What just happened

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I woke up in Apple's bedroom and walked out to see Dimka calmly talking to Apple. I smiled, "Glad to see you kids getting along." Dimka glared at Apple, "You didn't tell me she was here" Apple chuckled, "Would you have stayed if you had known she was. You would take her and disappear" He growled, "Of course I want to vanish with her. I am her husband for crying out loud" Apple smiled, "You weren't being her devoted husband a few minutes ago." He flustered as he reminded her stammering, "You tried to flirt with me and I pushed you away. Nothing happened between us because I hate you. I only want my wife back so I was trying to be nice to you so I win her over. So step aside." Apple laughed, "I could have you arrested for drugging her" I begged Apple not to do it. She wanted to know why. So did he. I chose not to answer but opted to sit in a chair. A frustrated Apple demanded that he leave. He pushed her aside and carried me out of there in a few paces. Apple came from behind and I used sign language to give her an answer. She froze and nod her head. Dimka saw her response but not what I did and he sneered at her, "You will never be Sarah. So stop flirting with me. You are not my type." She sadly watched as we left. I waited till I was in the elevator to punch him and open the door. He grabbed me and pinned me to the wall. "Time to lock my princess up and board the doors" I wanted to talk some sense into him but ever since he dosed me I have been losing control. I shivered as I struggled to stay focused. SHE popped out and assumed control while I was confined. When he saw HER he jumped back in fear. He called her Baba Yaga. Which I think means the boogeyman. SHE laughed and asked what he must do to leave us in peace. Does she have to make him suffer? SHE punched him in the face. He grabbed her hand and twisted it. SHE kicked him between the legs. SHE pulled out her belt after he pulled out a knife. SHE wrapped it around his arm and kicked the knife. The door opened and the knife shot out. An old lady walked in and we became civilized. We waited till she got off and the fight resumed. SHE punched him in the ribs and he howled in pain. He promised to throw HER in prison as he answered her punch with one that dented the door of the elevator. He wrapped his arms to lock her in place. SHE asked if he could tolerate me in pain. He flinched in fear. SHE promised to slit HER throat and at the last minute to let me out so he can watch helplessly as always. He was a good investigator but when it came to me. He was incompetent and even I admit to it. SHE was prepared to go to prison but the question is what he was prepared to do. He lowered his head and let go of us. SHE cackled menacingly. SHE strolled out of the elevator and he walked behind me. Matched me step by step. He asked me if I wanted to go to the hospital and get myself checked out. I explained that the last time I did that it didn't end well for anyone.
He just wanted things back the way they were before. I wanted that too but things were out of my hands. He asked if we could start from scratch. I told him I will think about it. So till I give him a definitive answer stop hounding me. He backed away without drama.
I woke up to a phone call from the captain of my former precinct. I was asked to brainstorm about a case. She insisted that I come so I did. A young girl of seven was abducted. I knew the girl's family. The folks in question were the Winkles. I was in art school with the Charlotte. She had quit to get married to her boyfriend who turned out to be abusive. She divorced him and took her six month toddler a year later. She married Joseph Winkle two years later. I was listening to the background as the chief explained the situation. They were hysterical and I was one of the few they trusted. I got dressed and got there as quickly as possible. Dimka received me formally and he wanted to know if there is anything he can do. I walked in and saw her Ex-husband was making a scene. He was accusing her of negligence. The way he was reacting to the situation I felt it was best to keep an eye on him. So I asked the captain to have a uniform cop in plain clothes keep an eye on him. I also asked her if this cop could take pictures of who he is with and text where he goes. I asked that this be done discreetly. She was curious why I insisted on her ex being spied on. I explained that he promised to make her pay for divorcing him. He even threatened her in the presence of the judge in court. The judge threw him in jail till he was prepared to apologize. He was someone who enjoyed beating her. She dared to report him and get away from him. The chief asked one of the cops to do so and then asked the Ex to leave because he was making things worse. He made a scene and was thrown out. Joe slammed the door on his face and the creep stormed off. I hugged her and she dissolved onto tears. We sat down to calm her down. Her husband got her some tea as I pulled her close to me. She said there were three suspects. All of them are sex offenders and one of the was a pedophile. They live in this very street. They are seen outside their houses every morning as she goes to school. I clutched her tightly and prayed to God that her child be returned to her in one piece unharmed. She hiccuped a thank you and her husband walked towards the book shelf. We were going through her photos to calm her down when dispatch called out that Amber was found. The perpetrator was arrested. I asked who it was and the answer was the ex-husband. The chief complimented my bold move and promised to keep that in mind.
