You Belong With Me, Not Him

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That September day had started wonderfully. Bella Swan had woken up in the arms of her love, gotten ready at a leisurely pace and gotten in the car to visit her best friend. The young brunette had no idea that the day would take such a bad turn, and she was sure that the moment would be remembered for a long time.

"Get off me!" Bella yelled at Jacob.

She pushed at his hard chest and his face, but given his supernatural strength, he was far too strong for her, and she couldn't force him away on her own.

Don't cry in front of him. Do not cry.

Don't cry in front of him. Do not cry.

Bella closed her eyes as she repeated the mantra in her head, becoming still when she felt a few tears fall down her face. Naturally, the teen wolf noticed.

"Bella, don't cry, this is what you want, this is what I deserve, I've had to sit on the sidelines long enough. Remember that I was the one that was there for you when he left you like you were nothing."

His statement made Bella freeze for a second time, unsure of what was about to happen. She fought his tight grasp weakly, knowing deep down that her efforts were futile and her human strength did not hold a candle to his.

"You won't get away with this, Jacob." She told him quietly, silently damning the fact that she was on Quileute land and Alice would have no idea of the personal attack that had taken place.

Jacob scoffed.

"What are you going to do, tell your bloodsuckers to get me, if they come on the reservation they will be torn to shreds, and no body part large enough to find will be left to salvage." He threatened, through gritted teeth.

Bella stopped fighting, if only for a moment, which made Jacob loosen his tight grip on her. He let go of her forearms and slid his hands down to hold her hands, which gave the girl enough time to force him off her. His distraction gave Bella the chance to move her arms fast enough to hit him in the face with a closed fist, without any further thought of the consequences.

Bella recoiled as she hit him, keeping her hand in a fist and holding it tightly to her chest. She cursed herself, she should have thought about the consequences of hitting a werewolf, but the thought completely escaped her mind as she fought him off. Her hand and wrist were both throbbing, a flash of pain radiating up her arm each time she moved her wrist from its position at her chest. Bella didn't take another moment to glare at her werewolf captor before she took off running back into the woods. She ran as fast as her legs would carry her, knowing that the young wolf would be right behind her.

"Bella! Wait!" he shouted.

Bella kept on running, seeking cover in the nearby tree line. Still holding her wrist to her chest, she continued to run, leaving Jacob and his pleas behind her.

Jacob didn't attempt to follow her after she broke out of his grasp. For the first time, Bella gave a sigh of gratitude when she realised that she and Jacob had only been around fifteen minutes away from the border when the incident had occurred, and the closer Bella was to the border, the higher the chances of Alice seeing that she was in trouble.

The walk took a little longer than Bella had first anticipated, and by the time she had reached the treeline that ran along the road, it was raining. Breathing a heavy sigh, Bella reached into her back pocket with her uninjured hand and pulled out the cell phone that Edward had slipped into her hand as she had climbed out of his car that morning. She unlocked the device and quickly opened the contacts, knowing that the faster she got in contact with someone the faster she could get out of there.

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