Giving Her Away

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Bella woke the next morning with Edward by her side, his arms encircling her waist and comforter pulled up to her chin so that she didn't get cold. 

"Morning," She said sleepy, without opening her eyes. One thing in particular that she had been grateful to Esme for, was the brand new curtains that hung over the windows in the room that Bella and Edward shared. No longer would she open her eyes of a morning and be greeted with the harsh brightness shining through the windows. 

"Morning, love," Edward replied, quickly closing the book he had in hand and turning to face her. 

She opened her eyes, recalling the events of the previous night for the first time. It had actually happened, it wasn't a nightmare that she had not yet woken from. Renee was truly going to show up on their doorstep and demand to see Bella, despite her daughter's unwavering wishes. Noting the concern on her face, Edward's impression immediately softened as he moved to sit up.

"Bella, are you alright? Truly?" He asked her solemnly.

"I am just so angry with her Edward, but I know you will keep me safe," 

"Always." He said, pulling her tighter to his chest.

They sat in comfortable silence for only a few seconds, their moment of contentedness broken when the door was knocked gently. The door opened to reveal Jasper, who poked his head in with a sheepish expression. He stepped into the room, carrying a mug of what Bella assumed was tea. 

He sat on the end of the bed once he had placed the cup on the sideboard, "Esme made you a tea, how are you feeling this morning?" He asked, his tone etched with concern as he pushed a comforting wave of compassion in her direction. He moved from Edward's arms and towards Jasper, who took her into his embrace readily. 

"Not good, but I know that I am safe here. My only worry now is that she would refuse to leave without seeing me first, I honestly don't know what I would say to her." Jasper squeezed the human's shoulders, his hand on the back of her head as she rest her chin on his shoulder. 

"We got you, Bella. If she doesn't leave, then she will simply be removed, it is as easy as that. This is our home, not hers, and we will make sure that you feel safe and comfortable here." He promised, enhancing the waves of compassion with his love for his newfound sister. She pulled back, her expression one of sheer elation.

"I love you, too." She whispered. 

After a moment, mild embarrassment started to colour Bella's emotions and she pulled away from Jasper, moving back to her original position next to Edward on the bed. 

Jasper's eyes shone with amusement, he had expected this rise in feelings from Bella, "No need for shyness, Bella, isn't this what big brothers are for after all?" He asked, the corner of his mouth turning up into a smile.

"Yeah I suppose, I've never had one before remember." she shrugged

"Well, you got two now!" Jasper said, letting his southern accent come into his voice. Bella had realised over the past weeks, that Jasper hardly ever let his accent slip when he was without his family. Never at school around other people, only when he was at home surrounded by people he was truly comfortable with.

Jasper touched her hand reassuringly before getting up and leaving the room, closing the door behind him.

"When will she be here?" Bella asked Edward, her voice meek.

"She will be here by mid-morning tomorrow, she has booked a night flight for her and Phil for tonight and will be arriving in England tomorrow morning. I'm sorry Bella."

"Why on earth are you sorry? You have done nothing but help me and be supportive." 

"I don't know, if I hadn't given in and let you go down to the reservation, none of this would have happened." He said, his head down.

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