Chapter 3: Alexander

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storm chapter things 😈😈😈 - Adrien

chapter 3: alexander
Alexander's POV

John went to speak, but was cut off by a boom from outside, and a flash illuminated his window.

That made my heart drop and my palms sweat. This can't be happening right now. I can't freak out right now. Especially in front of this popular boy. He'll tell all his friends that i'm a wimp who cries over a storm.

I tried to keep my composure; however, my heart couldn't stop racing. It was practically pounding out of my chest at this point.

John glanced up at me. "Hey, you good?" he asked, looking at me in the eyes with a concerned expression.

"Y-yeah," I stuttered. "The thunder just scared me." That was a bit of an understatement.

John nodded in response and continued to work, asking me occasional questions. I picked up my pen hesitantly and began to work once more.

We worked for awhile and I started to calm down a little. That was until the thunder rumbled outside and it started to pour.

BOOM! The thunder crashed loudly outside. I dropped my pen and and started to shake.

I covered my ears and started panicking. I hugged onto my knees tightly, burying my head into my knees.

John looked up at me. "Hey.. um.." he said awkwardly, scooting toward me. I could quite honestly tell he had no idea what to do in this situation.

I started to sob. Dammit Alexander, you broke in front of him. You're such a wimp.

John put his hand on my shoulder, most likely to attempt to calm me down. I pulled away immediately.

"Oh shit, i'm sorry-" John said, pulling away his arm.

I didn't respond, just kept sobbing. It was raining even harder now and I couldn't stop crying. Memories flooded my head about that horrible day. The hurricane.

"Do you want me to get my dad?" John asked, pointing to the door. I could tell he was concerned, he just had no idea what to do.

I shook my head, looking at John and sniffling. I slowly wrapped my arms around him and started to sob into John's shoulder.

John paused at first, in shock, but he put his arms around me and let me cry. He lightly rubbed my back as well. That's so sexc.

tiny timeskip brought to you by turkey sammich 😫😫😫😫

We were sitting in a comfortable silence, and I started to feel genuinely better. I didn't wanna let go of John, though.

That silence didn't last for long, though. John's dad knocked on the door and slowly opened it. "Hey, John. Me and your mother are- oh-"

I spun my head around to meet the eyes of John's dad. I quickly pulled myself off of John, sitting there awkwardly. John was as red as a tomato.

"A-anyway, me and your mother are gonna go to the store and grab some things. You want anything?" John's father asked.

John shook his head, his face still extremely red.

Henry nodded and closed the door. Meanwhile, John was still red and still in shock.

"S-sorry," I muttered, fiddling with the end of my shirt.

"It's alright." John shrugged. "Let's finish the project?"

another timeskip brought to you by ALEX SHARTING HIS PANTS HHAHAHA STINKY 🥺🥺🥺🥺🥺🥺🥺🥺🥺🥺🥺

It was around 8:30 PM when we finally finished the project. It wasn't due for another week, so we probably shouldn't have finished it right away, but it's alright.

John looked extremely tired. He yawned, stretching out his arms. "We got it done..!"

I smiled, "I guess so."

I yawned as well, "I think i'll shut my eyes for a few minutes. I'm kinda tired."

John nodded. I curled up in a spot on the floor next to John. I closed by eyes and eventually passed out.



My eyes fluttered open and I wasn't in my room. I sat up and looked around. Oh right, I was at John's.

Holy shit, I was at John's-

I picked up my phone and looked at my recent notifications.

(can't we be) 17 missed calls from 'Mama Washington'


I also wasn't on the floor anymore. I was in John's bed.

Holy shit, I was in John's bed-

I looked around for John, still really tired.

And John was curled up next to me.

Holy shit, I slept with JOHN FUCKING LAURENS?!

Damn Alex, that's so gay of you.

Anyways, I tapped John's shoulder,

"Jooohn, wake up!"

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