Crybaby Walker | Aniversery | Part 1/2

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You and Crybaby have been dating for a year. It's your anniversary today. You're a square and your parents didn't approve of Crybaby to begin with but they've warmed up to him now.

You're sitting on your bed reading a book, it was 11:00am and you had just woken up. After finishing the chapter you were on you decided to mark off your calendar and get ready for the day. A quick glance at the date gave you the reminder that a year ago today Crybaby asked you to be his girl. Smiling, you walked over to your closet and picked out a knee-length black skirt with a baby blue sleeveless button up. You pulled the curlers out of your hair and began your makeup. Today mascara and red lipstick, which your parents hated, but today wasn't about them it was about Crybaby, he loved when you wore red lipstick.

Suddenly you heard the engine of your boyfriends motorcycle outside your window, you rushed over to the window just to make sure it was him. You ran down the stairs to get to the door before your parents could. As soon as you opened the door Crybaby picked you up in a hug and gave you a kiss. "Happy anniversary baby" He said with a Grin.

You lead him into the kitchen where your family was sitting eating breakfast at the table. "Dad, today's me and Wade's anniversary, do you think I could spend the day with him?" You asked putting on a sweet voice.

"I guess so. Be home for supper with your grandparents tonight though. Wade you're welcome to join us if you'd like," He said shifting his eyes from the newspaper to Crybaby.

"Of course Mr. L/N," He said smiling politely at your father.

You grabbed a piece of toast of the table on your way out the door.
"Do ya gotta call me Wade?" He complained to you as soon as you got out the door.
"Yes you know how my dad hates when I call you Crybaby,"
You Both hopped on the motorcycle and drove off. You hugged your arms around his muscular torso and rested your head on his shoulder. You had no idea where he was taking you but you knew it was somewhere special. Crybaby was such a romantic, his friends bothered him for it. The motorcycle slowed down and came to a stop. You looked around but there was nothing but an empty road and trees. "Crybaby, where are we?"

"Don't ask questions, just follow me." He said pulling his motorcycle into the ditch. He pulled a bandana out of his back pocket and tied it around your eyes. He picked you up one arm supporting your back one under your knees. After about a minute of him walking you through the thick forrest you he set you down. "Alright, open your eyes,"
Your jaw dropped it was beautiful, there was a small lake, the water sparkling from the sun. A blanket was set out with a picnic basket in the middle. He walked you over to the tree closest to the blanket. It had a heart carved into it with WW+Y/I in the middle.

"Oh Crybaby this all must have taken you all morning!"
"Anything for my girl," He smiled sweetly looking into your eyes.
He sat you down on the blanket and opened the basket, it had chocolate covered strawberries in it, your favourite, along with sandwich's and crackers with cheese and sausage.
"Are you hungry?" He asked pulling out a sandwich. You both had one. Now full, he laid down, you followed him, laying your head down on his chest. "I love you, Y/N" you turned around onto your stomach to look at him. Slightly lifting his head he kissed you. Crybaby was a great kisser and he knew what you liked. After a short make out session you pulled away, smiling, "What do you say we try out that lake?" You suggested, already knowing his answer.
"You read my mind Baby," He said smiling already taking off his tight, white t-shirt. You both quickly stripped down into your underwear and ran into the lake. You splashed him. "Oh you shouldn't have done that!" he said laughing. He effortlessly picked you up by the waist and threw you into the water. He dove in and swam up to you, now neck deep in the water. He pushed back his dark hair and pulled you into the deeper water with him. You couldn't feel the bottom so you held his biceps in order to keep yourself above water. Grabbing you by the waist he pulled you closer, eliminating any space left between you. You wrapped your legs around him and your arms around his neck. Your lips met, they were cold from the water but quickly warmed up. Giving your bottom lip a bite, he disappeared underwater and threw you over his shoulder as he came back up making you squeal. He set you down on the blanket gently and sat down beside you after pulling his jeans back on. You were shivering slightly so he put his jacket over your shoulders and giving you a kiss on the cheek.

"I'll be right back," He stood up and half-ran over to a tree and reached behind it, pulling out his guitar. He knew you loved when he sang to you. Sitting down he began to pluck at the the strings, recognizing the tune you smiled uncontrollably.

"Baby's good to me, she's happy as can be, you know she said so..." He hated The Beatles but he learned your favourite song anyways. You watched him lovingly still shocked he learned a Beatles song.

As soon as he finished you crawled toward him, he set his guitar aside and wrapped his arms around you making you fall on top of him. Kissing passionately, he rolled you onto your back getting on top of you. Now kissing you on the neck, without a doubt leaving marks. He slowly moved down to your chest and slipped his hand under your back, unclipping your bra. You reached down undoing the button on his jeans.

"Are you sure?" Smiling, you nodded, signifying a yes and pulling his head back to yours for a kiss. You had never gone all the way with Crybaby, you had done other things but technically you were still a virgin. He began kissing your neck again moving down to your breasts, then stomach. He pulled of your panties effortlessly and start with one flat-tongued lick from vagina to clitoris. Circularly licking your clit to get you started. He came back up kissing your body on the way. he licked you between the breasts before meeting your lips again. Using your hand you guided him inside you. Slowly and gently he pushed in. You threw your head back and arched your spine while moaning. He slowly gained a bit of speed once you showed him you were pleased. Still giving gentle thrusts he began kissing your neck again. He loved giving hickeys, it was like marking his territory, he wanted people to know you were his. He let out a grunt.

"God I love you," He said obviously pleasured by your wetness. It was slightly painful but in a good way. He knew what he was doing. He was getting close so he reached his hand down to your clit so you would finish too. All the sensations were driving you crazy.

"Crybaby!" you chanted over and over, encouraging him. "I'm gonna, I'm gonna-," You cut yourself off with a loud moan. Your pulsating walls set Crybaby off at the same time, making him grunt. He pulled out and rolled off to your side. Breathing heavily he smiled at you, then reached to his pile of clothes picking up his watch.

"Shit! It's 4:00 already, we gotta go get ready for supper with your grandparents," Crybaby had to go home and change before seeing them. They did not like the fact that he was a greaser, so he had to tone it down.

"Has it really been 5 hours already" You said in disbelief as you got dressed in a rush. He gave you his jacket again, it was starting to cool off. Together you both ran as fast as you could considering the thickness of the forrest, back to the road. You hopped on the motorcycle and left as soon as he was sure you had a tight grip around him. Slightly speeding you made it back to your house in good time.

"Ok I gotta go, I'll see you in a bit," Crybaby said giving you a peck as you got off the motorcycle.

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