Beach Highjinks

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Carlisle and Esme let each other go as Edward, Emmett, Jasper, Alice and Rosalie came bounding through the living room door. They walked through the living room and sat down on the sofas, laughing, as Emmett turned on the TV. 

Esme smiled to herself, realising that this adjustment had truly changed them. They were exceptionally content, happy and spending time together. Esme cast her eyes over to Rosalie, her first daughter, whom she had seen the biggest change in. She had become a friendlier and a more well-rounded person, but that fire is still there in her eyes, which made Esme smile every day. Esme was so proud of them all. 

Edward had changed so much since he had met Bella. She would have never admitted it to anybody but herself, but she had been starting to lose hope that Edward would ever find his mate. It was for that reason that she was so attached to Bella in the beginning. Now, she loved Bella for herself, back then she loved Bella for the changes she saw in her son.

Alice had known that she and Bella would be best friends before Bella had even arrived in the sleepy town of Forks. Esme found her pride in Emmett and Jasper increasing as the days passed, they had taken the roles of being Bella's big brothers in their stride, and they do a fantastic job protecting her, just like they did for the rest of the family.

Catching her thoughts, Esme's eldest son looked up and smiled at her widely. She returned the smile, moving to sit on the available armchair opposite Rosalie. At that moment, Bella returned to the room, laptop in hand. She walked over from the staircase and sat on the sofa beside Edward.

"Did you have fun?" She asked, placing the laptop on her lap and opening the lid.

"Yeah, it was okay," Edward said, placing his arm along the back of the sofa around Bella.

Esme aimed her thoughts at her eldest, 'Guess that means you didn't think of anything then?', Edward at least had the decency to look shocked at her question, as if she hadn't known what they were all up to all along. Edward shook his head, not alerting the human at his side to their conversation. Esme only nodded once in response. It did not matter to her what Reneé wanted from Bella, as Esme did not have Reneé's best interests at heart, only Bella's.

The news was playing on the television, looping inconsequential stories about the weather or the state of British politics. Vampires did not find much joy in the news, sure it was important to stay informed, but after living for centuries there was never anything that they hadn't heard before.  

"Oh," Alice said suddenly, the faraway expression on her face that usually appeared when she was not seeing the present. 

"Alice?" Jasper sat forward, placing a hand on his wife's knee as they waited for the vision to conclude. Alice returned to the present after only a few moments, her eyes fleeting over to Bella, who waited expectantly for Alice to divulge the details of her most recent vision.

"Reneé called Charlie, she told him that she was flying over to bring you back to the States with them. I can see them walking through the terminal at Heathrow Airport a little after 9 AM the day after tomorrow. I'm so sorry Bella..."

"Alice, you have nothing to apologise for, I mean I hardly think that Charlie knowing will make a difference, will it? Reneé and Phil are on their way here already," Bella reached for Alice, squeezing her hand.

Alice looked up from her shoes to look at Bella. "You're not mad?" She asked uncertainly.

"Of course not, there is nothing for me to be mad at you for," Bella said, smiling at Alice.

"Okay then," Alice said, nodding and smiling at Bella.

Bella took her hand back and turned around to go and take her previous seat next to Edward.

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⏰ Last updated: Oct 21, 2022 ⏰

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