Chapter Thirteen

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-Willow's POV-

I quickly lifted the window, It took me a while to unlock it but I managed to get it open. I stuck my head out the window to talk.

"Wilbur what the hell are you doing here?!" I whisper yelled, he looked back around him before speaking.

"I needed to know if you were okay." His eyes landed on my bandaged arm but I interrupted him before he could acknowledge it.

"Don't worry about me, is Tommy okay?" My tone was stern but laced with concern.

"He's currently unconscious with an arrow sticking out of him but he will pull through. What about you?" I ignored him and looked back into the room, I knew Dream wouldn't be back for a while so I weighed my chances.

"Im fine." I started climbing out the window and sat myself in the window sill. I took a deep breath and pushed myself out of it, I hit the ground hard but I wasn't too worried about it.

Wilbur ran over and helped me back to my feet, grabbed my arm making me wince. He let go immediately and grabbed my hand.

"Are you crazy!?" He yet again whispered yelled.

"Yes, now let's go" He looked at me then started in the direction to L'manburg. We walked hand in hand for a while until I saw the black walls for the second time today. We quietly entered the gates and made our way over to a small building.

The sight I saw when I walked in broke my heart. Tommy was unconscious on a table with a bloody bandage wrapped around his abdomen. Tubbo was slumped over in a chair whilst leaning his forehead against the edge of the cot.

He was sound asleep with another sleeping Fundy by his side. It warmed my heart but it turned cold to remember what led to this.

Wilbur ushered me into a chair which I gladly took and shook Fundy awake whilst I almost fell asleep. Wilbur crouched down in front of me and took my hand.

"Fundy is going to take a look at your arm. Is that okay?" I hesitantly nodded and Fundy slowly unwrapped my arm.

He gasped making Wilbur snap his head to his son, he stood and walked to the side of me. Making the same face Fundy did he grabbed my hand once again as the fox hybrid went to the shelves.

"Did Dream do that?" Wilbur's voice was soft and soothing. I closed my eyes and nodded, I wanted to fall asleep right there.

"Hey stay awake for just a little longer, okay." I barely opened my eyes as Wilbur put his other hand on my uninjured arm, rubbing it up and down trying to comfort me.

Fundy put something on my arm making me shut my eyes tightly and squeeze Wilbur's hand, I took a deep breath and Fundy continued with cleaning the burn. He finally finished and rewrapped it.

"Willow?" I opened my eyes to see Tubbo rubbing the sleep from his eyes while looking at me.

"Hey Tubbs." I softly said, I didn't want to talk that much but made an exception for Tubbo.

"Oh my god are you okay?" He quickly got up and speed walked over to me. His green shirt was wrinkled and only half was tucked in, his jeans were normal and his shoes were all muddy.

He hugged me but I couldn't return it, considering Wilbur had one of my hands in his and Fundy was attending to my arm.

"Yeah, I'm fine just a little tired." I smiled as he pulled away, his face was full of concern. My eyes were way too heavy and drooped down letting sleep finally take over.


I woke up to a stiff body and a sore arm, I opened my eyes to see I was still in the chair and my arm wrapped tightly. I looked around and saw Wilbur sleeping in a chair and fundy in another next to Tommy's bed.

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