Work hard, play hard

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Will's POV:

Brian subbed out of the bathroom, looking down at the ground. He was tugging at his t shirt. "Uh, I didn't know I would be sharing a room with anyone. This is all I have", he gestured to his t-shirt. "I usually just sleep in boxers", he explained.

He shuffled over to the bed as I walked to the bathroom. When I turned around he was stretching his arms over his head, his t-shirt rising and oh God now I could see his ass. I ran into the bathroom and shut the door. I slid down the door, clutching my chest. Holy shit, this was bad.

After getting done I got into the other side of the bed and turned off the lights. Brian was turning away from me, and all I could see was the back off his head. I stared at it for a while before slowly drifting to sleep. 

Brian's POV:

I woke up refreshed and excited. I hopped out of bed and stretched my arms and rolled my shoulders. Then I opened the curtains and looked at the beautiful view. It was so exciting to be here. I really felt alive for the first time in a while. I grabbed my phone and put my confidence playlist on. I started preparing my outfit while vibing. 

I walked to the bathroom and got ready. When I got out I saw Will snickering at me. "What?", I asked. He chuckled. "Oh nothing. You have a beautiful singing voice, by the way", he said. I slapped his arm. "Shut up", I mumbled as I felt my cheeks go hot. I was probably red like a tomato right now. Pain.

I scrolled on my phone while waiting for Will. "Jeez, took you long enough", I complained when he walked out. "It takes work looking this good", Will said and flashed me a smile. I huffed. "Good thing I'm just naturally pretty then", I said as I opened the door. "Let's go, I'm starving", I said.

We ate breakfast in a large dining room. It was a buffet, so I just stuffed my plate with everything I saw, it all smelled so delicious. While eating, I saw Aisha walking by. I waved and she smiled and waved back. Will didn't talk to anyone. He just drank his coffee and ate a plain bagel. What a fucking weirdo. He would occasionally encourage me to eat more.

"Will, if I eat more I'm gonna explode", I sighted. "How much time do we have before the first round?", he asked. I checked my phone. "It starts in uuhh, 15 minutes. Be right back, I'm gonna go to the bathroom." 

On the way back from the bathroom, I was really starting to feel nervous. C'mon, you got this. There's no reason to be nervous now. Take a deep breath, I told myself. 

Luckily, I knew the topic each round and I had prepared statistics that supported both views for every single subject. 

We won the first round. Then the second. On the way to the third, my mood was lifted immensely. "I'm going to get some water", I said to Will before running off to find the table with water.

"Waterbottle waterbottle, Imma  get a waterbottle, yes I am thirsty for some water", I hummed as  skipped through the hallways. I almost bumped into a girl. When she turned around, I saw that it was Aisha. "Oh hey!", she said when she saw me. She smiled and handed me a water bottle. 

"Thank you", I said and grabbed the water bottle. "So, how's it going?", I asked her, I wondered if she was good. "Great! We've won every round we've been in so far, and I intend on keeping it that way", she said. I smiled. "Then we might meet soon, we've won all of our rounds too", I bragged. 

"Then I look forward to debating with you", she said and left. I remembered I had to get back to Will. I should probably bring him some water too! I grabbed another bottle and ran back. 

"What took you so long?", Will snapped. I narrowed my eyes at him. "I was talking to Aisha. Jeez, why are you so grumpy", I muttered. "Look!", I said, shoving the water bottle in his hands. "I even brought you water. Ha ha, I'm so nice",  smugly said. 

"Why are you always talking to her?", Will asked annoyed, opening the bottle and taking a sip. I rolled my eyes. "I talked to her when we sat next to her yesterday, and I ran into her incidentally today. Why do you care?", I asked. "No reason, it's just annoying", he grumbled.

We walked back to the debate room together. To my surprise, Aisha and a tall boy was already sitting at the other table. "Great", Will muttered under his breath. Oh boy, this was going to be interesting.

The judge gesture for us to shake hands. I shook the tall boys hand first, then Aisha's. "Good luck", she smirked. "Good luck to you", I replied. We got settled into the chairs, and the debate started.

After some very intense minutes, we were finally done. I was on a high from the adrenaline rush. I couldn't believe it. We had won every single round so far, which meant we were  going to the semi-finals. 

Will collapsed in the arm chair at our hotel room, while I collapsed on the bed. "So, what are you gonna do now?", Will asked. I sighted. "I don't know? Sit in my room and read a book. Maybe take a walk?", I said. 

Will scoffed. "That's so sad. You need to celebrate!", Will said. I sat up and gave him a confused expression. "I don't really...celebrate? I kinda move on and get onto the next big thing", I explained. 

Will jumped out of the chair. "Nonsense! You're in fricking Washington! We need to explore the city. Right now", he said. I smirked. "Are you asking me on a date, Will?", I said evilly. Will frowned. "Ew, of course not. I just find your existence depressing, and it's ruining my vibe. Anyways, you coming or not?", he asked rather annoyed, his ears blushing. I chuckled. "Yeah yeah, just let me get changed first.

I changed my outfit from a blue shirt and black trousers to baggy jeans and a black hoodie. Wow, fashion icon. I grabbed my phone, keycard and wallet before heading out with Will. We took the elevater down to the lobby before walking out into the chilly air. The sun was sitting low in the sky, and the city was full of life. "So, where do you want to go?", I asked Will as we walked down the streat.

Will looked at me with a grin, his eyes shining. "First, I wanna go shopping."

A/N: Y'all, I had my vocal exams in Spanish. TT. It was hard, but I got an A :D Now I have some free time yay, hope you haven't been waiting for too long! Also thanks for 10k reads I'm so fricking happy. Imma do something fun or y'all.   

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