A/N Update

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       Hey, deadskull here! I just wanted to say thank you for all the reads and supporting comments I've gotten! Since I started not too long ago, I've decided to create a collab account, so when I have a story on there I will let you know! Huge shout-out to ottolaraia, whose ideas are creating so many fututre chapters ahead! You may have noticed that these chapters are very long. That's because I prefer you guys to sit down, grab a blanket, and enjoy! I have nothing against short and sweet ones, but I like to really get into the mood of each entry, which usually takes place in the span of an episode or two in the actual series. Updates will be a little more spaced out, since I have two accounts, my own and the collab, to work with. 

A few shout-outs to my supporting commentors!




See you in the next chapter, amigos!!


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