What are we doing?

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Brain's POV:

I pushed Will away. "What are we doing?", I asked him. He kissed my neck. "We're having some fun", I could feel him smile against my skin. "Are we not?", he asked, giving me those eyes that made me melt inside. I gulped. "Yeah", I pressed out, voice cracking in the middle. "Fuck the movie", Will said and picked me up.

I gasped as he grabbed me bridal style and started running. All I could do was clutch onto him. "If you drop me you're dead", I shrieked as he started running up the stairs. He laughed and started running faster. For a terrifying moment I was falling in the air, then my body hit the bed. "Oh my fucking God, stop scaring me!", I yelled. Will just looked at me and laughed. "I didn't pin you as such a scaredy cat", he smirked. My eyes darkened with feigned rage. "YOU!", I yelled as I lunged forward and grabbed him, pulling him down with me. I pressed him down on his back and grabbed hi cheeks. "Take that back right now!", I threatened, squishing his cheeks to death. Will held his hands up in surrender. "Fune fune, I suwwendew", he said. "You awe not a scawedy cat", he pressed out as I shook his head back and forth.

"Thank you", I said as I let go of his face, pleased with myself. I yelped as he grabbed my waist and flipped us over. We had completely switched positions as Will was now sitting on me, grabbing my face. "Now you admit you want me", he smiled evilly. I scrunched my nose. "No way", I said, averting my gaze. "Admit it. Admit it!", Will said, squeezing my cheeks. "Never!", I yelled. He smirked. "I seem to remember you saying something different last time we kissed. Something about begging me to not stop", he chuckled. My cheeks heated up. "Ugh, shut up", I pouted. He grabbed my wrists and pinned them on each side of my head. "But Will, I'm horny", he moaned in a high pitched voice.

"Ugh, shut up you jerk. Asshole. I will kill you", growled, trying to free myself from his grasp. But no matter how much I moved my arms or tried to kick him, he held me in an iron grip. He laughed at my pathetic attempt at getting free. "Man, you're weak", he chuckled. "Shut up and let me go, or I will kill you", I screamed. "Go ahead and try", he smirked. "Ugh", I continued to struggle to free myself, he had now pressed his knees down on my legs to keep me from kicking. "Maybe if you beg", he smirked. My mouth dropped. "No way!", I frowned. "Oh well", he shrugged and continued to look down at me. He slowly slid his thigh between my legs.

"Ngh", I let out a small moan as his thigh pressed my crotch. "I'm starting to think you enjoy this", he whispered in my ear. His hot breath tickled my ear. "Let me go... please", I softly muttered. Will released his grip on my hands and cupped my face. "See, that wasn't so hard, was it?", he asked. I grabbed his shoulders as he caressed my chest. "Good boy", he said, pressing on my nipple. I closed my eyes and tilted my head to the side. A warm feeling was forming in my stomach. Will laid his hand on top of my jeans. He gave me a look as if waiting for permission, and I nodded.

As soon as he got his clear sign, he started unbuckling my belt. He opened my pants and grabbed the front of my boxers. My toes curled as he rubbed circles with his thumb. "P-please", I moaned. He slipped his hand inside my boxers and I shuddered from the coldness of his hands. He started slowly stroking me. His eyes were intensely set on me, watching my every reaction. He would speed up, but the moment I was close, he slowed down again. I was going insane. I sat up and moved so I was sitting on his lap. "Please", I whispered as I clung to him, resting my head in the crook of his neck. "I- I need to. Please, I don't think I can hold back much longer", I whined. He wrapped one hand around me and started stroking, while the other grabbed my ass. As his stroking sped up, he tilted my chin. "I want to see you", he said. The pleasure was too much, and I  lost all embarrassment as I came in his hand. I softly moaned as my body stiffened, then dropped. I rested my head on his shoulder as I caught my breath. He stroked my back with his clean hand.

Then he got up and disappeared. He came back with some wet wipes and started cleaning me. "I-i'ts fine, I can do it myself", I said, feeling embarrassed. "It's fine", he said with a small smile.  He continued to wipe me as I hid my face in my hands. He looked at the golden clock on the wall. "It's getting late, why don't you just sleep over", he said, less like a question, more like it was the most obvious thing in the world we had sleepovers. "I don't have any pajamas. I don't even have a toothbrush", I said and felt stupid the moment I said it. It sounded like I wanted to leave, which I didn't. 

"I have spare toothbrushes. And you can just borrow my clothes", he said. I watched his back as he turned around and went into his closet. He threw a t shirt and some sweatpants at me. "I usually sleep in just boxers", he explained. I gathered the clothes in my hand and followed him into the bathroom. He handed me a toothbrush and we started brushing our teeth.

When we got back into the bedroom, Will pulled his shirt over his head in one swift motion, showing off the veins in his arm and his hard abs. My eyes lingered at the top of his boxers. Will caught me looking. I turned away and started changing too. I pulled my shirt over my head and put on his t shirt. But when I tried on the pants, they just kept falling off. I tried to tighten the string, but the pant leg just sagged so much at the bottom I decided it would be uncomfortable. 

Will looked at me and laughed. He picked me up and we lay on the bed together. He embraced me  in his big arms, and I rested my head on his chest. He softly stroked my hair. "Will..", I said. "Yes?", he answered. "When I was sick and stayed here, where did I sleep". I felt his body stiffen under me. "Uhhh, why do you ask?", his voice trembled. "Ha!", I said and looked up at him. "You fucking perv", I snorted. Will blushed. "It was to make sure you were okay". "Sure, sure", I nodded, smirking. 

I relaxed again and shifted nervously. "But uh, what are we?", I nervously asked him. "What do you mean?", he asked back. "Like, we are obviously doing some things that are not like, just friendly. What is our relationship?" "Well, the way I see it, we help each other out. There's no need to complicate it, don't you think? If one of us calls or texts, and the other is in the mood, we help each other out", he said. "I mean, that's what you want too, right?", he asked. "Yeah, that's what I want", I mumbled.

A/N: uh oh, is this what Brian wants?

The vaccine really fucked me up, but don't worry I'm fine. What is not fine is the fact that I forgot to delete my notes last chapter that made me want to disappear into a black hole. Let's never mention it again.

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