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"Your turn, Halt." The book was passed to the grizzled Ranger.

UNITED NOW IN THEIR CONCERN FOR EVANLYN, THE TWO apprentices headed for Halt's quarters. All of the Araluen party had been assigned rooms in the main hall. As Halt was their leader, he had been given a small suite of three rooms.

"Small suite," Crowley said. "Of three rooms. That's a bit contradictory."

Before anyone could reply, a knock sounded on the door. Duncan rose from his seat, turning the knob. "Arald, Rodney!" he greeted. "Welcome back."

The Baron grimaced as he entered the room. "Anything to get away from that pointless paperwork." The Araluens all grinned.

The King smiled. "I can imagine." He turned to the ground at the table and gestured towards the newer companions. "I believe you've met them before."

Arald nodded and smiled at them. "A pleasure to see you once more," he said, inclining his head. The Skandians nodded back.

Rodney was a bit more reserved in his greeting. Old habits died hard.

After seating arrangements were adjusted, Halt began the story once more.

At the door, Will knocked perfunctorily and heard Halt's gruff reply: "Come."

As they entered, he took in the fact that Erak was in the room with Halt. It was hard to miss the bulky Skandian. Erak grinned. He seemed to fill most spaces he occupied. He was sprawled in one of the comfortable, carved wood armchairs that decorated the room—doubtless liberated on some wolfship raid down the coast. Rodney raised an eyebrow, but said nothing. Halt was standing by the window, framed against the low-angled light of the late afternoon. He looked quizzically at the doorway as the two boys entered hurriedly.

"That's a surprise," Gilan remarked.

"Halt," Will began urgently, "Horace says Evanlyn's disappeared. She's —"

"Safe and sound and back in Hallasholm." A familiar voice finished the sentence for him. Both boys turned to the speaker. Standing a little back, in the shadows of the room, she hadn't been evident as they'd entered.

Horace muttered something under his breath, and Cassandra chose to ignore it.

"Evanlyn!" Horace exclaimed. "You're all right!"

The girl smiled. Now that his eyes were accustomed to the darker part of the room, Will could make out that her face and clothes were smeared with grease and dirt. Her eyes met his and she smiled at him, a little wistfully. Cassandra flushed, and Will stared at the ground. Then she upended the flask of juice that she had in her hand and drank greedily from it.

"Apparently," she said, setting the flask down. "Although I have a thirst on me that I doubt I'll ever quench. All I've had to drink in the last eighteen hours was a little rainwater that made its way through the canvas covers over the . . ." She hesitated and looked to Erak to supply the word she was after. The jarl obliged. She smiled at the Oberjarl now.

"Forepeak," he said, and Evanlyn repeated the word.

"Forepeak, exactly, of Slagor's ship," she said. Will and Horace exchanged puzzled glances.

"What a surprise," Halt remarked. Both men rolled their eyes, while the rest tried to stifle their laughter.

"What in the devil's name were you doing there?" Will asked. Halt answered for her.

"The devil's name is right," he said. "It seems our friend Slagor has sold out to the Temujai—and he's planning to betray Hallasholm to them." Erak and the other Skandians scowled.

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