Do I know you?

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I followed my ex-boyfriend to an abandoned property. It was a building that was seized by the bank. I asked George if they could send the police over to catch him. I requested that they turn off the sirens so he won't be spooked. I didn't want him to bolt. I also asked them keep off the walkie talkie because I heard him listening to the police band.

He obliged and the police arrived in forty minutes. I am guessing they had to organize how to catch the guy first. That was a decent response since they were spread thin trying to find the Hannibal Lecter wannabe. The guy had eaten three police officers. We walked upstairs to find them both sitting and eating.

We kicked the door open and announced ourselves as we barged in. The cannibal threw his knife at one of us. I pulled the guy he was aiming at aside and the rest stepped aside before they opened fire. The knife lodged itself in the wall. They intended to turn the pace into swiss cheese. I looked around and realized that it was a windowless room. I realized one way in means one way out. I told the others to save their ammo. I called out to the jailbirds to come quietly. Since they ran out of stuff to chuck at us so they decided to punch and kick their way out here like this life or death. I saw that they had brought the tranquilizer gun like I requested so I waved my hand. Understanding my signal they used a tranquilizer and knocked them out. This was the reason they were late. I was the one to give them this suggestion. The duo tried to fight the knockout fluid coursing through their veins so I nod my head and one of the guys tried to smash the butt of their rifle on their faces. The newbies in uniform used their taser on them and they made funny faces as they fell down. When we felt it was safe we handcuffed them and placed a muzzled on the cannibal.

When we arrived at the station everyone was staring at them with apprehension. We had to call a doctor to make sure the cannibal was kept in a constant state of paralysis. Dimka stood in the corner staring at me with amusement. I had to take a few deep breaths and dragged my Ex to his cell. I tried to be as distant as possible. When he woke up he asked me if we know each other. I shook my head and walked away. I sat down to finish my paperwork and Van Pelt sat down next to me with a steaming cup of coffee which Dimka quickly picked up. He sipped it and chuckled, "She hates the smell of coffee." To which I nod my head. Van Pelt asked me why I told her that the reason I hate coffee is currently in a holding cell. She stared at me for a moment before she wanted clarification.

I took a deep breath and kept typing as I explained, "The guy I just dragged to the cell is my Ex. He wanted to marry me but those days I wanted to travel. He didn't like that I wanted to go places without him. He used to lock me in our apartment. He saw me talking to someone and set his car on fire only to apologize when he found out that the guy just asked for directions. The guy had third degree burns. I was scared and tried to run. He found me and injected me drugs. When the police found him. I was handcuffed to the bed and was slipping in and out of consciousness. He decided that we should die together. He tried to slit my throat." I showed her my neck and there was a sharp gasp. I looked up to see a few people was listening to me. Captain, Van Pelt, her brother, Dimka, Jasper and Leeland. The captain made it clear that I will have no contact with this creep. He was officially someone else's problem. Dimka volunteered but Jasper called dibs before he had a chance.

Dimka stared at me and I felt a pang of fear at the thought that he was up to something. I saw my laptop melt like it was an ice block in a heat wave. I saw a hand rest on my shoulder. After close observation I realized that it was missing the rest of its body. I looked at Dimka and I swore in Ukrainian. He stood there staring at me all innocent but I knew he did it. So I picked up my phone and called Gus. My jealous Ex husband turned away angrily the moment he heard Gus's voice. I smiled and he laughed with me. I took a few deep breaths and finished the paperwork so I can clock out.

I was careful as I walked to my locker I was trying not to be jumpy. Dimka politely asked me if I was tripping. I asked him to leave me in peace because I am having a hard time with HER as it is without his interruptions. SHE has been showing me dreams where SHE kills him. So if he has any decency he better leave me alone or I will finally allow HER to kill him and live with the consequences for the rest of my life. He stared at me for a moment and stepped aside. He wasn't happy to hear the words but seems to be ok with it till he saw Henry arrive to take me home. I gave him the keys and hopped in the back. I passed out and woke up in the living room. Gus wasn't happy. I got scared and he gave me a gentle smile and asked me what had happened. When I was done he called the captain and had Dimka suspended.

He took me to his boat and we drove till we reached a secluded beach. There Gus had a guy gagged and tied to a tree. I looked at the duffle bag and found Gus's notebook. This had pictures and other written details about this creep. He was someone who kidnapped kids off the street and violate them brutally before he killed them. He targeted kids that he believes who has no one that will try to find them should they go missing. The kind he thinks no one will lose sleep over. He clearly didn't know us. I asked him if I could play with him before he did his thing. Gus seemed very pleased. I picked up the bow and a few arrows and started to shooting at him. He gawked in fear as they pierced his body. Then Gus gave me a pair of gloves and handed me some knives and a few Shurikens. I had a blast throwing them. I felt like a ninja. He remembers that the teenage mutant ninja turtles was my favorite growing up. He asked me which one I would like to be. I smiled, "Mikey obviously." He shook his head, "I liked Master Splinter more than the turtles. He was their voice of reason. Sometimes I wish I could be someone else voice of reason." I kissed his cheeks, "I thought you were my voice of reason" This seemed to make him smile. He winked, "My turn" He took a pipe and beat the guy senseless. Then took a sledgehammer and smashed his knees. He took the spring load captive bolt stunner and aimed it at the back of his neck. He gave me a wink and pulled the trigger. He looked like he had passed out but he had died. Afterwards we used knives to separate the muscles from bone. We feed the meat to the sharks. We wore masks make sure we do not inhale bone particles. We took sledgehammers and crushed his bones to talcum powder and sprinkled on the trees. When we were done we took a dip in the water to remove the residue. Then we changed our clothes and return home.

Henry was waiting for us outside with Cheryl. She seemed impressed with me. I asked her what had happened. She explained to me about how the school was buzzing about Zimmer the cannibal. She had blurted out that I was one of the officers in charge of finding them. Since they didn't believe her. Cheryl showed her friends the video of his arrest and pointed me out. She also asked me to sign a consent form for a school field trip. She was going to an aquarium. They had acquired new fishes. Some were rare and others were a surprise. I signed under the condition that Gus and I can go with her. There are weirdos everywhere. I wasn't going to let her escape one nightmare to face another. She was happy to hear that. Owen winked at me, "I wish I had family like you. I don't mean your dad. I mean parents like you and Gus." I lowered my head, "I wish for the same thing too" He gave me a nod and walked towards the garage.

To be continued in the next book called "Her turn" I hope you had fun

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