Max x Reader 2

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They sat underneath a tree at the top of a hill, Max was laying between Y/Ns legs, resting her head on her collar bone. It was a warm spring day, and only the beginning of spring break.

Y/N smiled as she played with the other girl's hair, and kissed the top of her head earning a loving grin from Max. She lightly lifted the girls head and kissed her fondly, "I love you", she said with a smile. "I love you too, Y/N", she returned the same smile before reaching for another kiss.

They both sighed contently, watching the sun set. They had just finished their picnic, and decided to cuddle for the last little bit.

Y/N looked down for a second, and realized the other girl was starring at her. "What?", she asked with a chuckle. Max blushed before speaking, "just admiring you", she gave the girl a giddy smile. Y/N felt her heart melt before lightly grabbing the girls face and kissing her again.

Max turned around to lay into the girl with out having to turn her head to look at her. The girl moved a couple strands of hair out of her face. "I'm.. so glad I met you", Y/N spoke. Max grinned, "me too, I mean I never thought I'd find the one but then I met you, and everything changed". The girl felt tears streaming down her face.

Y/N cleared her throat. "So um, we've been dating for 8 years now and... well". She paused for a second. "I'll just go out and say it, you gave me a reason to be alive, you made me want to try and be a good person and I've never been more thankful for anything, or anyone in my entire life and..".

Max gasped for a second, "wait what are you.. are you saying what I think you are-". Y/N giggled nervously before pulling out a box and opened it, inside containing a beautiful ring.

  Y/N giggled nervously before pulling out a box and opened it, inside containing a beautiful ring

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The Ring

"I've been in love with you since day one, and I get if you want to wait or-", Max cut her off by kissing her.  She was crying.  "Yes, oh my god yes!  I'll marry you 1000x yes, I love you so much".  She kissed her again, before the other girl pulled away to slip her ring on. 

"I- it's beautiful.. th-thank you wow I.. can't even think right now".  Y/N giggled and wiped the girls tear.  "Not expecting that huh?".  Max shook her head.  "Oh no no no, but I'm happy you did this is- I'm engaged holy fuck".  They laughed together before kissing one last time. 

"Well, I think it's time we head back, then you can flash your ring to all our friends".  Max grinned and held out her hand to help the other girl up.  She skipped to the car and couldn't get rid of that cute, dopey grin she had on her face for the rest of the night.

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