Abby x Reader 2

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Abby skipped towards Y/N and planted a kiss to her cheek.  She wrapped her arms around the girls neck and gave her a giddy smile, "I missed you", she said as she brushed their noses.  "Missed you too", she replied then pecked the other girl's lips.  Y/N grabbed the girls hand and interlocked their fingers.  She guided them to the spot where they had a picnic set up. 

They sat down, Abby cuddled into Y/N and smiled.  Y/N grabbed a mini powdered donut and fed it to the girl, giggling when some powder got on her nose.  She smiled and wiped it with a napkin before suffocating her in a hug.  Abby laughed and rested her head into the girls collarbone.  "I love you", Abby broke the comfortable silence.  "I love you too", Y/N smiled then lightly grabbed the girl's chin and kissed her. 

Time Skip

Abby and Y/N were cuddling watching "But I'm A Cheerleader".  Y/N always wants to watch this movie, which Abby has grown tired of but she'd do anything for the girl.  She rarely pays attention to the film because she's to busy starring at the girl beside her.  She laid her head into the crook of the girl's neck and sighed contently.  She smiled when she felt her play with her hair.  Y/N placed a kiss on her forehead and turned the t.v off when she heard her gentle breathing meaning she fell asleep.

Y/N carefully got up making sure she doesn't wake the girl, and grabbed a blanket.  She covered the sleeping beauty then laid beside her and fell asleep.  

Two hours later Abby woke up and realized the girl was gone.  Her separation anxiety instantly kicked in, she shot up and looked around her.  She jumped when she felt something behind her but sighed in relief when she realized it was just her girlfriend.  "Hey, you okay?", she gently asked, moving a few strands hair out of the small girl's face.  Abby sighed, "yeah, yes sorry I.. I just thought that you-", Y/N cut her off with her voice.  "Hey hey hey, don't worry I'll never leave you okay?  You're the love of my life and nothing will change my feelings for you", she smiled fondly before crouching to the girl's size, and planted a kiss on her head. 

Abby felt tears coming before pulling Y/N into a tight embrace.  "I love you so much", she kissed the girl.  Y/N mumbled an "I love you too", before wiping the girl's tears.  "Come one let's get some ice cream", she said as she put her arm around her. 

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