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***** Noah *****

My beautiful baby boy was born.

7 lbs. 6 oz.
18 inches long.

He is absolutely amazing already. I literally have not been able to take my eyes off of him since he was born. Don't get me wrong, I love Carly, and I love Connor, Maggie, and Jemma. But this little baby boy? I can't even fathom how much I love him already. I honestly didn't think it was possible to love someone so much that you can't even rationalize your love for them. He's breathtaking. I can already see how he is going to run our house. So much for being the boss. He already has me wrapped around his finger. The girls of course are going to gush all over him and treat him like their little baby. And Connor, Connor is so excited to have another boy on his team. He will probably want to teach him everything he knows. As for Carly, well of course Carly has her baby. This precious little boy that we faught and prayed for. Of course she's going to treat him like a little prince.

My family is perfect.

Right now Carly is sleeping with our little boy cuddled up on her chest after his first nursing. And boy can he eat already. Everything feels so surreal. I'm a dad. An actual dad by blood. Like mine and Carly's love for eachother made a tiny human being. Mind blown. Just the entire process of pregnancy and birthing everything is just so mind blowing. It's seriously an amazing thing, that an entire human being can be made inside of a female's body. The human body is a such a miraculous thing.

My phone ringing draws my attention away from my thoughts. Scott's name flashes across the screen, "Hey Scott."

"Hey man. So are you officially a daddy yet?"

"Yup, happened just a couple of hours ago. I'm sorry we didn't call anyone yet. We wanted to wait for a more reasonable
time, so you guys didn't get woken up."

"Hell we were all up and waiting. I didn't even leave your house. After dropping you guys there I came back to help Stacy with the kids."

"Thanks man, I'm sure she loves the help." He chuckles down the phone.

"Maybe not so much. She did make a comment about babysitting four kids at one point." I quietly laugh at him so I don't wake Carly and my baby boy.

"That's because you are a giant kid." He huffs my comment off. "Let me talk to Stacy for a second."

"Sure. Hey princess he wants to talk to you."
I hear the shuffling of the phone and bickering between the two of them.

"Hey Noah. How's our girl?"

"Exhausted, but happy. They are both sleeping. I'll text you guys a photo. How are the kids?"

"Good like always. I just woke them up for school. They are getting ready. Do you want me to get them?"

"No, but I'm gonna email the school, I rather you bring them here if that's okay. I'm sure they want to see Carly and the baby."

"Yeah they haven't stopped talking about meeting their baby brother."

Baby brother? Damn that's adorable. I hear Carly moving so I turn around to see her awake and trying to adjust her position to sitting up. "Stacy we love you guys, thank you so much and we will see you soon." I hang up and pick up my baby boy so Carly can sit up easier.

Once she's comfortable again, I sit at the foot of her bed still with my son in my hands. I'm pretty sure we need to finally come up with a name for him.

"What are we going to name him?" I ask her without taking my eyes off of this bundle of joy. He's sound sleep with the cutest little pout.

"I know. I've been thinking about it. Do you like Aaiden or Jackson."

"Nope." I pop the 'p', furthering my point. "Aaiden is too popular right now and Jackson, come on Jackson Jacobson? It's a mouth full. We would already be signing him up to be bullied." A loud laugh escapes her perfect lips, successfully waking our little boy.  I smile and hand him back over to her, where she cuddles him to her chest again.

"He looks like a Liam", I say.


"Liam." She says it a few times as if she is trying it out, seeing how it feels on her lips. "I like it, in fact I love it. Except I really like the idea of your name for his middle name and they might sound a little silly together."

"Liam Noah Jacobson?" Now I'm trying the name out a few times. I know it doesn't exactly roll off the tongue, but I do like it alot. The idea of son having my name for his middle name fills me with pride. "No one actually uses their middle name. It's more for us. Plus it would mean alot to me for him to have my name as his middle name."

She giggles at me before looking down at our boy, "Hello Liam Noah Jacobson, I'm your mommy." She turns him to face me, "And this is your daddy, and soon you will meet your big brother and two big sisters."

Stacy said the kids have been calling this little guy... I mean Laim.... their little brother, and now Carly is as well. I have four kids, damn four kids. It's alot, but so worth it.

"Babe, Stacy said the same thing, that the kids have been calling him their little brother." She smiles big up at me.

"I know. I was going to ask you first but then you know between water breaking and giving birth I totally forgot. But at dinner last night, we talked about it and they want us to adopt them. They want to be one big family."

My heart literally swells, yet again today. If this keeps up I may have a heart attack. They already are my kids and of course I would love to officially make them mine. "Really?"

"Really baby. According to Jemma, she has her heaven daddy and her Noah daddy."

Yup, about to have a heart attack. She smiles again, I lean over and kiss her tenderly.

After, Liam's had his fill of breast milk again, Carly hands him back over to me and I cuddle him close to me. He's so tiny and warm. And that smell. God he smells so good. Who would have thought, just a few hours ago I saw the nasty sak he has been living in the past nine months and now, now he smells amazing.

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