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Hanna had not forgotten what the old woman had said to her about her destiny. She knew she had to play a part, the part she was chosen to play!


John had barely realised that it had already been the 28th day of the 30 days that the ruthless queen of the north had given to him. The thirty days the Queen of the North had given him time to surrender his kingdom or face war.

King John sent out soldiers to spy on the North kingdom, he needed to know if they were preparing to attack his kingdom and to his disappointment when the spies returned it was confirmed that the north kingdom really was coming for war.

King John ordered his men to get ready for the war they already knew would come. He asked his new Queen to call on her brother and his army to aid them in the fight to protect the kingdom and being his wife she did.

The day had passed but the queen's army was nowhere to be found nor did they show any signs of coming to aid the East Kingdom in the attack of the North kingdom and it was clear that John's army couldn't stand a chance. So John did the only other thing he could have. He asked the other small kingdoms for help! Refusing was rare for they had already agreed to stand by him for the opportunity of giving them a fair chance for their daughters to be chosen at the ball , but some regardless of the pledge some refused.

"You expect us to fight for you? You betrayed us when you took this woman and married her , the ball was not fairly done for the queen you have chosen wasn't entirely a part of the ball nor did you choose her at random, so we have no obligation to you or your kingdom!" Barked a king before they left,but a few did remain and offered their swords to fight the Northern queen and her army.

"King John!" Said a king who belonged to a small kingdom.

"We will seek help from others for you," and with that they left in search for help.


As the others searched for help they eventually gathered a quite large number of warriors. That was when they came across another small kingdom.

"Hello, may i have a word with your king?" Said Tyrant. The king who led the small search and who belonged to one of the many small kingdoms.

"What is it that you seek?!" Asked a guard.

"We are in need of help!"

"Help?" Asked a soft but dominant voice. The man slowly came forth and was easily recognised as the leader, the King.

"Yes! Pleased to meet you King..."

"King Benjamin, pleasure is all mine,"

"Ri-right, There is going to be war between the East and North Kingdom. I am here to gather warriors to help the Eastern Kingdom. The Queen of the North Ruthlessly wants to take over King John's kingdom but we are not going to let that happen." Said tyrant. "With this kingdom we all know what will happen. This is Queen Beatrice we are speaking about! She wants to rule the world and she will! She'll attack us next! She will come for all of us one by one and if we don't stop her now, she'll never seize! We don't stand a chance alone but if we fight here and now together then we have a chance at winning!"

"Convincing, but we can't! I am not risking the lives of my people for something we are not a part of!" Said King Benjamin.

"Suite yourself. You will regret this someday."

When the army returned King John saw that a few persons had joined,but it still wasn't enough. King John's army was ready to fight to the death with or without aid for it was their homes and families inside too and he had to protect the kingdom at all cost.

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