Warning: Triggering chapter ahead
She stared at the knife, the knife that will be her getaway from her life.
Her useless pathetic life.
Clenching the knife in her palm, she threw it somewhere and in her anger destroyed everything she could lay her hand on.
Alessia threw everything away, tore some things in anger and sadness and with everything she destroyed she screamed in anger.
With nothing left to lay her hands on she crumpled until her tears flowed freely from her eyes once again.
Why me!
Everybody hates you.
They don't care about you.
They wanted you gone the moment they found out about you.
You are nothing.
And before she knew it, Alessia lay in the pool of her own blood, never hearing the screams of the one person who truly cared.
She held Alessia's cold palm in her hands, silently crying at her granddaughter's state.
Ingrid had gone to her son house purposely to see how Alessia was doing, because without saying it, she knew her son hated her for just being born.
No one was in the house at that time and nothing prepared her for what she was about to see.
The hell hole her son had given her granddaughter as a room was wide open and she saw Alessia on the floor with a knife pierced at her side.
Ingrid didn't realize when she screamed and before she knew knew she called the ambulance and now here they are.
In the hospital.
Ingrid looked at the direction of the doctor as he came in and looked at her with an emotionless face.
"The patient was able to come out of this miraculously and the knife did not pierce any of the arteries. But she lost a lot of blood and needs to be in a comma for a few days." He stated.
Ingrid let out a cry. She thanked God for bringing her granddaughter out of this danger and also thanked the doctor for his efforts.
He just nodded and told her a nurse would be in shortly to check her vitals.
Ingrid once again thanked the doctor and looked at her granddaughter's pale face in sadness.
It soon turned to anger when she heard her phone ring and heard the voice of her son at the other end.
"I'm sorry mother but the girls and I can't make it. Our car broke down and we have to stay in a hotel for the night."
All Ingrid did was laugh homorlessly at her son's casual tone knowing that his daughter was in the hospital fighting for her life.
"Can't you afford a taxi. You are not far from here. Oh wait, you don't care about your daughter possibly dying and needing her parents beside her." She hissed in the phone.
"Mom, don't make this a big issue. This isn't a topic we should discuss on the phone. You-"
Ingrid cut the line in anger. She did not want to hear another pathetic excuse from him. The audacity of this man.
All she cared about right now was the speedy recovery of her granddaughter. Her son's excuses could wait.

Now on top(Book 1)
ChickLitAlessia has always been been invisible next to her sister. She gets all the attention from everybody while Alessia stands in darkness at the sidelines. The most painful thing was watching everything she loved and worked hard for be stolen by the per...