Chapter 4: A Rose Promise

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I couldn't hold back I felt so stupid to have done that to Irene she must hate me now, I wanted to apologize but she wasn't in her room and it seemed that Alex kid was gone. "Ah! Roman I was looking for you?" I turned around to see my ex brother in law, and wondered if only he knew the truth, "I was looking for Irene...what do you need from me?" Before he answered that he had to appear, "Sebastian wants to know if you can teach Alexander how to play the piano?" I was surprised I wasn't expecting that but my guess was that the Alex kid was after Isabel, "I don't mind per say...but I don't know how Irene will take having someone else join our lessons," Sebastian smiled almost like he knew something my idiot brother in law didn't which wasn't a first. "That's right! Irene was the one who got you to play the piano again right? I forget why it was the you even quit in the first place," I really dreaded quitting but I had no other choice, "you might want to ask her what she thinks first and then let me know." I was about to leave when he called out to me again, "have you seen her?" I looked towards Sebastian and he seemed to know something it really irritated me. "Let me know if your able to do the lessons I'm going to speak to Irene about it tomorrow." I nodded and walked away before they could stop me again, and all thru my long walk to my bedroom I felt like I would never get there I must really be regretting kissing her. But that look of distrust in me was what really made me feel like a scumbag and as I finally got to my room I noticed that my door was slightly ajar, and as I got closer there was a clear sign someone came into my room purposely. The maids know I don't like it when they come into my room and there haven't been any new maids that wouldn't have known otherwise. They seemed to have been searching for something because my room was wrecked, "young master Roman..." I turned around at the sound of Harrison's voice as he was coming into my room, "what happened here?" He looked just as shocked as I did, "I'm not sure but they seemed to have been searching for something, and whatever it was it seems like they found it..." I realized that the jewelry box next to my bed was empty. Inside of that box I had a pendant that was able to ward off any evil, it belonged to my sister and besides warding off evil it could also sense and evil being. "Never mind whatever they stole isn't worth my time I'm tired as it is, I'll leave this mess to you Harrison." I began to walk past him when he spoke, "have you any idea who could have done such a thing?" I turned to look at him, "the only two new faces that were present were Sebastian and his brother Alexander." Harrison made a face, "its impossible since the master was with Sebastian and I personally walked Alexander to the door." It was going to be tough to say I suspected them when they had witnesses, "for now Harrison keep it to yourself...I'm going to sleep in the guest bed rooms." Harrison still couldn't believe the destruction in my room but neither could I, in the end I was glad for some reason. Since the guest room I'd be using was right next door to Irene and I didn't care whether she liked it or not. I had a feeling tomorrow was going to be one Hell of a day even more if Irene keeps her guard around me, I'd hate for her to give up the piano. But that thought alone didn't convince me I had gotten rid of one bug only to have two more swarm around her, I was afraid that this time Gregory would sell her off to marry either of those two shady brothers. "Ro...Roman! Hello?" I was so lost in thought that I didn't hear my name being called, "Gregory?...what's wrong?" I looked at my brother in law or ex brother in law. I never understood my sister for marrying such a gaudy looking man, but it was thanks to him that Irene was born and our family prospered. "I heard from Harrison that your bedroom was destroyed," I kept watching this man and as harmless as he looked on the outside on the inside he was something much darker. "Ah! Yes, my room was destroyed who knows by whom?" I smiled as innocently as I could, and I recalled the words he said to me on the day my sister abandoned us. He had said, "if I allow you to live with us is because you have no one else in life and you live in my house because Irene needs you more, but don't try to go against me Roman or you will end up trying to find her." My brother in law has such a cold heart that's why I dare not disappoint him, "I'll be staying in one of the guest bed room for now until they fix it." I said as I began to walk away from him only to have him stop me, "Roman!" he sounded pretty mad, "what is it Gregory?" he then suddenly punched me. "Don't forget who makes the decisions here?" I really hated Gregory and after a while of enduring his constant beatings I realized that maybe my sister had a reason for leaving everything behind. But I no longer cared whether he hit or beat me, since Irene would be spared from seeing her father for what he really is. I never want to make her have that look of horror on her face, maybe that's why Gregory tends to strike when he knows that Irene isn't around. "Get out of my way Roman!" he then shoved me aside, I laughed to my self my little sister really did know how to pick them. "Young master Roman are you alright?" I turned and noticed that Harrison had seen everything, "I'm fine...I'm used to it." He looked sad, "young master Roman if I may give you some advice..." he looked at me to be sure I wouldn't get mad. "Go on Harrison," he nodded and walked a bit closer, "I know master Gregory very well...I gave this same advice to your sister Catharine she endured much more than a few bruises. Master Gregory loved to mentally torture her and make her go crazy and before long your parents died, Catharine blamed Gregory for their deaths and he brought you here." I felt chills run down my spine I hadn't known she had suffered so much at the hand of that monster, "she abandoned everything to save herself she wanted to live so that she could see her daughter in the future." I realized a tear had escaped me, "I see now...Gregory truly is a monster," Harrison then pulled me into the room. "I've been here my entire life and I've seen the things that master Gregory has done." It didn't make sense what he was talking about? "Irene isn't his first daughter...she's his second child, his first child was his daughter Lilith." I was so confused, "where is Lilith?" Harrison looked away, "she died..." I was shocked, "what about Lilith's mother?" he smiled sadly, "she committed suicide when Lilith was 5." I was going to walk away when he stopped me once again, "Lilith was raped by the master..." he said it in a very quiet way almost a whisper." When Harrison said that my heart sunk, "Irene will never be harmed by him even before he touches one strand of her hair I'll kill him." Harrison nodded and looked like a weight had been lifted from his shoulders, but that didn't make me feel at ease especially after knowing Irene could be in danger.

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