Finally thank you!

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I got out of the restaurant and saw the kid with a knife again so this time I made sure to finish him. I woke HER up and said Dinner Time. She hopped with joy that she gets to have fun. She tied me to the electric chair with angry eyes and stormed off. Her grotesque wolf was sat in front of me swishing it's tail with it's teeth exposed. Like it was about to jump and rip me to shreds.
I looked around and saw the brat with the knife. I was angry at miss prissy for handing my victim to the cops instead of letting me play. I remembered that he was sent by Apple to implicate me. So I took off my coat and gave it to a homeless woman and a hundred bucks. I told her it is not safe here so she left. I walked into an alleyway that I know has no camera or light for that matter. I took the butterfly knife, the mask, gloves and the black hoodie that I had hidden and waited for him to come my way. He made the mistake of calling out who's there instead of saying my name. I waited till he reached the dumpster to stab him in the heart. He lashed out but he touched nobody. I was extra careful while he was behaving like an injured animal. It was pitch black so no one would know what had happened and the street was noisy so nobody heard him. I wore a black hoodie, a halloween mask and medical gloves just in case he was wearing a camera with night vision included which meant that I would get caught. When he fell and remained perfectly still I searched him and destroyed whatever I found. Then I dragged him quietly to the end of the alleyway and left him there. I removed the mask and glove and stuffed it under my hoodie. I hid the butterfly knife in my boots. Since I had no blood splatter on me so I walked out casually as though nothing had happened. I reached my car and admired my flawless reflection before switching places.
I dumped the mask and gloves into a burning dumpster and decided that I need to eat something to figure out my next move. I reached Jimmy's place a diner that I used to frequent before Dimka and I started to officially date. I ordered a triple decker cheeseburger and their famous thick chocolate milkshake. The bouncer from Phillip's club sat down in front of me and asked me if I was ok. I told him my friend was sent to prison. She hates me for getting the guy she is interested in so now she trying to send me to prison. She has completely lost her mind. He shook his head. He saw that I wasn't wearing a ring so he asked me what my deal was. I told him the abridged version and he gave me a low whistle. He shook his head, "Long story short your life is stuck in a soap opera" I nod my head as the waitress brought me my order. I rolled my sleeve and his jaw dropped to the table. He asked for an extra plate and a knife. I laughed, "I can eat this all by myself" He looked at me like I was nuts. He split the burger in half and tried to eat it but failed miserably. I finished my half and finished his half as well. He stared in awe. I blushed and was about to say something when the phone rang. It was Dr. Brighton our family doctor. Mom fell and hit her head. She was taken to the hospital. I paid the waitress. I hopped in my car and he tapped on the glass. He wanted to come with me in case I needed a shoulder to cry on. So I let him in. We drove to Westerly Hospital in Rhode Island. He was waiting for me outside. I hugged him and he reminded me to park the car in the parking lot like a civilized person so I did. I ran back and was allowed to see her. She had a turban on her head and I thought she was going to pull out a crystal ball and tell me my future. I blurted that out and mom laughed out loud. So did the doctor. The guy that came with me introduced himself as Max. He prayed that mom would have a speedy recovery. She smiled, "He is a keeper." The doctor was skeptical, "He is covered in tattoos. I think that is a bad idea." Mom gave him a dirty look, "She has dated regular men and they were jerks. So let her decide who she wants to date for a change." I blushed, "We are just friends mom" Mom frowned, "Are you going back to that two timer? I expressly forbid it. The fact that you let him play you like a violin is beyond me. Just tell him to go lay an egg and move on. Or are you still sad Daniel is dead and along with your twin babies? Give yourself a chance. You will meet someone just as amazing" I nod my head and excused myself. Max followed me out, "Who is Daniel?" I looked at my shoe as I answered, "My second husband. He was a better man than the one I fell in love with and had been married to previously. Dan was a real sweetheart. He died and took a piece of me with him in a crash. I lost my sons too." I leaned on him and cried. It was the first time I cried since I lost them. He got a call from work but he made an excuse and called in sick to stay with me.
