Chapter Seventeen

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-Willow's POV-

I had stormed out of the van and to the small pond, going to where Dream and I last talked. I was honestly angry at Wilbur, why wouldn't he consult me with this. I get i'm not an official L'manburgian but come one. He didn't even tell Tommy or Tubbo, even Fundy seemed mad.

I sat in a small grassy area and just stared out over the water, I heard footsteps behind me but didn't bother to look. They were light, lighter that normal so I had a good sense of who it was.

The blonde woman sat down next to me, her name was... Niki. Right Niki.

"I know we haven't known each other for more than a few hours but I just wanted to make sure you were okay. I mean first you had a bruised face and arms then you kind of stored out of the van." She had an accent I hadn't heard a lot in my lifetime, It was almost calming and satisfying to hear.

"Im fine. You know you're the first person to truly ask me that in a long time." It seemed a lot easier to talk to her. Whether it was because she was another woman or it was just her personality, whatever it was I could get used to it.

We sat and talked for what felt like forever, but soon the sun set and he headed back to the caravan.

"I was wondering if you felt like helping me on a build tomorrow, you don't have to if you don't want to but the offer is out there." She smiled sweetly and opened the door.

"Of course, I would love to help. What is it?" We just met but I would already die for this woman.

"A bakery." She sat down on the couch, I had to move Tommy a little bit but I managed to get a spot. I smiled as I fell asleep, looking forward to tomorrow.


"Oi! Get up woman." Tommy yelled in my face, I didn't respond so he hit me in the face with a pillow. I mumbled some curses at him but finally got up, I didn't bother putting on my mask because I already trust Niki.

I sheath my sword and walked over to where I saw Niki standing, she noticed me and waved. Once I got over to her she grabbed my face and seemed like she was examining it, I had to lean down because she was at least five to six inches taller.

"What happened?" She asked, her face was still looking at mine, I put my hand on hers and lowered them.

"I was sparring and took a few hits. Compared to what he looks like, I'm fine." She finally dropped her hand from mine and turned to the open area.

"So let's get started." She said before heading off to get resources.

We spent all day to get about half done, we would finish the roof and interior tomorrow. It had been a long day and mutually agreed to call it a day. On our way back we stopped by the gardens and brought back some potatoes, carrots and mushrooms.

There was no one in the can so we just started dinner early, it was around six o'clock when Wilbur and Fundy walked in. They sat at the counter while we continued, then came Tommy and Tubbo who were bouncing off the walls at the sight of food.

We finished the soup and set out bowls, pouring the mushroom soup we all ate while making small talk. All the time I tried my best to avoid Wilbur, I made it out of dinner without talking to him. I layed down on the floor, letting Niki and Jack have the couch, and fell asleep pretty quickly.


The morning repeated by Tommy waking me up with a pillow, only this time both Niki and Wilbur scolded him. Niki could be quite scary when she's mad or yells, we left Tommy with Wilbur and headed to finish the bakery.

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