Chapter 3: The Night of Passion

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"STOP!" I pushed him away and I managed to run, but I had to be clumsy enough to trip on my own dress. I looked down and touched my leg only to see that thanks to my heel I had a gash on my leg and it was bleeding. I hardly even reacted to how much blood it was, but suddenly I felt a warm hand on my wound.

I looked up to see that it was Alex and he looked somewhat worried he kept pressure on my leg while he wrapped a napkin from the table around my leg. And once he was done he half smiled at me and I suddenly realized how embarrassing it must have been. I then looked behind Alex to make sure that Sebastian wasn't behind him. Even worse my uncle waiting to pounce on me again like an animal. Alex helped me stand up and I began to limp to my room and he just watched. Then again I did tell him I was fine on my own, but that was before the adrenaline rush began to fade and the pain began to kick it's way in. "You should let me help you," he said softly and it was the first time he didn't stutter or get confused. "I'll be fine on my own! room isn't that far away," and when I looked at his face he had a certain glint in his eye and a smirk on his smug little face. He looked like a demon, "I'm going to help regardless of your consent, if I just stand and watch Bastian will kill me when we get home." I looked at Alex and realized how Sebastians nickname was somewhat hot. I reluctantly agreed to Alex helping me and he carried me like a princess. And as we headed towards my room I began to think that something was off about this situation. Looking up at Alex I could hardly believe that this guy was the same shy guy I had met just a few short hours ago.

"So why were you planning on escaping?" He looked down at me and had a cute yet playful smile. It seemed to coincide with the glint in his eye, "it's not my cup of tea if you know what I mean," I laughed only because he was like me. "So your not a man of business?" He quirked his eyebrows somewhat surprised by my response, but he laughed it off. "I thank all the Gods in the universe for having Bastian he has the brain to handle the family business." It felt somewhat weird to speak about his family which made it easy on me not to press for more answers. "I could never do the things he can..." I realize a bit too early just as he had realized too late he had spoken out loud. "Never mind don't pay attention it was kind of lame..." he looked dead ahead and I realized that we had taken a wrong turn. "This isn't the way to my room?" He stopped and looked down at me, "it's not!" Alex was surprised, "where is your room?" For some reason I was confused, "where were you headed?" I began to giggle at how confused he was, "I'm not sure I thought your room would be down thru this corridor..." I looked down knowing that thru this corridor was my mother's old bedroom. "No this is just a bad place I'd rather forget..." he kept walking and didn't dare say anything.

"So what happened? You seemed upset earlier when we were eating," I looked at him. "Why? Are you curious?" I began to laugh, "a bit, I'm interested in you..." when he said that I almost choked with my laughter, "what do you mean?" He suddenly turned a bright shade of red it was kind of cute, "just that I'm interested in there a problem?" I smiled at him but he didn't look down at me, "there you are Alex!" We then heard a deep seductive voice coming from behind us and I right away knew it was Sebastian. And my heart began to race, "what did you do Alex!?" he looked extremely upset about something, but to question his brother without an explanation that wasn't normal...or was I, I wasn't sure considering I was an only child. "Relax Bastian!...Irene just hurt herself..." I then noticed how pale he looked even more than he did before and his sharp features seemed to be clouded by something dark. "I smelled blood...and I thought something had happened..." he then realized he said something weird when I began to question what he meant, "you smelled blood?..." he didn't look at me he stared at Alex. "Take the Princess to her room Alex...I'll wait for you at home." That was all he said before he left and didn't dare tell me what he meant which was weird, "what did Sebastian mean?" Alex smiled down at me only to avoid the question as well. "Sebastian was pretty mad I have never seen him this mad..." I interrupted him, "he wasn't mad he was upset about something only that the thing about smelling blood doesn't make sense, do you know what that meant?" Even if I pressure him Alex didn't crack, "I can't say for certainty but trust me on this if you want to live a peaceful life in this castle you might as well forget it as a simple misspoken sentence and nothing more...its for your own good Irene." And with that I let the topic go although it still bothered me.

A couple Minutes later:

I stared at my room door for a while as Alex opened it and led me inside, "finally we made it out of that maze!" Alex said as he let himself fall into my bed. "You know that I'm wounded over here?" He laughed and for some reason having him close made me feel comfortable, "Irene?...are you in here? I need to speak with you." I suddenly grabbed Alex and told him to be quite, I didn't know if we should run or jump out my balcony. He nodded and just signaled me that he would be quiet, and so I waited and waited till he got tired and left. "I know your in there if you won't open the door that's fine. But tomorrow if you want to pretend like nothing happened all admit to rejection...but know that I'll always love you not like your uncle or a brother. I love you like a man would love a woman." I was so embarrassed after hearing all of that even more so to have someone I barely met listen to such a passionate confession from a member of my family. It felt so awkward... "I think he left..." Alex said as he got comfortable in my bad. "Hey what are you doing?!" he laughed, "can't you tell? I'm laying down my back is sore." I instantly glared at him since I weighed 125 pounds I was practically considered skin and bones. But then again if I recall my mother was also skin and bones. "Aren't you straying a bit too far from your shy character?" He smiled again and he looked incredibly good laying down on my bed. But that cutesy act won't work on me, "who said I was the shy type of guy?" I then realized that I got played by this guy one year younger than me too. "So you've been acting this whole time!" he burst out laughing. "Just a bit by nature I am meek but I felt really comfortable around you so I'm behaving like I normally would at home." I sighed this kid was going to make my life a living Hell. "By the way is that a regular thing?" I looked at him confused, "What is?" He then pointed to the door and I got what he meant. I nodded and looked out my window, and realized just how beautiful the moon was. "Oh...that just barely occurred today I never knew he had those feelings for me." Alex stared intently at me, "your uncle is the same age as my brother isn't he?" I shrugged only because I didn't know, "how old is your uncle?" I had to think about it. "He's 25 I think? he looks younger though," Alex nodded, "Yea he's the same age as Bastian...thats odd?" I looked at him as he said that, "what's wrong?" he had a cool sort of smile as he sat up on my bed looking at me. "I wonder why every time I say Bastian you get that look on your face...its starting to piss me off." He said as he stood so fast I almost fell back. It was hard to move even more so when he was pinning me down, "what's wrong Alex?" I was seriously confused about this situation, "you know my brother doesn't believe in love." I looked up at him some what shocked, "why?..." he smiled and sat on the edge of my bed looking at the floor. "Because the woman he loved took her own life..." I was in utter shock as to how awful that must have been. "That's why you won't be someone special towards him love is meaningless and painful." Looking deep into his eyes I knew he wasn't lying, but I could also see that there was something else there almost like he was hiding something. "You should be spared from the pain of loving my brother you aren't the first I have told, but maybe you'll be the first that actually listens before its too late." I didn't get what he meant or why he said it as if nothing good ever came from ignoring his warning before. "Well then I completed my mission so now all that's left is to find Bastian before he leaves me here." I didn't say anything as he left it was better that way, seeing as how my thoughts about Sebastian were swirl in my head.
Once Alex had left I was completely alone even my uncle didn't bother coming to talk again. I sat there looking at my ceiling and that's when I realized the gash on my leg, I needed to go to the doctor. But it didn't bother me as much considering how it felt inside my heart like it was breaking into tiny pieces. The only thing I thought about was Sebastian he really did get into my skin, but Alex warned me I should listen to him if not it would get ugly. As i thought about different scenarios and situations I drifted off to sleep, it wasn't so much that I was tired but the loss of blood in my leg might have been too much. And right now i really didn't care whether I died or lived it would be a much simpler decision.

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