A week later mom was allowed to go home. I decided that I needed to do something to keep myself occupied. This house awoke all sorts of horrible memories. I would look around and start with a sweet memory but that would be interrupted by her. I try to remind her to let me enjoy some semblance of peace but in this house she seems like the dominant one. So to distract myself I walked to the dreaded basement for a changed of scenery. I decided that cleaning my dad's basement office would be a great idea. I had started with his desk. I was emptying the drawers when I saw that two of them has lost two whole inches compared to the rest. I felt around inside and out side and discovered a tiny hole on the underside of the drawer. I pressed my pinky finger into the hole and the bottom flipped open with a click. I saw dad's personal notes on how to frame people. I saw the list of people he had successfully framed. The second drawer had recipes for poisonous concoctions that dad discovered but saved for a rainy day. I sat down on the floor going through dad's notes as I tried to figure out how to get people off my back especially Apple. I decided that I am going to follow a pattern and find my copycat and pin it on whoever. This means getting into a routine I hated. So I have to make things interesting or she will get bored. I felt a cold hand on me. I saw a young woman who was sawed vertically in half was sitting in front of me. She was soaked to the bone and was dripping wet. There was a huge gap between the halves and still she sat as though she was whole. I smiled at her and she hugged me. After a minute she stabbed me and disappeared. I looked up to see that blood was dripping from the ceiling. Also a disembodied hand was dragging itself to me. I sat down and ignored them. I heard a cackle and knew SHE was watching the whole thing. We switched placed after I had hidden the poison files. SHE knew I had hidden the paper but had no clue where it was. SHE looked at the notes that had been laid out on table and gave the mirror a wink and a thumbs up. SHE wanted to frame Apple for this. But in the end SHE saw who was my intended Patsy. SHE snickered, "I like it"
I arrived the next day to work thinking of what my game plan should be. I was greeted with mixed feelings. I asked what happened and was informed that the brat who was chasing me was murdered. He was stabbed to death after he followed me. He had given his lawyer the passcode to the hidden camera he wore. The police were informed that lawyer will hand over the password once the cops get a subpoena. I was told the lawyer was given explicit instructions to show the video when I arrived. We sat down to see the video that they acquired and it was in my favor. It showed that he followed me but someone who looked like me walked across the street and he decided to follow someone else with a knife. He walked into a dark alleyway and he was stabbed. They never saw who did it. It was pitch black so they saw nothing. They heard the honking of the cars but nothing else. No heaved breathing, no grunts, no whispers nothing. The video was pitch black and there was nothing else to see or hear. I was cleared of any nonsense and was apologized to profusely by everybody. They made peace with the fact that Apple is a jealous woman trying to get revenge for not getting Dimka.
I was asked to go see Apple at the mental hospital. So I complied with the chief's wishes. Dimka wanted to join me. I asked him to stay out of this and he actually chose to listen. He wished me luck. I gave one of the nurses a few thousand bucks before I came here. He promised me that Apple had requested a tape recorder. I paid him to hand over the batteries which he complied. I waited while the administration check the court order and allowed us after making faces. I sat in a chair pretending to fidget when she came out. Apple came out looking haughty and I asked her why she did this. We talked until she asked me to confess that I am a serial killer. I simply denied it. Till she got frustrated with me. She asked me to confess and help will be found. I had hypnotized my previous therapist to hand over records and destroyed them for good measure. She never knew that and she had tried to have them tracked down but no luck. I confessed to spying on people but refused to admit to more. She asked for names and I blurted out names of criminals I had put in jail. She jumped with euphoria and tried to replay the conversation. It refuse to replay so she screamed in frustration and threw it against the wall. I laughed and opened my fist, "Next time dear check for batteries." I gave her a wink and she asked me if I had switched places with her. I walked away without answering her. Unfortunately for her there was a slight problem with one of the other patients and the nurse who got her the tape recorder was killed. I got back after my appointment with Apple to a cheerful chief. She had managed to prove Apple is crazy. I was cleared of any nonsense.
Gus called to ask me just the moment that I had finished paper work. He wanted to if I wanted to have dinner with him and I told him that I am free next week. He thanked me for the tip I sent his way. Also he apologized to me for not being able to convince my brother to grow up so he wouldn't kidnap me. I forgave him and promised him that there is no hard feelings. He seemed really happy but I knew that my family had a long memory for grudges. I need to be extra careful or I will be the next corpse lying in a freezing locker downstairs in the morgue.

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