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The shower was actually quite refreshing and mind numbing for a moment and Alessia breathed out in relief.

Entering her room her eyes landed on the file on the table and her lips unconsciously curled into a satisfied smile.

Everything was finally falling into place.


Her eyes widened in disbelief hearing her name being called.

"ALESSIA!" Her father bellowed angrily.

Her heart was beating quite faster than usual. The last time he had called her like that things didn't really end well.

Alessia dashed to where her father, her mother and Angel stood with Angel having a small but sly smile on her face.

That can't be good.

Her mother, Sarah, was the first to speak.

"Angel found this," she showed her a piece of paper and Alessia felt like all the blood was drained from her body.

Her acceptance letter.


She turned to look at Angel and soon rage took over.

"Why did you not tell us anything? So you wanted to keep the glory to yourself eh?" Sarah sneered at her in contempt.

No one said anything for a while before Angel spoke.

"Honestly sissy, I didn't know you were this selfish. Keeping this important piece of information to yourself. How immature."

"The only immature one is you Angel. Going through people's stuff without their permission was very immature, even for you." Alessia criticized her.

Angel startled at the accusation scoffed in contempt but didn't say anything else.

The person's aura who got darker with each moment soon stood in front of Alessia and slapped her, her head moving to the side from the impact.

Alessia eyes darkened, her head staying in that position for a moment before turning it to it's original position looking into the eyes of the man she once called dad.

"So, you just wanted to shove it into my face that you get to go to Harvard, because I couldn't." He stated dangerously.

"You forget-" Chad spat. "-That it's because of you that our lives ended like this. And if I could never go to harvard, so can you. You owe me this."

Alessia fumed and couldn't control the words that came out of her mouth.

"Just because you couldn't keep your fucking dick in your pants and  suffered the consequences I'm suppose to pay for what? Being born? You think this is your way of punishing me and finding your r-"

She couldn't complete her words because Sarah slapped her too.

"Shut up. Shut the fuck up? You don't know anything you slut!" Sarah exclaimed with side eyes.

Angel having heard what Alessia said furrowed her eyes in confusion before glancing at her parents in contempt.

They were stalling too much. They should just get to the point. As much as she loved drama she was growing impatient.

"Sissy, have some respect. That's no way to talk to our parents" Angel said sadly.

Parents? Alessia just scoffed, not the least affected by their blatant hatred towards her.

"You will not pursue this scholarship. Go to a community college or go learn a trade or something. Ask your useless grandmother to pay for that." Chad said calmly before taking a seat on the sofa and reading a newspaper as if what he just said would be complied with.

"No. I will go. You can't stop me."

Before she know it Chad stood up from his seat angrily and punched Alessia in the face.

Alessia fell on the floor from the impact and her nose began to bleed. But what happened next almost made her wish to kill them all.

Angel stood in front of her with a wicked smirk and ripped the letter into two slowly, the sound of the paper tearing freezing up Alessia's heart.

Her head was hurting from the blow inflicted on her but she crawled her way over to Angel and held her leg begging her to stop.

Angel laughed in amusement and kicked her away.

Sarah took the two half's of the enveloped and torn them into pieces before throwing them on the floor, Alessia scrambling to piece them back together while muttering in disbelief.

How could they be so cruel. Her only hope to a better life and they took it just like they took everything else.

The pieces won't fit but she tried and tried, drowning out the the sound of their laughter around her and their words of insult.




She didn't care, she hang her head in defeat, willing herself not to cry in front of these monsters.

They don't deserve her tears.

She felt the familiar feeling of numbness surround her, her hands clenching into fists.

They will pay.

One days they'll pay.

Before she could process what was happening she was roughly jerked and thrown out of the house, her body hitting the ground harshly.

"I don't ever want to see you again. And if I do, that punch won't be the only thing I'll do to you." Chad threatened before going back inside the house, with Sarah and Angel standing near the door with satisfied looks before going inside.

They didn't even let her take her things with her. They truly kicked her out.

All these years she she it was but a matter of time before they did, but in this manner?

How could they be so heartless?

The tears she had tried not to shed in their presence, finally fell as she felt the saltiness in her mouth.

They shall pay one day.


Urgh. They're just the worst.

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