I walked back to my car and the chief followed me. She asked me to come back and she will find me a new partner. I pursed my lips, "I will think about it." She nodded her head and walked back. Dimka wasted no time hounding me. I asked him to take a hike. He gave me puppy dog eyes. I kept walking and he finally got bored. He asked me if I was seeing someone. I answered honestly. I wasn't seeing anyone. I have a few who have been interested in me. One of them have been persistent. This infuriated him but he kept his cool. He asked me about the guy and I told he better not go chasing the guy away. He gave me a possessive look but I chose to ignore.
A week later I went back to the station to get myself reinstated and I pressed the wrong floor by accident. I ended up two floor below my target and felt like a total fool. Dimka was behind me and he was the one who saw Apple. She followed a detective to a private corner. She was struggling something to tell an officer. I was curious. I got closer to hear what she was saying. She was telling Enrique about a serial killer. I knew immediately what she was talking about me. I wondered why and then I saw Dimka. I realized she was getting rid of me so she can have him. He seemed to think so too. He had a different idea. I pray he will allow her to live. SHE decided to say hello. SHE asked Dimka what going on politely and he absentmindedly explained what happened. SHE growled, "I should have knocked her out when I saw her. Should have left her in the street. She was my only friend. Now she decided she is better. I have a nice plan." Dimka realized he was talking to her so he was starting to get concerned but SHE smiled, "Not going to hurt her physically. Just going to hurt her ego." Dimka smiled, "It won't work." SHE winked, "Wanna bet sore loser?" He gave her a look and asked nicely, "What will you do?" SHE smiled, "Return the favor. She gave them a tip. Now I call the cops and report her. Her accusation won't stick but mine will. Because I can back it up with facts" Dimka gave HER a shrug and followed HER lead. SHE felt Apple was about to say my name so SHE called her over dinner and asked she could join HER for grocery shopping. Apple agreed to dinner. She forgot to tell him my name. She smiled and promised the officer she will come with concrete evidence and left.
She walked out of there to get to work. SHE called Nine One One and said reported about a drug dealer. Apple was arrested and her car was searched. They found drugs that her brother had stashed in the seat. She was processed and sent to holding. She was livid. When she was given a chance to talk to a lawyer she called her other friend Jason. He came and tried to do something. But the thing is Apple's hands tested positive for drugs. The lawyer tried to say secondary transfer but they didn't believe him.
SHE knew where Apple keep all her secret stuff so SHE got it and destroyed without anyone knowing. Instead of the evidence that I was a serial killer. SHE placed stuff that were a few of her brother drug stash and a few fashion magazine. Apple had called her boyfriend Joseph and stayed with him. That's why she had no clue we did the switch. She gave the key to the detective and guy came to find stuff that implicated her and discredit her as well. He walked out fuming and called narcotics. A few days later they got her in front of a court. Judge Griffin was someone who had lost a kid to drugs so she was very stern with Apple's prison sentence. She was sent to five year prison sentence. She was a first time offender. To make matters worse for Apple. Detective Enrique approached her to tell her that he looked into everything she had confided and found nothing. There was no evidence of a serial killer. She must have gone through some kind of hallucination while doing drugs. She had given him a bad tip and wasted his time. He came to tell her that she has been discredited and disbarred. She was sobbing that she had gone through that and had to hear this. She looked like she had been the day I first saw her. I felt a small amount of pity but remembered what she had done. Dimka and I pretended to be sympathetic. She was hauled away on the prison bus and I drove to see mom. She gave me a steaming mug of hot cocoa and a shoulder to cry on. She always hated Apple so she was going to say I told you so but decided not to on the account that I lost my only friend.

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