won't help your situation." I looked at him and wondered as to how he even knew what I was thinking about. "It doesn't really matter Roman it's in the past...although it feels as though for father it's still present." Uncle Roman placed a warm hand on my shoulder, "it's not your fault...the pain my sister caused him...or more like caused us all is still lingering around us daily." It made me feel a bit better but I wasn't so convinced, "I don't understand why my father has to hurt me? And put me down, ignore me and my feels as though I'm the one atoning for that woman's sins!" I then realized I was crying, "your not alone Irene...your never alone I'll always be by your side to protect you like always." I smiled and uncle smiled down at me so it surprised me even more when I felt something warm pressing against my lips trying to gain access into my mouth. I felt shocked I couldn't move if I did there was a possibility I would fall of the edge of the balcony and hit the concrete floor beneath me. Uncle Roman stopped and stared into my eyes, "you broke up with that idiot right?" He didn't wait for my answer before I felt his lips pressing deeply into mine once again.

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