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***** Noah *****

This is such bullshit. I don't think I've ever been this angry. I just don't understand how she has the nerve to just lie to me. It was a simple question. I can't fault her for feelings she had before me. Hell I can't even fault the guy for being pissed at her. She did a selfish thing by just leaving him without so much as a good bye. Not that I agree with him coming here and raising his voice at my wife. He's fucking lucky I've always been so level headed. Most guys would have come in swinging.

He definitely still has feelings for her. I can't blame him. I would be just as upset. I get it, I do. My therapist brain understands fully why she did it. Carly is a runner. She runs and leaves from her problems. Sure she's gotten much better after us being together. But she still has that split second when we are in a fight that I see her. I see her wanting to run and walk out. But she hasn't. She hasn't run from her problems since the night Lucy and Jim died.

Those kids were the first time she stepped up. But her past mistakes are coming back to
bite her in the ass. And as much as I hate this. She needs to confront it head on. She needs to realize she fucked up and was in the wrong. No matter how bad she was hurting. Both of them need to talk this shit out.


The tension in the kitchen last night was so thick I almost couldn't get through it. And now this freaking car ride couldn't get any longer. We are seriously stuck in traffic on
the way home. We've only spoken two words to eachother since last night after she lied to me. I just can't take liers. Especially when it's my wife.

I haven't even wanted to look her in the eye because I know the second I do, I will forgive her. But she can't get away with lieing to my face that easily. I have every right to be pissed right now.

"Noah." Her voice is timid and nervous. Practically a whisper.


"I'm sorry."

I literally can't do this right now. I'm to pissed between the traffic and everything else. I see her in the corner of my eye. She looks broken. She knows she fucked up.

"Listen, this traffic is a bitch. Let's just get through it and we will talk at home. Okay?"

She agrees, after an hour of traffic we finally pull up to our house. She goes inside and I bring our bags in and up to our room. When I get up there she's sitting on the arm chair crying. Shit. She's my freaking weakness. It physically hurts me to see her hurting.

I drop the bags and kneel down in front of her
forcing her to look at me. "Carly?"

"Noah, I was so stupid. I'm sooo sooo sorry. I didn't mean to lie. I've never lied to you and I don't want you to hate me." I wipe her tears away trying to calm her. There's no way this stress is good for the baby.

"Breath baby, and relax, it's going to be okay. I could never hate you."

"No it's not okay. You didn't deserve that. I shouldn't have lied. I was just scared. I didn't like the question at all. And I certainly didn't want to admit that I did have feelings for him back then."

I smirk a bit. Of course she didn't like the question. Hell, I didn't even like the question.

"Carly I didn't ask you because I wanted to upset you. I asked you because I could tell there was unfinished business there. He is still in love with you. And as much as you don't want to admit it, you had feelings for him and may still have some that resurfaced when you guys reconnected. " I roll my eyes, hating what I have to say next. "And I fucking hate it, just so you know." She half smiles at me through teary eyes. "You both need closure. You need to talk it out and apologize. He deserves an answer as to why you never said good bye."

"I don't really want to do that."

"I figured. And if I'm being honest I dont want you to either." She furrows her eyebrows. "He was your first love. He will always have a place in your heart. I hate it but I get it."

She softly smiles and gently places her hand on my cheek. "No. He wasn't my first love, Noah. You were and are my first true love. Yes I had feelings for him, but it was nothing more than a crush."

I freaking love this woman. I grab her hand and kiss the back of it.

"Just promise me you will talk it out and get it out of your system. We have a family here and we need you. I want you to get closure. You both deserve it. But that's it, you're my wife."

"Noah, you are truly an amazing man. Most men wouldn't be okay with this. But you're not most men. You are a far greater man than any man I have ever known." She leans down and gives me a loving kiss. "I love you with all my heart. I'm seriously sorry I lied but I'm not lieing now. I love you and our family and you guys are all I need in life."

"I love you so much Carly, I would do anything for you and our family and if that means setting my pride aside so you can have a little bit of closure then I will." I stand up. "Now get some rest, you and our baby need it. "

She nods and changes into something more comfortable, before she lays down in bed. I tuck her in and leave her to rest with a kiss on her forehead.


***** Carly *****

It's been a few days since our fight. I hate fighting with Noah, I would rather have teeth
pulled than fight with the one man who means the most to me. I really don't know why I lied to him. It was freaking stupid, I know. I was scared of the feelings I was having. Seeing Mike and having him open old wounds plus with the pregnancy hormones everything was just so overwhelming and multiplied. I couldn't think straight. My brain was literally mush. And I'm not saying it as an excuse, I for sure shouldn't have lied to Noah, but I did.

Now it's time I start fixing my mess. I started this mess years ago when I decided to get up and leave my life behind. That life included Mike. He didn't deserve the way I left. He does deserve some answers.

Noah convinced me to call him, which I did and after some more convincing he is meeting me at a local diner so we can talk.
Noah of course wanted to be there but I felt it was my mess and I needed to clean it up. I
can't have my husband always cleaning up after me.

"Bye baby." Noah is walking me out to my car before I meet up with Mike.

"Bye, I love you, and thank you for understanding I have to do this alone."

"I love you too, and even if I don't like it. I will always support you and our family." He leans down and gives me a big loving kiss. I wrap my arms around him pulling him deeper into the kiss. "Be safe." I nod and sit in my car buckling myself up. He waves me off and down the driveway.

Now I have to man up and get this done.

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