How Do We Feel About England?

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Carlisle left his office with the intention of going into the library to call Charlie, it wasn't until he remembered that Rosalie, Emmett, Jasper and Alice were out of the house that he decided to go and find Esme so that they could make the call together. He walked down the staircase and entered the living room, finding Esme in the living room curled up on the sofa reading a book. Carlisle sighed heavily and walked over to the sofa to sit beside her.

"Are you going to call Charlie?" She asked.

"Yes, I have to. How much did you hear?" 

"I heard that we are starting to have problems again and that we weren't going to leave unless Bella is with us, and I completely agree. The last time we tried it tore our family apart and in no way is that happening again." She said.

"Well, none of that matters, she has agreed to come with us. Now, all we need to do is speak with her father."

"Yes I know, but after what Charlie did he surely can't be surprised that she doesn't want to see him." 

"I have no idea how I am going to be able to have a conversation with the man. I respect Charlie Swan greatly but this last fortnight he has been... I don't know. When I spoke to him on the way to the hospital this morning he was under the impression that he had done nothing wrong and he could not understand why his daughter did not want to see him, it was completely ludicrous!" Carlisle spoke quietly, his irritation for the chief of police rearing its ugly head. 

"Carlisle, I think you need to call him after the others come home and we have had the meeting, it might make it a little easier when we have a plan," Esme suggested. Of course, she was correct. Carlisle nodded his head in agreement and moved closer to his wife, she put the book down and snuggled into his side.

"Where have they all gone?" Carlisle wondered, noting that he had not heard them leave the house. 

"Well, Rosalie and Alice got back when you were upstairs talking with Bella and Edward. They noticed that I was reading so they decided to go into town to get takeout food for Bella, taking Emmett and Jasper with them. I have no idea what they'll come back with but they all seemed pretty excited to go and buy human food." She laughed.

"I'm sure that we'll find out soon enough," As Carlisle spoke, his ears picked up the roar of Emmett's Jeep turning into their extensive driveway. 

"She sees you as her father you know," Esme said, looking up at her husband contently.

"I know, you have no idea how happy I was when I realised she was calling for me, I never thought I could love her as much as I do. I see her as a daughter, I love and cherish her as much as I do Rosalie and Alice." Carlisle admitted.

"I know you do, I do too." She replied.

It was then that the front door was swung open and in came Alice, Rosalie, Emmett and Jasper. Edward and Bella had come down the stairs at that point, obviously hearing the sound of Emmett's car as it approached the house. Jasper and Emmett took Bella into the kitchen and started unpacking two paper bags of Chinese takeout.

"Alice, why are you smiling like the Cheshire Cat, what is going on? Carlisle asked his daughter, laughing.

"You'll find out soon enough." She replied coyly. Giggling as she took a seat on the sofa opposite. Jasper followed suit, coming over from the kitchen and sitting beside her. Emmett sat down on an armchair and pulled Rosalie down onto his lap. Finally, Edward and Bella came over and sat on the sofa next to Alice and Jasper. 

"Okay, we have something that we need to discuss, all of us, I suggest that we take this conversation to the table in the dining room, we have much to talk about."

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