Chapter 1: The Meeting

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    Today was supposed to be like every other day here in beautiful posh Beverly when it was cut short by my boyfriend Daniel and his best friend Mark walking into my pool house. "Irene you have got to come see your new neighbor." I quirked my eye brow at them, "I didn't think we had any neighbors it takes me at least 20 minutes to reach your house by car." He smiled at me, and his blue eyes seemed to look aqua in contrast to the water in my pool I really loved his eyes, "well he lives closer than you think?" he stated it as a matter of fact. "Have you met him yet?" they both looked at one another, "we just ran into him as he was guiding all his servants to move everything into the house." By then I had just gotten out of the pool and began to dry myself it was a bit embarrassing considering the bikini I wore, and I had both Daniel and Mark starring at me. Daniel immediately came to my side and made sure I was covered from head to toe, but we all had a reason to worry considering that Mark tried to make a move on me before, but I guess to Daniel friendship is better than love. I was stupid for thinking I mattered to him but he's only with me because my family owns Becker Industries a major contributor to the world trade, "Irene are you listening?" I snapped out of my gloomy mood, "yes! What were you saying?" they laughed and at times I got the vibes that maybe Daniel might be gay he has never asked me to have sex with him not once since we started dating back in middle school. "That guy seems to be freaking loaded he bought the old Grand Mansion that was built by that italian family," I began to think and I remember that across from our recently built mansion sat an old creepy mansion the gates were what scared me the most. "He seems like the type to party a lot and party hard!" Mark said, "sounds interesting..." I began to walk towards the main house hoping that Daniel would follow but when I looked back he was heading towards the exit with Mark. "My Lady, Master Gregory request an audience with you?" I looked at Harrison our butler, "I'm going! Can you let me change first? I don't think that the council would want to see me wearing such an outfit," he chuckled and went on his way, "this house is full of secrets like always..." I turned around and sitting by a window was my uncle, "I thought you had left already uncle Roman?" He laughed and I remembered that I would say I was going to marry him, "how mean of you my dear niece after all I was the one that raised you when my beloved little sister left us." I hated that he brought that up all the time so I would pity him and myself plus he always made that cute face, "you know you look an awful lot like your mother," he pushed aside a strand of my hair, "she's not my mother!" It took us all years to forget that woman who left us, "I would never be as greedy and conceited like her!" Uncle Roman came towards me, "your just lucky your even more beautiful than your mother," I slapped my uncle's hand from my face, "my father is waiting for me," I started to walk away from him, I always liked my uncle but nowadays he acted like a jerk. When I met him I was 10 and he was only 15 now he's 24, and I'm about to turn 18. I made it to my room and looked at all the beauty within all of the riches I had could never buy what I really wanted and needed, and that was Love a love that Daniel nor anyone could ever give me. (But boy am I going to be wrong).

