Chapter Three

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Felicité's P.O.V

When I had gotten home that night, I was in the best mood I have ever been in my whole life; or at least that's what my mother had said. When I told her that my day had gone well, she was acting like her typical everyday self, until I mentioned that I had met a really nice person who had sat with me on the bus. Not to my surprise, she was really excited and I was as well. For the rest of the night, none of us had been able to shut up about my day and my new friend. "Felicité I'm so happy for you baby girl. I can't wait to meet her." I froze, dead in my train of thought. I had forgotten to tell her that it wasn't a girl, but instead a guy: the most popular boy in school to be exact. I knew the moment I told her that it was a guy, she wouldn't allow me to be friends with him because of my twisted and disturbing past. "Oh....uh.....yeah mom......'she's' so great and polite and I can't wait to have lunch with her tomorrow". I was hoping and praying in the back of my mind that the whole 'having lunch' thing wouldn't sound too suspicious, luckily for my sake and Alan's, it sounded normal to her. Maybe it was because I had never had a real friend before. I wasn't sure, but I wasn't going to risk finding out.

It was quite hard to focus on my studies when thinking about my planned lunch date with Alan tomorrow. It felt odd thinking about a boy in a positive way. I sat in my chair thinking I had been writing ionic compounding equations but instead, his name appeared all over my page. For hours I just stared out my window watching the sunset with one thing on my mind; Alan. Why was I thinking about him so much? I didn't understand but I wasn't complaining. His voice replayed in my head as I rested it down on my notebook and closed my eyes. And that night for the first time in my life, had a dream. Not a nightmare, but a dream: about Alan Reed.
It had been the next morning, the day I was to have lunch with him. I was nervous but excited all at once and that morning he hadn't been on the bus. I was afraid he had blown it off, thinking maybe he had come to his senses and realized who I really was. I waited in all four classes in the morning before our lunch, which was between forth and fifth period. An hour and 25 minute break in between. With still no sign I thought things were done for. He wasn't coming. I had been getting things from my locker and putting all my books away fixing my hair and checking the makeup job I had done earlier on this morning. As I closed the door, he stood staring at me once more whispering "wow! Lissy, you look so beautiful" taking my chin gently in his hand looking into my green eyes. I smiled and then bit my lip not knowing what to expect next. I was hesitant and nervous but he made me feel safe for some odd reason. He leaned in toward me, and I did too closing my eyes, as I saw his close. I could feel his warm breath on my lips as we got closer and closer to each other.
That's when I was awoken by my mother's voice calling my name. "Felicité you only have a few more minutes before you have to catch the bus, you're running late! Get up!" If I had only had a few more minutes of sleep I would have known what happened. But I wasn't upset, because I had all of today to find out for myself. Not in a dream: but in real life.

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