Chapter two

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Felicité's P.O.V

When I awoke, I looked over at my bedside table with tears streaming down my cheeks. My blurred vision made it almost impossible for me to read the time, which was digitally shown on the screen; 3:33 a.m it read. The time I had been awoke by my father one miserable night. But this time it wasn't happening. He was finally locked away. This was just a nightmare, that had once been my reality.

At first, I thought I had been dreaming. I thought I had been imagining a hand slowly and softly running up and down my thigh. I thought maybe it was my mother tucking me in after a nightmare; and then the hand moved in toward my crotch. I then knew it was happening again. "Felicité shhhhh it's okay honey, it's just daddy" he would say softly into my ear as he would firmly grip his hand on my inner thigh and moan very low: as if it was coming from deep in this throat. I would try to keep myself calm telling myself that nothing bad would happen, although it never worked, and I ended up being raped by him in the end. As he came closer and closer to me his hand would gradually move up toward my pants where he would untie the knot and pull them and my panties off lightly rubbing his finger up and down my slit. When he was finished with that he would pull my shirt up and if I refused to lift my arms he would slap me and raise his voice commanding "you fucking little cunt you better let me have my way with you or you'll never get anywhere in life and I'll make sure of it! You'll be dead so you better fucking co-operate with me!" This would make me begin to cry and want to scream but I knew if I did, I wouldn't make it another day; I kept my mouth shut. He would slowly pull my shirt up and get on top of me putting his lips to my ear lightly whispering "mmmm baby daddy is very hard for you, and he can't wait to cum deep inside of you". His tongue would glide along my neck slowly and he would suck hard on my skin making me groan in agonizing pain and his thick hard dick would begin to plough inside of me as he continued. And when he finally was finished with doing everything to me, I was so horrified I didn't want to do or say anything, and I never did.

For the remainder of that night, I barely slept. The nightmares and flashbacks of everything replayed in my mind. My heart stopped beating when I heard a faint knock on my bedroom door that had been shut and locked for a specific reason. "Lissy? Honey are you okay in there?" My mother's soothing voice made me worry less but sadly never made me forget the horrific images. I didn't respond which made her sound as if she was beginning to panic. "Felicité, please answer me....are you okay?" I groaned loudly and replied back "yes mom, I'm fine. I'll be downstairs in a minute." As soon as those words were said the nagging disappeared and I knew that if I didn't move faster than I had been so far this morning, she would be back; and her nagging and complaining was the last thing I needed to hear after the horrific night I had been through.

Once I had gotten ready for school, I ran downstairs and walked out the front door. I had began running down the street with my bag on one shoulder, feeling it sway back and forth along my back; worrying I would miss the bus if I wasn't fast enough. After waiting 5 minutes with all of the little fifth graders that lived on my street, I finally got on the bus and went to sit where the 'normal' twelfth grade students sat. That was my first mistake. My second, sitting in Alan Reed's seat. Alan Reed was not only the most popular jock in Rye-Dale, but also the most attractive guy in the school and the QB of the football team. I wasn't aware it was in his seat mainly because everyone in my grade, on my bus is an asshole and likes to cause me misery and see me go through pain; but today was different. When he got on, everyone began to laugh and yell "the 'whore' is sitting in your seat whatcha gonna do about it Reed?" He just stared at me as they began to tell and chant "KICK HER OUT! SMACK HER! IT'S WHAT SHE DESERVES!" But instead of doing anything they were saying he kept walking and decided to sit down in the empty spot beside me. Everyone stared in shock and to be honest when I say everyone, that even includes me. My mind began to race. Why would he sit with me? I'm just a loner, what's so important about me? Was he going to use me like my father had? I couldn't stop thinking about it all day long and surprisingly we had all eight classes together, and even then he sat beside me. Although we never talked. Not until that night on the bus ride home. When he sat beside me, his mouth finally opened. "Hey, I'm Alan, is it okay if I sit with you from now on?" I was shocked but happy, maybe this was the continuation of my lucky streak. "Um..." Why was I hesitating? Fuck Felicité get your act together. He gave me a odd look and said "if you're not okay with it I can move. I just wanted to sit with you 'cause you looked pretty lonely, and I wanted to umm see if I could help you out in any way". I smiled and began to examine him closely. His bright blue eyes were the colour of the sky and his hair was a sandy yellow, he was just so amazingly handsome in every way. "Um no I don't mind at all. I'm Feli......" Before I could finish he sat next to me and said "you're Felicité" a smile quickly formed on his face and he held out his hand. I stared at him and took it in mine shaking it firmly. "You know, for a girl you have a pretty good grip" he said beginning to laugh a little as he said it and I couldn't help but smile a little too, but my true initial thought was "yeah, I only have a firm grip because my father raped me my whole life. I have that kind of grip because I learned how to defend for myself". For the remaining time of the bus ride, we talked and talked. It felt like it was never ending. And when it was his stop, I had to remind him it was his stop because he was so interested in our conversation. "Oh Felicité, you wanna have lunch tomorrow?" I smiled and he smiled back as people began nagging him to hurry up and get off the bus. His reaction was telling them all to shut the fuck up and wait; as he continued to stare at me until I had given him an answer. Moments later, I nodded and he smiled and turned to get off. Once he was off he waved to me from outside. I waved back to him and for once, I felt so amazing inside. My heart tingled and my internal organs and inside my body felt fuzzy. I didn't know what this meant, but I was so happy to finally have a friend; and that friend was him.

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