Proceed with caution

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I woke up and saw that I was chained to the wall. Gus was staring at me amused. He had a knife in his hands that were dripping with blood. I tried to scream but he had gagged me.
I shot out of bed and looked around to see I was alone. I searched for Dimka everywhere and finally I called him. He answered on the third ring. I took a sigh of relief and was about to say something when a hand covered my mouth and everything went black.
I woke up and saw that I was in a white room. I got up sluggishly and looked around and saw that Adam was on the other side. He was reading a newspaper. He looked up and smiled at me, "Welcome sleepy head. I hope you had pleasant dreams where we travel the country. It was your dream wasn't it? That we would run and stay away from people. We will live like Robinson Caruso in the woods or on the beach. Then you left for University and somehow you decided to be normal. You had to find a way to defeat the monster so you can marry some guy. Seriously who are you trying to fool? You will give birth to monsters and they will kill just like us."
I reached for him and my hand touched the glass. The glass felt like ice. My hand slipped and so did I. I had no strength to left to get up. I looked at him with fear. Was he going to kill me? He seemed to understand what I was thinking and he chuckled, "I won't kill you but I will keep you here until you see reason. You have to understand that we can't have a family and live happily ever after. That is for normal people like him. We are not supposed to have that. The only place for us is either jail or the cemetery. By the way, what would he say if he knew that you are a serial killer?" My mouth felt dry like a Sahara desert. I didn't have to say anything because my eyes gave him the answer. He laughed merrily, "He knows what you are and still he wants to be your husband. Is it a fetish?" I shook my head and he seemed to disagree. I slipped to the floor and everything turned black again. I woke up to see that I was tucked back in bed. He had left for some reason and I was left alone. I looked around before I made my escape and saw a camera. I realized that I only escape once. The next time he brings me here he will make sure I can't escape. So I waited for him obediently.
He arrived with a bag of groceries and he looked so happy that I thought he was going to dance or sing. He looked at me romantically, "Your ex-husband is looking for you. Actually the entire police force is looking for you. Do you know how long you have been here? I guess not. I brought your favorites and I hope you remember the rules." I nod my head to say I am complying with his request. This cheered him greatly. He reached to open the door and I backed against the wall. This seemed to floor him but also he put his guard up. He walked in with curiosity but he finally understood what was going on and he smiled again. I asked nicely, "Can I call mom?" He frowned as he shook his head and placed my lunch that he ordered from my favorite Thai restaurant on the table and walked out. He made sure to lock the door. He was taking all precautions even though I was playing along. He has no intention of killing me and he has no intention of letting me go. He made it that clear I was here so I won't harm others as well as myself. But there was one concern he is out and about. This means he will find a victim and it won't end nicely for them. I quietly ate my lunch and went to sleep.
I woke up to frantic screams and saw a woman a few years older than me in the glass room on the opposite side. She was shaking with terror. She saw me and started asking the usual questions. I ignored her and went back to sleep. If Adam caught me chatting with his victims he will belt me. I settled on my bed when Adam showed up. He seemed amused that I didn't talk to her. He tapped on the glass, "Hey sis, why didn't you talk to her? It can get really lonely in there. I promise not to hurt you." I ignored him and went to sleep. I was again woken up to her screams and saw that she had a panic attack. I told her to calm down and that screaming won't help her. She asked me if I was his sister and I nod my head. She started to cry and I told her to go to sleep. When she calm she can think clearly. She asked if we could escape together and I shook my head. Adam had help and I needed to know who it was before I made my move. This seems to annoy her and her fear turned to anger. She started shouting and Adam came running. He listens to her side of the conversation and got out a syringe. He quietly snuck in and injected her. She was unconscious within seconds. He apologized for the trouble and I shrugged it off. I asked to use the bathroom and he happily obliged. When I was done he took me back to my room. I saw a new woman and I waited till I was in my room to call him a hypocrite. He said she was a means to an end unlike me and Dimka. He seemed disgusted by the fact that I had a relationship. He closed his eyes as though he was pushing away a bad memory and walked back to his room. The new woman asked me who I was and I ignored it and went to sleep. She tapped the glass but I tuned her out and imagined escaping from this nightmare into Dimka's arms. She opened the door and I broke her nose. She shrieked in pain and Adam came running. He saw where she was and he grabbed a handful of her hair and pulled her out of there. He yelled at her for going in and left my door unlocked as he dragged her back upstairs to yell at her more.
