We didn't ask for this but we still do it

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I made it in time to see that my brother Adam had arrived and the both of them had began without me. He was stabbing him multiple times. The guy looked like a bizarre water fountain with blood shooting out his body. Gus got up and wiped the blood from his face. He grimaced, "I wish I was born to another family." I sadly agreed with him as I helped clean their mess. We ate lunch and I left for work.
Dimka met me outside the forensics department and he was concerned because his friend Amy was found in a dumpster barely alive. She was abused badly. He asked me to talk to her because she won't talk to him or anyone else. I walked in and saw that she had cuts on her face, arms and legs. She looked like she was used as a knife sharpner. I sat down next to her and she glared at me until she looked me in the eye. She felt like she could trust me. I guess she saw herself in me. She asked if I could do anything against a person who uses panic-inducing drugs and I lowered my head, "My father before he died used a few on me so I think I can hunt this creep down with no problem." She raised her head to take a good look at me. I showed her my hands. My wrist still had thin threads of scars from where dad had bound me for his games. "I never told anyone that my dad was a twisted guy. He used to do all sorts of stuff that I am still not ready to talk about but I joined the police to help people. This job has more than any therapist has done in years." She seemed to believe me and told me what she could remember. I gave her my card and also had four uniform cops placed outside her room just to keep her safe. She seemed to calm down and I walked out to find a nurse. She drew a small vial of Amy's blood and I took it to my friend Maximus. He deduced who could be responsible for the creation of this abomination. I took the rest of the vial to the crime lab and asked them to check if there was anything that they can deduce from the sample for the possibility of stimuli or inhibitors. They got back to me in a few minutes. It turns out they found a trace of a chemical but they have never met anything like it. They promised to find out what it was and get back to me.
I spend the rest of the day combing the city going through the list of suspects and found him outside a bar. He was short but pudgy. He was here hunting for his next victim. I sat stealthily and observed his movements until the sunset and that was when he made his move. I waited till he placed her in the trunk to use the Taser. He fell to the floor and I call it in.
He was taken to the station unconscious. And the girl was taken to the hospital where she was given medical treatment. Dimka smiled, "Thanks" he kissed my hair as he hugged me. We were interrogating the vermin when the chief walked in. CSU found strands of hair from different women. Dimka grabbed him by the collar and I asked him to wait outside or he might walk by saying he was forced to confess. The chief agreed with me. The scoundrel was gauging me to figure out how to break me. I yanked the chain holding him the second Dimka left. His face hit the table at record speed. He got up and cried out, "This is against protocol. I can complain." I chuckled, "The cameras are broken in this room and from where I brought you in. So I can easily say you had a fall." The chief said nothing so he exposed his teeth like a Rottweiler and I wanted to bark like a dog decided not to.
I got up when he sneered that he has one more girl locked up and he dared me to rescue her. I asked for the location and he gave it happily. I asked if there is a fail-safe that will be unleashed if I go there to rescue her. This surprised him and he said no further. The chief on the other hand was curious she asked we should wear gas masks when we go to rescue her. We drove to the remote area where she was held, hostage. She was suspended but the moment we moved forward we stepped in a tripwire and she was dropped into a tank. We had to shoot the glass to let her out. She started to fight us until we cuffed her. It took a moment for her to register this was a rescue. She calmed down and thanked us for coming. She asked if the creep was in custody because if he is out and about she might end up back here.
We returned to the station where his lawyer was trying to facilitate his release but he had already opened his mouth and now he had three victims on top of a list of women he had killed so his release was denied. The sleazy lawyer tried everything but still in the end he had confessed so the place he was going was holding. The lawyer left promising that he will never enter prison.
Dimka and I drove to the hospital and showed her the picture. She said she has never met the guy in her life. It turns I found the wrong guy. I asked her if she would like to talk to a sketch artist so we can find the actual bad guy. We can find him better if we knew what this guy looked like. She agreed to a sketch artist in exchange for a place to hid after I get this guy. I promised her that he will never come near her again. One way or the other he will never hurt her again. She wanted to say that she trusts me but she was scared so I placed my hand on her arm to reassure her. She spent an hour with the artist and finally, I got a face. I got to see the picture and was surprised. It was my old neighbor Vince Dunn. I placed a BOLO on him and he was found within twenty minutes.
He was cuffed to the table and all his things were checked for drugs in front of his lawyer before they were placed in the evidence locker.
His lawyer was just as evil, she used the panic drug on me. I screamed for a moment and I switched places with HER.
