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Bella came downstairs the next morning at 7:30 a perfectly calm house. She came and sat beside Carlisle, who was sitting in the living room in an armchair reading a book and waiting for the removal vans to arrive. 

"Good morning, Bella. Did you sleep well?" He asked her.

She smiled widely in greeting, reaching up to rub the sleep from her eye, "Very well, thank you. How is everything going?"

"I am very that to hear that. Everything is going well, although there is something that I need to ask you." Carlisle asked slowly. 

"Yeah?" She replied.

"Of course, I don't want you to be upset, but do you want to speak to or see Charlie before we leave?" 

She shook her head. "No, I don't want to speak to him, Charlie will never accept me for what I want to be, I want to marry Edward and become a member of this family, and Charlie will not accept that," Bella replied, her expression sorrowful. 

Carlisle stood and pulled her into a hug, which only lasted a few seconds because he heard he heard the removal vans pulling onto the drive. A few minutes later one of the drivers knocked on the door, Carlisle opened it with a box in hand, ready to go as soon as possible. 

"I got six vans here, if you point us in the direction of what you want loading my guys will get started."

Needing to keep up the human pretence, Carlisle directed him to the garage, where all boxes are suitcases were packed and waiting to be loaded. Carlisle, Esme, Jasper, Alice and Bella would be assisting with packing the removal vans, whilst Emmett, Edward and Rosalie started to load the auto-haulier, which had arrived only moments before. 

Rosalie started first, loading her BMW onto the bottom tier lorry, the Jeep and Edward's Volvo following suit as they were the heaviest by far. Emmett put the key into the ignition of the Jeep and loaded it onto the bottom tier of the lorry behind Rosalie's car. After it was loaded, he secured it in place using the ties and the ropes attached to the wheels. Pocketing the key, Emmett climbed down the ladder on the side of the lorry instead of jumping down (damn human pretences). Heading back to the garage, Emmett repeated the process with Alice's car, loading it onto the top tier above Rosalie's car. 

Once each vehicle was loaded, Rosalie and Emmett met Edward in their now-empty garage, retrieving the keys from their pockets and handing them over to Edward. 

"Carlisle told us to give the keys to you," Rosalie said. 

Edward locked and secured the garage doors, before walking back to the house. They were not at all concerned about burglary or vandalism, their state of the art hurricane shutters would protect their house. As Edward entered the living room, he found that all six delivery vans were full and everything was ready to go. Through the window, each of the removal vans was already backing out and disappearing from sight, closely followed by the auto-haulier.

"Is everyone ready?" Carlisle asked one final time, squeezing Esme's hand tightly. 

Everybody gave affirmation, and they were soon climbing into the car that had been called to transport them to the airport, their remaining luggage in tow. 


The check-in process was standard, with several queues but nothing unmanageable. Jasper had all tickets and passports ready, which made the process smooth and uneventful. Pushing the trolleys through the terminal, the clan bid a temporary goodbye to whatever luggage they were checking and made their way towards security. 

The first-class lounge at Seattle-Tacoma was exquisite, and surprisingly sparsely populated.  Alice was bouncing in her seat, eyeing the multitude of stores on the other side of the terminal.

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