He came the next morning and was shocked that I was still here. He smiled and asked me to join him for breakfast. I asked to take a shower I smell like a toilet. He laughed and nod his head. The help showed up with her nose taped up and she was glaring at me as I walked past her to clean myself. When I got out he had made me baked beans, grilled all-beef sausages, toast, poached eggs and hash browns. I collected my breakfast and went back to my confines.
The other woman watched as I ate everything and called him to collect the empty plates. He came with seconds and asked me to finish them too. I asked if she will get anything or if he planning to starve her to death. He looked at her and brought something to eat as well. I finished it and waited till he came for me. He walked in and collected the empty plates.
A few days later he let me out and moved me to a room upstairs. The other one was brought out to use the toilet and she hit the woman and ran for her life. She asked me to come and I told her that I can't. He will hurt people I love so she should escape. She tried to drag me but I refused because I realized this was a trap. She is working for Adam to figure out if I was going to escape so I stood my ground as though I had accepted defeat. The woman came to and Adam poked his head and chuckled, "She is an obedient girl and she knows the rules." I punched Adam in the face and went back to my room. He walked in with an ice pack on his face, "When did you figure it out?" I ignored him and went to sleep.
I woke up and saw that Adam was watching me sleep. He had a glass of ice in his hand. He saw that I was awake and he asked me why I didn't escape. I explained that I promised mom I will not abandon him. This seemed to please him and he walked away.
I walked out and the two women were making breakfast. I sat down and they glared at me but said nothing. I ate and walked outside for fresh air. I sat and watched the birds fly free without a care in the world. They are free while I was a caged beast. Speaking of the beast she walked out from the edge of my subconscious and asked me if she was dreaming. I looked at the reflection and shook my head. She looked concerned till she saw Adam. She smiled and I grimaced. She caught on to what was going on quickly and we tried to figure out how to escape. One of the women asked me why I am not escaping. I ignored them and they kept asking till Adam told them to shut up. Adam worked with either three or people as twisted so if I am going to escape I need to find them all and kill them along with Adam. I waited for another seven days hoping to see who it was that was helping and doctor Freeze of all people showed up. This is not going to end well. I walked into the kitchen and started sharpening the first knife I got my hands on. The women were concerned but Adam brushed it off like it was nothing. They were concerned and so was the doctor which meant my problems are rising by the minute. He wanted to call someone and Adam punched him. I told Adam that I want to go fishing. He laughed in merriment, "Sure go ahead."
I did go fishing but first I went looking for poisonous plants I can use. Afterwards it was fishing time. I caught a rainbow trout and bluegill. I came back and Adam laughed happily, "See she won't abandon me. She promised mom that she will look after me. I gave him the cooked fish and went to take a bath. The women looked skeptical but they all were hungry so they dived into the food without a second opinion. When I came down they were all dead on the ground. I looked everywhere to find where the footage was recorded and found out it was a dummy camera.
I checked the doctor's pocket for money and poured gasoline all over and lit a match. I hopped onto his car and drove off. I found the perfect place to leave the car. Before I got in the car I had shaved my head and wore gloves so there will be no trace of me on it. I burned the car and walked to the train station and came back to New York. I got out of the station and walked to mom's house and she shrieked when she saw me. We hugged and talked for hours before I went upstairs to freshen up. When I came down half the precinct was here and they looked concerned. I brushed them off and strolled to the kitchen tea. The chief wanted to know who was involved in my kidnapping. I told her the truth it was Dr. Freeze and my brother. He was conducting some kind of weird experiment and he felt kidnapping me was the answer. The Q&A lasted an hour and she left to fill her report. I was temporarily asked to stay till a therapist ask me a few questions before I was cleared for work.

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