Suddenly filled with determination, Alessia tried calling Ryan but was once again disappointed when it went straight to voicemail.
A few days had turned into weeks since she last saw him and her worry for him increased her anxiety. Alessia had seen him only once at school and that was a week ago, but he soon disappeared again before she had the chance to talk to him.
Another problem was Angel. She seemed to be getting too smug for her own good and her attitude was worse than before.
She kept on shoving it in Alessia's face about Jake and how their parents approved of their relationship but ending up always furious when Alessia remained indifferent to her.
Still, that didn't stop her. Not that she cared anyway.
But Alessia was soon becoming suspicious even though she hated that ugly feeling. It was so obvious Ryan was hiding something big from her otherwise he wouldn't have been avoiding her.
And there was also this glint she saw in Angel's eyes as if she knew something Alessia didn't and that disturbed her.
With constant worry in her heart she placed the phone back on her bed and walked towards her study desk. Inside one of her books was a tablet and she popped two pills in her mouth followed instantly by water from her half empty bottle.
She hated taking theses pills but these were given to her by a kind doctor she had gotten to know to help her with her anxiety which was slowly coming back.
But this time her anxiety gets worse to the extent that she starts to vomit a lot if she worried too much past her breaking point.
Which has been happening a lot lately, actually.
The sound of her phone ringing broke her train of thoughts. She glanced at her phone to see that it was an unknown number.
Cautious, she accepted it and slowly placed the phone on her ear and was surprised when she heard the voice on the other end.
"Hello, Alessia. Is that you?"
Alessia was about to hang up when the person quickly stopped knowing what she might do.
Well, obviously.
"Wait, Alessia. Hear me out please?" The person pleaded on the phone.
"What do you want Wendy?" Alessia asked coldly.
She heard Wendy sigh before saying, "Look, I know I'm the last person you want to hear or see right now." Duh. "But I have something very important to tell you and you have the right to know. It'll even answer all the questions you're having."
The voices in Alessia's head grew louder but she was quick to shut them out.
She suddenly felt nauseous.
She hasn't been hearing them since she and Ryan declared their love for each other.
Her nauseousness became worse.
"You're not going to believe me if I tell you so could you meet me at the café that's a few miles away from school."
Alessia frowned at this. Isn't it the same café she and Ryan always went to until it became their spot. Why would Wendy go there?
Must be coincidence, right?
Yep, definitely it.
There were a lot of questions on Alessia's mind before finally agreeing to meet with Wendy.
"I know you have a lot of questions you want to ask but all will be answered soon." Said Wendy in an unsettling tone before she hang up.
The moment Alessia entered the café she immediately saw Wendy and all she had to say was she looked awful.
Wendy wore a blue loose top with the sleeves hanging of her shoulder while she tried to put them back in place in vain since they keep slipping. She wore sweatpants and sandals dangled from her feet and she had her hair in a messy ponytail with some hairs sticking out.
She really did look awful. Didn't even bother to dress right.
Slowly nearing Wendy any thoughts of this being a trap flew from her mind. She had very dark rings under her eyes as if she hadn't slept in days.
Wendy looked up and met Alessia's eyes with a small smile that didn't quite reach her eyes. She looked really tired and worn out.
"Hey Sia." Wendy's smile turned sad when she called Alessia by her old nickname.
Alessia grew irritated since she could have been trying to get in touch with Ryan instead of just sitting here wasting her time and they've barely even started.
Alessia slowly sighed before asking, "Why am I here?"
Wendy suddenly grew rigid as if she just realized something important.
Her eyes grew uncertain as she gazed at Alessia as if now realizing this was all a mistake.
You've got to be kidding me?
Alessia patient was almost at the end of its peak and she soon stood up seeing that Wendy wasn't going to say anything.
"Well, this was a waste of my time. Listen, if you did this just to rile me up I might as well be le-"
"They're here." Wendy quietly interrupted Alessia as her eyes were now directed behind Alessia's back.
Alessia frowned and turned an what she saw broke her heart and she felt nauseous all over again.
Finally. An update.
I'm actually excited cause now I can update more regularly and I know you all are.
Welcome all my new readers and I'm quote happy that I made it to k reads this fast. This actually quite inspired me to try and get more free time and what would be better than to update on a Saturday right.
Well. The drama is finally starting. Who sis Alessia see that made her heart break.
Hint: It's not Ryan.
Don't have nothing such too say cause over hear it night and I feel really tired. See you in the next update. ✋👋
Plus, the next chapter is almost ready. I'm speeding this up a little hehehe😁😁
PS: this was not edited not mind you if you see any grammatical errors. I am tired

Now on top(Book 1)
ChickLitAlessia has always been been invisible next to her sister. She gets all the attention from everybody while Alessia stands in darkness at the sidelines. The most painful thing was watching everything she loved and worked hard for be stolen by the per...