On Edge

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Without greeting, Charlie and Jacob stepped into the Cullen home. Charlie was clearly still aggravated, evidenced by the red tinge.

"Where is my daughter, Carlisle?" Were the first words out of Charlie's mouth.

The civilised man that he was, Carlisle did not wish to have the conversation by the front door, so he directed them towards the stairs led them through the house to the living room. Once there, Charlie became angrier,  Carlisle did not need Jasper's gift to see that, he could feel the rage pouring off him in waves.

"I won't ask you again Carlisle! Where is my daughter?" he demanded, yet again.

"Bella is upstairs with Jasper, Alice and Emmett" Carlisle replied calmly. He was a man known for his tight resolve, but everyone had their limits. 

"Do you think this is okay for a teenage girl to be alone in a bedroom with her boyfriend, Carlisle?" Carlisle blanched back, he did not like for one second what Charlie was insinuating. 

"Charlie, are you trying to say that I am not capable of looking after my own children?" 

"Yes, Carlisle, that is exactly what I'm saying! It is hardly responsible is it?" Charlie shouted.

"Responsible! At least I don't lay hands on my children! How dare you tell me that I cannot look after my own children! Do I need to say it again? Bella is upstairs with Alice, Emmett and Jasper, Edward is still away with the girls!"

Carlisle could see that his outburst had terrified Charlie, he quickly pushed back any smug thoughts that entered his mind. Instead, Carlisle quickly fixed his normal mask of calm and turned to face Charlie once again. As he did so, Carlisle saw Jacob head up the stairs but disregarded him, knowing that Emmett, Jasper and Alice could handle it perfectly well. 

"As I said, Bella is upstairs and she did not want to return home tonight so I told her she could stay here, she can stay here as long as she'd like," Carlisle said with a forced calm tone to my voice. 

Charlie looked outraged. "She's coming home with me! She will NOT be staying here with you and those boys of yours, her brothers of whatever she called them!"

"Why is it such a problem that Emmett and Jasper are her brothers? Why is it a problem that they want to love and protect her? Charlie, you have no idea what they would do for her, what they have already done to keep her safe..."

Charlie sighed angrily and continued, "It won't be a problem because she's not staying here!"

Charlie stormed past Carlisle and made way for the stairs. Of course, it was not like Carlisle could race after him and beat him up the stairs, he had to follow at a human pace to avoid detection. Charlie charged in the direction of the shouting, clearly, one of the boys had already been angered by the wolf in their presence. As the two father's approached the second floor Carlisle heard Bella's voice, telling Jacob to leave and that she felt betrayed. Charlie of course headed in the direction of Bella and grabbed her wrist with his hand before she could get back into the bedroom.

"Get your hands off her now!" Emmett snarled to Charlie who didn't back down at all.

"She is my daughter and she is coming with me!" Charlie snarled back at Emmett.

Alice stood beside the others, the angriness shining in her eyes.

Charlie pulled on Bella's arm again and she screamed. Charlie continued to cause Bella harm, and Carlisle was at the end of his tether. He stepped between Bella and Charlie and pulled Charlie away from Bella, slightly more forcefully than he probably should have. After Bella was safely back in the confines of Edward's bedroom with Alice, Carlisle began to lead Charlie towards the stairs and away from Bella, signalling for the boys to do the same with the wolf. 

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