drunk accidents

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Brian's POV:

My head fell down on my pillow again. I wanted to sleep. But, I wanted to see Will. He sounded like he needed me. He sounded like a mess. I closed my eyes and let my mind relax. A few minutes later I got a text.

Will Asshole Miller

-I'm outsidn rn

Great. I slipped on a hoodie and grabbed my keys before sneaking out of the apartment. As I walked down the metal stairs I realized something. Was this a booty call? When we got to Will's house, what exactly did he want to do. Ugh, I'll just have to get this over with. He's acting like a child.

As I looked down the road, a taxi approached me. I squinted my eyes as the car light blinded my sight. I walked up to the taxi and looked through the car window. I saw Will inside the taxi. I opened the door and sat down inside the cab. Will turned his head and smiled at me. "Hey", he said, a beautiful boyish smile on his face. My cheeks grew warm. "Hi", I breathed out. The taxi driver gave an audible sight. I looked at Will, who was completely clueless to the situation. "Will, are we gonna go or?", I asked, giving him a look. He nodded lazily and told the driver his address. 

His head leaned on me as the car started driving. He nuzzled his face in the crook of my neck. "Not in here!", I whispered to him. He just grabbed my hand and squeezed it. I sighted and leaned my head against his, resting in the comfortable silence.

I recognized the neighborhood we drove through, and I realized that I would be faced with whatever mood Will was in very soon. I thanked the driver as he stopped in front of the house. I unbuckled my seatbelt and opened the door. Will was still fickling with his. I reached over and helped him before opening the door for him. Then he pulled out his card and payed the taxi driver. I climbed out of the car and shut the door. I shivered at the cold night air and hugged my torso. 

Will's footsteps became louder as he put his arms around me and hugged me from behind. "Can we go inside?", I asked. He nodded. He struggled to open the door, and eventually I just had to do it for him. 

When we got inside his house, he threw himself on the couch. He patted the spot on the couch next to him. I sat down and gave him a stern look. "I can't stay for long", I told him. "I need to be home when mom wakes up". He nodded. He told me it was okay. He hugged me and told me he was glad I could come.

I hugged him back. "Why did you want to see me?", I said, voice muffled in his hair. "I just needed to see you", he said. I frowned. "You want to see me that bad?", I asked. "What happened? Did something happen today or?", I wondered. He sighted. "I just had a shitty day. And I missed you." I hummed. "That's sweet. But is this a booty call?", I asked. Will didn't answer. I jumped away from him. I knew it!", I pointed accusingly at him from the other end of the sofa.

Will tried to crawl over to me, but I pulled a pillow and held it at arms length to protect myself. "Don't you dare come any closer", I threatened. But of course he didn't listen. As he crawled closer, I swung my arm back and threw the pillow at him. He made a muffled grunt as the pillow hit him in the face. I fell back and laughed. "You need to sober up. And sleep", I scolded him. He whined as he crawled over me. "I'm not tired", he whined as he leaned all his body weight on me. 

I desperately wriggled, trying to free myself, but to no avail. His weight was crushing me. "Hey, get off", I complained. Will just shook his head. "Nuh uh, don't wanna". I sighted. "Get off you big baby", I yelled as I pressed him. He just pushed his face deeper into my chest. Asshole. I grabbed his ear and twisted it.

"Auch!", he yelled as he jerked, grabbing my wrist. "That hurts!", he yelled. I smirked. "It's what my mom did when I misbehaved. When I was like, 8". Will pouted, but got off me. "Can we like, meet tomorrow?", he asked, suddenly looking very vulnerable on the big white couch. I nodded. "Sure". I got up and grabbed a blanket to put over him. After tucking him in, I started walking towards the kitchen. He grabbed my arm to stop me. "Wait. Where are you going?", he asked, fear in his voice. I rolled my eyes playfully. "I'm making us tea, relax you big baby." I smiled as he let go off my hand. 

It didn't take long to fin a pot and start boiling water. Then I only needed to find some tea. But the kitchen was gigantic. The water boiled for ages while I looked for tea. Suddenly I realized, almost mortified, that maybe Will's family didn't drink tea. Just when I was about to give up and just ask him, Will yelled out where the tea was. Of course it was in some obscure bottom drawer I didn't see. They only had green tea and fruit tea, and I decided green would be better. After making to cups, I returned to the couch with the tea. 

I blew some steam as I stirred the tea. "It's not like you to be so clingy", I commented. "I'm actually like this all the time, just in my head", Will said, straight serious. I snorted. "I'm serious!", Will insisted. He  really acted like a child. I couldn't remember him acting like this in Washington. Although I couldn't really remember much at all regarding Washington. He must have drunk much stronger booze tonight. I flushed at the memory of getting drunk on a couple glasses of wine. How embarrassing.

"It's funny to see you like this. You act all cute and childish", I laughed. He tilted his head. "Do you enjoy when I'm acting cute?" I shook my head. "I enjoy not being the one who is embarrassed in a situation",  I chuckled. "It's nice to see that you're not perfect." Will rapidly shook his head. "I am so far from perfect. I am wrong in so many ways." He hid behind his cup and shyly looked into it, mumbling: "You're the closest thing to perfect." I blushed. "Don't be silly!", I waved my hand, embarrassed by his words. 

Just the Will got a painful expression on his face. Before I could ask if he was okay, he ran to the bathroom. I ran after him just in time to see him spilling his guts in the toilet bowl. "Was my tea that bad?"

Will just groaned and gagged over the bowl. He barfed some more, then I wiped his face with a wet towel. He brushed his teeth and took a painkiller. "You should rest. I'll go home", I said. He gave me a longing expression. "You sure you can't sleep over?", he asked, his expression looking like he already knew the answer. "My mom's gonna worry. I can't send her a message that I slept over at someone else's place in the middle of the night", I sighted. Will dragged his hands through his blonde waves. "I know, it's fine", he said. "I'll come over tomorrow. Just text me when you're ready", I said. Then I tiptoed and kissed him on the cheek. His cheeks turned a scarlet red. "Bye!", I yelled over my shoulder as I ran out of the door, the house and into the night. 

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