Chapter Two: Trauma and Abuse

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TW⚠️: This chapter will be mentioning abuse!

"No one!" I say hoping Sal will just drop the topic. "Y/N, I know I haven't known you long but I know somethings up... you can talk to me." he says kindly. Can I trust him? What if he tells someone? Actually... Maybe that wouldn't be so bad... The prick would go to jail.

"F-fine... My dad is extremely abusive. He has full custody of me." Sal looks at you surprised and concerned. "Haven't you tried to get your mom to get custody?" He says empathetically. I tear up, I know he couldn't know but just the though of my mum hurts...

"I can't..." a tear falls. He places a hand on my cheek and brushes it away. "Why not?" he asks confused. "She... um... passed away 2 weeks ago." his blue eyes widen.
"Y/N I am so sorry! I shouldn't have pried. It wasn't my business. I am so sorry about your mom. I know what that's like..."

"It's okay Sal. What do you mean you know what it's like?" You asked a bit confused. "I lost my mom when I was 3... which was the outcome of my appearance now..." His whole head looks down. My heart sinks, he knows what it's like...

"I'm so sorry Sal. I'm always here for you if you need..."
"Me too Y/N. Now you aren't going back home!" You look at him stunned. If you don't go home your dad will have your head. "Sal. I have to!"
"No! I won't let you be hurt again!" he grabs your hand gently but still rough enough so you can't release the grip and takes you outside of his room into the elevator.

"Sal... Where are you taking me?" He pulls out a card and swiped it into the slot of the elevator that says "basement" Omg why are we going to the basement? Is he planning on killing me? As if he knew what you were thinking he says, "Don't worry, I'm just taking you to meet my friend! His name is Larry. He can help with your situation."

My situation? What's this Larry guy going to be able to do? The elevator opens and Sal takes you into the basement through a room. He knocks at a door that says "KEEP OUT!" "Ayo Larry Face?"

"Sally Face!" I hear a deep voice through the door until it opens revealing a tall guy with long knotted brown hair that draped down to his waist. "Didn't know you were a ladies man, Sally good job dude!" Sal rolled his eyes.
"Shut up dude, this is Y/N, she just moved into 403, we actually came because her father has been abusing her and I don't know what to do."

Larry expression changes from happy to complete concern. "Oh fuck, are you alright? Why are you staying with him?" I look down feeling hopeless. "My mum passed 2 weeks ago and I have no other family so he got full custody..." Larry pulls you into a hug. "I know we just met dude and I'm all about personal space but you clearly need a hug."

You smile, you had never had someone care about you other than your mother. Sal and Larry were the only people who really cared about you and you had only just met them.

"Thankyou" escapes your mouth through sniffles.
"What should we do?" Sal asks Larry looking for advice. "Y/N would you feel comfortable staying at Sal's? Until we can figure out a way to get this guy locked up? If anything feels odd considering he's next door get Sal to call me and I'll be there straight away to collect you two."

You nod, "Yeah I can stay at Sal's if of course he is okay with that..." You look over at  Sal who is nodding profusely. "Of course you can stay with me Y/N."

Sal goes with you to collect clothes and other essential items you will need. You both sneak back out of the room and into his room. As soon as Sal shuts the door you wrap your arms around his neck. "Thank you so much! You really didn't have to do this..."

You say with muffled words through his chest. He wraps his arms around your waist pulling you closer. "Of course I did. You're a friend and I wasn't going to let some disgusting piece of shit of a man hurt you." You smile at those words. He really does care about you.

The rest of the afternoon you two sat on Sal's couch getting to know each other until you got notification after notification from your dad. He was messaging you practically threatening you to come home.

Dad: "Where the fuck are you!?"

Dad: "If you don't get your ass home right now your skull will be hanging from the ceiling!"




Dad: "You've packed some shit and left!? You fucking little bitch you better hope you got far away because when I get you I'm gonna make use your corpse as a chandelier in the living room."

You start uncontrollably sobbing. You were terrified. Sal wraps his arms around you putting your head in his chest to cry in. He kept whispering sweet nothings until you were calm enough to ask what was wrong. You show him your phone and he pulls you into a tighter hug.

"I'm not letting that piece of shit get to you. You're safe with me, okay? He won't find you and if he does we have Larry and Lisa too. You didn't know who Lisa was but you decided to not question it.

The rest of the night was stressful however Sal tried to take your mind off it the best he could. You watched multiple movies, had dinner and watched more movies. Eventually you two went to bed. You two fought over sleeping on the floor until Sal picked you up and placed you in bed making you pull him in bed too.

"Are you sure? I can take the floor if you're not comfortable to sleep together." He says. You grab his hand with a smile. "I'm fine with it if you are." His mask moves a little indicating he's smiling too. He gets up to turn the light off and sits back on the bed with his back facing you so he can take his mask off and his glass eye out. He falls asleep.

Sleep apparently wasn't an option for you, you couldn't get your dad out of your head. He was going to kill you. Then you remembered Sal's kind words. How he wouldn't let anyone hurt you. You felt calmer and safer knowing he was next to you which helped you drift off to sleep.

Okay I just realised how cringeyyyy this is. We do be moving real fast. So unrealistic I'm so sorry.

You didn't look away... - Sal x Reader (SallyFace)Where stories live. Discover now