Chapter Five

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Ashara stood with Master Plo Koon onboard the bridge of his cruiser. They were approaching a bright red sun. Ashara was quiet as she watched the ship that they were tracking. It stood out like a sore thumb against the red sun. A clone, Commander Wolffe, walked up to them, and reported what he had found.

"The enemy ship has reduced its speed, general", he said. Ashara frowned, knowing what that probably meant.

"They must have realized we are tracking them", Plo Koon said.

"The fleet is holding its position, sir", Wolffe continued.

"I think it wise to report our position before we attack", Plo Koon continued as he turned around. Ashara silently agreed, following him as they went to the holotable.

"Skywalker's fleet is nearby, in the Bith system", Wolffe said. Ashara fought back a grin. She hadn't seen Anakin in a while. Ever since they rescued Jabba's son, she had been passed around to different Jedi generals. There weren't enough clone battalions for her to lead her own, so they were trying to find another general to put her with to co-lead. So far, none of them had worked out. Ashara was really confused as to why no one thought that she was good fit to help lead,  but she knew that eventually she would find her group. 

"Good", Plo Koon said in response to the clone. "Perhaps he can reinforce us."

"From what I hear, Skywalker's always ready for a fight", Wolffe said. Ashara snorted.

"So I've heard", Plo Koon agreed. Ashara piped up.

"Trust me, Anakin will never pass an opportunity to kick some separatist butt", she said, just as Anakin and Ahsoka appeared on the holotable. Ashara grinned when she saw her favorite togruta. Ahsoka smiled back at the older togruta, before she turned her attention to Plo Koon.

"Koh-to-ya, Master Plo", she said respectfully. 

"Koh-to-ya, little 'Soka", Plo Koon said, sounding very happy to see the young togruta.

"How's the hunt for the mystery weapon going?" Anakin asked. Ashara chuckled quietly; Anakin always got straight to the point. He never was one to really joke around. Unless it was in the middle of a battle, with Obi-wan by his side. Then the jokes never stopped coming. 

"We've tracked it to Abregado system", Plo Koon said. "We need reinforcements."

"I'll have to ask the council, Master Plo. I was given strict orders to protect our staging area."

The holograms started to fizzle out, Ahsoka barely managing to get a sentence out. "Master Plo, what's happen-?" It was crackly, but Ashara managed to understand what Ahsoka said before the hologram completely went out.

"What is wrong with the transmission?" Plo Koon asked Wolffe, who was working to figure out what happened. Ashara hummed, before looking back at the ship that supposedly held the mystery weapon.

"There's too much interference, sir", he answered. "We've lost em."

"I bet the Separatists are blocking our transmissions", Ashara said. "They don't want us to figure out what their weapon is. That's why there's been no survivors in the past, right?"

"That is the most logical explanation", Plo Koon answered, following the togruta's gaze. They started to get closer and closer to the mystery weapon, and Ashara found herself growing nervous. 

"Calm yourself, Ashara", Plo Koon said. Ashara nodded, and forced the feelings of nervousness away. She forced herself to feel calm, though she wasn't sure how well it was working. It was mostly just causing her forehead to tense up.

"The enemy ship is closing", Wolffe told them. 

"Prepare for battle", Plo Koon said. Ashara didn't move, knowing that there wasn't anything she could really help with. She watched as a glow appeared from the side of the ship. She faintly overheard Wolffe tell Plo Koon that there was a large energy reading coming from the ship.

"Open fire", Plo Koon ordered.

"We're not in range yet, sir", the clone answered. Ashara's eyes widened as an ion blast came hurtling towards them in space, slowly growing wider and wide the further it moved. The moment it passed over the ship, the power started to go out, and Ashara was sent stumbling forward. 

"That energy field has left us defenseless!" 

The enemy ship opened fire on the nearest cruiser.

"They're tearing us apart, one by one!"

Ashara watched in horror as the ship exploded. She turned to Plo Koon, who nodded, giving her the consent she needed to immediately order evacuation. The togruta rushed to the escape pods, where Plo Koon was yelling to the clones to hurry. She stood next to him, watching as clones hurried into the pods. Once she saw no more clones, she entered the pod herself, Plo Koon following. The pods launched, and Ashara let out a quiet sigh of relief though she knew that it would be a while, if ever, until someone found them.

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