I was reminiscing the moment I went deer hunting with dad when I was dragged out unceremoniously front and center to the dog pen. I saw the sniveling ex-neighbor of mine and his snot-nosed attorney trying to get out but the rules that the other me follow are ironclad. She won't carry handcuff keys with her. Nor will they be allowed in the room for this reason. And the door to the interrogation room is locked from the outside. You have to knock a special way for the guy outside to open it. The woman searched my pockets and found none. She screamed in frustration and I waited perfectly still until she moved to knock on the door and I wrapped my legs around hers and she fell face first and hit the wall. She didn't die but she was unconscious. He yelled at her for bringing the wrong vial and not the one that induces fear. I cackled, "My father used it on me when I was a child so I wouldn't bother with that kind of stuff. It is practically useless" this seemed to frighten him he tried to remove the cuffs but they wouldn't come off. I knocked on the door and the guy on the other side opened the door. I borrowed the taser and tased him before I removed the cuffs and dragged them both out. I asked them to stay out of there if they inhale they could go insane and start shooting all over the place. They opened windows and doors to air it out. They even cleared the floor for a full hour. The chief asked me, "Your father used panic-inducing drug on you? What in the world was he thinking?" Dimka answered, "Because he wasn't of sound judgment"
I walked into an empty room and curled into a ball and closed my eyes. I opened them to see the woman my father injected with Novacaine and left for a few minutes to use the restroom and she tried to crawl out of the basement. I helped her and made her swear that she will never say a word to anyone. I helped her out of the basement and locked the door so dad would be stuck down there. She thanked me as I called a cab for her to go home. I took money from the shoebox and asked her to leave the city and never go out at night alone. Always go out in groups so she will be safe. She thanked me and left without looking back. I quickly unlocked the door before he got out and dialed the number of my friend Peach then hung up. I snuck upstairs and pretended to be asleep. He came and saw that I was sleeping so he left without saying anything. He was so upset that his new plaything got away. He didn't take it out on me but he did take it out on his car. I pressed my eyelids together to focus my way back to the day I went deer hunting and I remembered that I had a splash battle before playing a game of Where's Waldo?
I opened my eyes and saw that I was back in the precinct. I opened the door and half the precinct was outside concerned I might come out screaming or worse shooting. I walked out calmly asked for a glass of water. They smiled and went back to work saying it was a defected vial and that I was fine. Dimka on the other hand knew otherwise but he kept his mouth shut. He took my hand and we walked up to the roof to enjoy the view and talk. The only thing we did was stare at the traffic before the chief called me to draw a blood sample to check if I did indeed get a defective vial. It turns out I got the real deal. The tech who placed my blood in the spectrometer was shocked that I didn't snap.
The chief asked me if I need to see a therapist but I brushed her off saying I just need some sleep.
Dimka drove me home and he tucked me in bed like I was a kid and even teased me like he was my big brother. I asked him to let me sleep it off or SHE will show up. This didn't scare him at all. He just calmly kissed me on the head and turned off the lights. He chuckled, "I think I found one of the HER Waldos." I giggled, "You always get the answer wrong so just give it a rest." I closed my eyes and saw the usual. A woman like in the Japanese horror movies crawling towards me and she was crying blood. I couldn't see her face. It was partially covered with the long flowing black hair she had. She stops and turned on her back and walked like a spider and sank to the floor. She disappeared and the place turned black and an ax came flying towards me missing me by an inch. I saw another serial killer friend of dad looking at me funny. He wanted to pretend I was a log and cut me in half. So I waved my hand and called out to him, "You are not real. You are just a figment of my imagination. You always show up but have you been able to do anything? Because I killed you. The only place you can hurt me in my imagination." I woke up to the alarm clock ringing and Dimka walked in with Chocolate waffles and vanilla ice cream and grilled all-beef sausages. He winked at me for having a sweet dream because I didn't scream like I used to. I winked back and enjoyed my meal as he watched me eat. This is his current habit that annoys me. I looked at him and asked him to join me or I will never have breakfast in bed again. He immediately dove in and we ate together. He even helped wash the dishes which I am told something men rarely do. Dimka dragged me to the living room where he showed me the person he thought was the victim and again he was wrong. I can tell this is frosting his shorts but he put up a brave face and promised that he will get it. I promised him one more try to guess which it is and then we are gonna stopping this version of Where's Waldo? He agreed and we quickly changed and drove to work.

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