   I managed to make it in time before my father sent Harrison again to come fetch me, "I'm here father," he looked at me at a glance and then he went back to scanning thru his papers and looking at his computer. If anything he hardly ever looked at me I could come in here naked and he wouldn't say anything my father was more oblivious to certain things, but he is a smart man that's how he was able to build such a large company. Despite mother cheating on him and I was the one to tell father after all I had been the one to catch her in the act, I guess that's what traumatized me. I don't blame my father if he hates her I will always hate her, "sit down Irene," I sat down and that's when he stopped doing everything he was doing. "Your going to turn 18 soon and I'm so tired..." I knew where this talk was headed, "I was thinking your old enough to take over Becker enterprise and make it into your own Empire your old enough." I wasn't prepared to hear this talk till I was married, "you thought I was going to give it to you after you married...that was the original plan but it seems that Daniel's family has other plans for him. And to find such a perfect young man for my beloved daughter is almost impossible." I don't know if it was more an insult than a compliment but either way it meant that I was difficult to please, but it was so obvious father always treated me like a world wide treasure to him I was the most precious thing. "Sir, Mr. Sebastian Barbarak is here to see you," I looked at father he looked confused, "who?" Harrison asked, "our neighbor is here to speak to you sir." Father still looked shocked but none the less he agreed to meet, and when he came into father's office my breath was taken by looking at a handsome elegant man walking inside. I was in a daze, "I'm sorry to come so suddenly I just wanted to introduce myself," my father was speechless, "Mr. Barbarak as in Barbarak Global Enterprise." He nodded, "I just moved across the street to the old victorian mansion," my father got up, "I have been trying to buy that mansion for years!" Sebastian looked a bit afraid at my father's sudden outburst but it was true father wanted to buy that mansion for some reason. "The owner said he wasn't planning to sell it, how did you buy it?" he chuckled softly it was cute, "I'm the actual owner that mansion has been in my family for decades you could say." And he said it almost like it was a really old place, but it was old only that it was built to last I guess, "I don't think you would want to buy it we have so many skeletons in the backyard." He laughed and father calmed down, "Yes, I heard from a friend that there is a mass family burial in the back yard and that it was apparently haunted," he sat back down and straightened out his tie, and that's when father realized I was still there. "Oh! Irene come meet Sebastian Barbarak I came closer to him and he looked at me, I suddenly felt as though we were the only two people in this world. He extended his hand and I shook it but the electricity seemed to overwhelmed me as I felt his warmth reach deep inside of me. It felt as though I was on fire, "Gregory you needed me?" that ruined the moment, "ah! Perfect timing Roman meet Sebastian Barbarak," my uncle looked at him for a second and then he looked at me I was guessing that I was blushing, "nice to meet you." Uncle looked a bit mad, "Irene your boyfriend is looking for you," I looked at my uncle surprised that he suddenly mentioned Daniel, "I thought that he had already left with Mark?" Suddenly my uncle gave me that look and I really hated it, "strange...he told me that you suddenly disappeared." He said it all sarcastically but he knew well enough that Daniel would never notice my abscense when he was with Mark, and that's what led me to think that maybe he was gay. "Well then I will have to excuse myself then..." I was waiting for father to tell me I had to stay, but he didn't and I walked out of his office boiling mad, and that's when I realized...why was I mad? Did I have a reason to be mad? I felt so stupid. I walked down the long strech of the corridor and then I heard footsteps coming from behind me, "you look kind of mad Irene?" I glared at my uncle as he walked a bit faster in front of me. "Leave me alone!" I started running in the hall way, "are you mad because you couldn't talk to Sebastian? For some reason I don't get a good vibe from him especially the way he looked at you." I began to think in what way did that man stare at me, "funny, I never saw him staring at me?" Uncle had a grin on his face, "aww, but you were staring at him quite intensely." I got even more upset after realizing that I was acting dumb, "you know your mother often played this way, and it made your father upset but that was her original nature." It made me mad to think just how much time has to pass so they would stop comparing me to my mother, if anything I'm nothing like that women, "uncle please leave me alone!" He smiled, "don't forget we have dinner with Sebastian Barbarak later tonight." I stopped dead in my tracks to stare at him, "you have to be kidding me right?" Uncle smiled and shook his head, "he's bringing his younger brother." I looked at him, "I'm going out to eat with Daniel," he was trying to see right thru my lie, but it would go just as planned the minute a texted him. I smiled as innocently as I could and rushed down the hall to my room, thankfully my uncle had stopped bothering me.

    I quickly began my message to my boyfriend Daniel, 'Danny we are going out tonight pick me up at 7:30 Love Irene.' It was short and sweet and not a minute too soon he calls me, "hey Irene!" I walked over to my walk in closet to see what I was going to wear, "about our date I'm going to have to take a rain check honey." I instantly saw the big heavy door slowly shut on my soul, "why?...what's so important besides your own girlfriend!" I was so mad but why even bother asking him who was more important, I knew all too well who it was. "Mark and I are going to stay overnight at my families villa." Oh! great...that was just perfect, "you know Daniel I'm starting to notice just how important Mark is to you!" It was pretty obvious that I was mad not jealous, "I never said he was important, he's just my best friend..." That's where I cut him off, "would a best friend kiss his best friends girlfriend!" He honestly stood silent thinking about it, "and would a boyfriend easily forgive that friend just like that!" I could hear a mumbling sound in the background and I was sure that it was stupid Mark. "That kiss was just a test Irene, if you want consider it a game or a horrible prank, because I was the one that asked Mark to kiss you." I was so mad I was at the brink of my insanity here with this guy about to push him off the edge, "I want to break up..." I didn't think I had whispered it, but I'm pretty sure they had heard me. "What! You have to be kidding me!" Now that made him react the way I had hoped, "we aren't going to break up!" He was stubborn, "look Daniel you only like me because we make each other look good and our families have inmense power and wealth," it seemed as though he was ignoring me because he kept talking to Mark. "Plus all these years that we have been together you haven't touched me in any way," it made me laugh I could hear the duh sound in my head each and every time because I was right about Daniel. "I don't want to break up..." he said it a bit sad and it was kind of depressing, "its too late Daniel Good bye."

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