Abby 3 *requested *

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Disclaimer; sorry I'm publishing so late I needed a break.  Now on with the story!

Abby's eyes fluttered open, when the met with the site of her girlfriend sleeping peacefully beside her.  Suddenly the memories from last night came flooding in.  The excitement, the lust, the love, the intimacy.  She blushed at the thought while smiling that cute smile.  She turned to her side table and grabbed the book she was reading.  Now Abby is a huge "Hunger Games" fan, and has read all the books.  She is currently re-reading the "Mocking Jay", book number three.

An hour has passed before she heard her Y/N's quiet grumbles, cursing herself that she had to wake up.  Abby giggled at that and turned to face her, putting her book down.  "Hey you", she greeted with a giddy smile.  Y/N looked at her and gave her a lazy smile.  "Sup", she said with a sigh.  Abby snuck closer to her and snuggled their noses together.  "I like being here with you", she said.  The other girl smiled and lightly kissed the top of her head.  "Me too, I love you".  "I love you too", she replied before pecking the girls lips.  "Hey I made sandwh- OH GOD SORRY I'LL COME BACK LATER", an embarrassed Max quickly shut the door and scurried down the hall.  The two broke into a fit of giggles.  "Ah poor girl, we should probably get dressed", Y/N laughed.  "Let's at least wait ten minutes, don't need too much of that awkward silence", Abby replied with a smirk. 

Yeah so ten minutes ended up being an hour cause the two horn dogs got carried away.  They came down to make breakfast when Max, Ginny, Norah, and Sophie were staring at them.  "What?", Abby asked.  "Damn girl you're loud", Sophie laughed.  She blushed and mumbled a "shut up" before quickly grabbing two pieces of bread and placing them in the toaster.  Y/N just had a smile thinking to herself "yep that's my girl".  Ginny washed her plate before speaking, "so we still on for that weird trampoline dodge ball game?".   "Me, Abby, and Y/N are going to kick your sorry asses", Max spoke up with a grin.  "Wow you trying to ruin us babe?", Sophie said with a fake serious look.  The other girl shook her head and pecked her lips. 

By the time they got to the trampoline park, Max already made Abby and Y/N have a pep talk to see how they can take down Sophie, Ginny, and Norah.  "Easy there tiger it's just a dodge ball game", Abby giggled as she looked at her.  "Just a game? JUSSST a game?  If we lose my girlfriend is going to make fun of me... plus we made a deal who ever loses owes the other 50 bucks and I lost too many bets against her", Max explained as she gave their opponents a competitive look.  "Okay let's win this bitch then", Y/N yelled enthusiastically.  She grabbed the short girl's hand and ran to the trampoline. 

"LET'S DO THIS", Max grabbed all the balls and passed them to the others.  Abby threw the ball at Ginny and hit her in the arm.  Max yanked it at Sophie, in which she caught it.  "Aha you're out."  Max gasped before sitting on the edge.  Norah grabbed a ball and aimed it at Abby but missed entirely.  "Umm.. you didn't see that", she stuttered.  Y/N giggled.  Abby did a flip and dodged Sophie's throw.  "Shit am I dating a ninja". The other girl smirked before catching Norah's throw. 

"Two on one, let's do this", Y/N threw the ball at Sophie but she dodged it.  She threw a ball at Abby, who bounced it off the ball she was holding.  Sophie hit Y/N in the head.  "OYY no aiming for heads", she stated dramatically".  Everyone laughed.  She walked off the trampoline and took a sip of her water bottle.  The two girls were going at it, the game was getting intense.  They both threw it at the same time and hit each other.   "I hit you first!", Sophie yelled "what do you mean I hit you-", she was cut off by the reff, "tie it's a tie I've got to accompany a kids party so off the court", he blew his whistle.  They went off and laughed.  "Okay so like now what do we both give each other money orr what".  Sophie giggled and nudged her shoulder, "bets off".  Max did a little victory dance. 

Y/N took Abby'a hand and guided them to a private spot.  "Hey, what do you wanna do now?  Just the two of us?"Abby thought about it for a second, "well there's a new restaurant I wanted to go to, my treat?".  Y/N smiled, "only if you want to I'm also good with splitting or paying entirely."  The other girl shook her head.  "No no you've paid enough for me I'll pay, now let's get home and shower I feel disgusting and sweaty."  Y/N giggled and kissed her on the nose, causing Abby to lightly blush.

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