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WilburSoot- Tommy has asked me to inform you all that it is his birthday today
@Piper @Purpled @Ranboo you're all invited to the party tonight

Tubbo- what about me? :C

WilburSoot- Tubbo, at this point you're just a given

Tubbo- :D

Piper- My mum says I can come

Ranboo- My parents are cool with it too

Purpled- I'm fine to go as long as I get a taxi, which should be fine

Tubbo- @Eret ????????

Eret- I never have any choice on this
Just go


TommyInnit- Glad you can all make it
wilbur told me to say that

WilburSoot- I told you not to say that last part

TommyInnit- too bad bitch I'm 17 now

WilburSoot- if it wasn't your birthday rn

Phil- Wilbur

WilburSoot- sorry dad

Sapnap- I feel so sad
I haven't been invited
@George @Dream come cry with me

George- waaaaaaa

Dream- now this interstate is paved with memories

George- what was that

Dream- Nothing
Nothing at all

George- hey sapnap you can be invited into my dms at 3 in the morning

Sapnap- oohhh sounds good

Dream- where's my invitation

George- sorry dre you're not cool enough

Dream- you've got a lotta nerve gogy

George- @Sapnap hey wanna have a shower race again

Sapnap- I'll beat you

George- no u won't

Sapnap- bet

Dream- lol and now they're off
those two are nuts

WilburSoot- Sorry but what the hell was that

Dream- we might've made a private group chat for us three
we kinda clicked and I told them my name

WilburSoot- oh wow

Dream- yeah
don't worry I'll tell you guys soon, just not ready yet

WilburSoot- completely fine Dream!

Dream- also another coincidence- turns out I know Sapnap irl

WilburSoot- there are way too many of these


Piper- I thought he was done with that

Techno- neverrrrrrrrrr

TommyInnit- no more universe talk, it's my birthday

Dream- Is this just 'worship Tommy day' then

TommyInnit- yeah that's the point of a birthday duh


Sapnap- fuck I was so close

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