Cloud 9

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But when he loves me...

"Toph!" Sokka exclaimed, tackling his girlfriend in a hug causing her to stumble back a little but eventually regaining her balance.

Toph had been on a trip for the past two weeks and Sokka couldn't bear being without her. Though it wasn't for long, he hated not being able to see his beloved day after day so the moment he saw her he wanted to make up for all the missed moments of affection.

"I missed you too, Snoozles," Toph giggled, wrapping her arms around him.

"I love you!" Sokka declared abruptly, though he didn't care.

He had been waiting to say it for days now, her absence making him realize his feelings for her not too long ago. Sokka wanted to tell her as soon as he could and though it was sudden, it felt right at the moment.

I feel like I'm floating...

Sokka's words caught Toph off guarded, losing her breath for a second. Though they had been together for a decent amount of time, neither of them had said the L word to the other yet. Those three words that held such value caused butterflies to dance in her stomach. "I-I love you, too."

They stood there, in each other's arms, not planning to let go anytime soon.

When he calls me pretty...

Toph wasn't a huge fan of fancy dates. She preferred to just be with the one she loved, doing whatever. Sokka didn't mind this preference, just being with Toph was enough for him.

Currently, the two were at Sokka's house, doing what they considered a date which involved Toph sitting between her boyfriend's legs on the couch. Sokka played with her dark locks of hair that laid on his chest, combing through them with his fingers as they chatted about whatever.

Sokka took a good look at Toph. She was gorgeous. From her foggy jade eyes to her skinny framed body, she was beautiful. He couldn't believe he had her all to himself.

"I know it doesn't matter to you," Sokka said with utmost sincerity. "But you're really pretty."

I feel like somebody...

Toph froze, a blush growing across her cheeks. She never cared for appearances, it being that she didn't even know what she looked like nor what anyone else does, and Sokka knew that. Yet those words, such simple words, made her heart skip a beat. It made her feel special.

Even when we fade eventually...

Sokka and Toph had a fight. A huge one. What was it about? It doesn't matter. All that matters is that the love of Toph's life just walked out the door. So easily. So painfully.

Toph fell to her knees as she heard the door slam, violently crying. She felt the hot tears that streamed from her eyes on her palms as she sobbed into her hands.

"Sokka don't go..." Toph pleaded, hoping that the man who's already gone will hear her. "I still love you..."

She sobbed harder.

I'm nothing...

He's been gone for weeks. And Toph couldn't bear it.

Every agonizing day without Sokka made her feel lonely, longing for him. She blamed herself. She yelled at herself. She hated herself. How could she have driven the one she loved so dearly away? She wants him back. No, she needs him back.

She missed his hugs. She missed his kisses. She missed the warm feeling he gave her. She missed Sokka.

Toph can't go one without him. She's nothing without him.

You will always be my favorite form of loving...

Toph laid limply on her bed, her memories with Sokka replaying in her head like a song on repeat. It was an amazing song. She missed the song.

Every moment he spent with her made her happy. Sokka made her happy. And she was glad he did.

Toph will forever miss her love, but at least she had him for the time she did. It's better to have loved and lost than to have never loved at all, right? Though, if she had never loved she wouldn't be in so much pain now that she has lost.

(A/N: This story was inspired by the song "Cloud 9" by Beach Bunny, the chorus has been stuck in my head for a while which gave me the idea for this)

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