Chapter Four

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Felicité's P.O.V

Thinking about my dream of Alan last night, helped me determine what outfit I would wear. I wasn't a popular girl and I didn't have any TNA shirts, Roots track pants, or Abercrombie jeans: I was just your everyday typical nerd with regular 'old lady' shirts with corny math or science jokes on them. I knew I wouldn't be able to wear those shirts to school, especially when I would be around Alan. After searching through my own closet for what seemed like hours; throwing all of my clothes on the floor picking and choosing what ones would be okay to wear and what ones wouldn't be, every single shirt I had, was not suitable for a lunch date. I had been groaning and arguing with myself over everything, and my mother had been watching. "Lissy, come with me for a minute" she said leaving my doorway. I slowly followed her lead and ended up in her bedroom, watching her scavenge through her closet. "You will probably miss the bus, so I will drive you to school." She pulled out a pair of faded blue jeans, a belt, a white undershirt and a pink see through shirt that was a little low in the front and longer in the back. My mom had great style, minus her wrinkles, she looked like a super model, absolutely stunning. "I'll be back" she said walking into her bathroom also getting a curling iron, a pack of bobbie pins and her makeup bag. "Go get dressed and then come back here. I am gonna fix you up for your special day." I smiled and headed to the bathroom.

I sat in the passengers seat of the car looking out the window. My long, dull brown hair bounced with character when it was curled. I didn't look like myself at all and I never knew that my eye lashes were as long as they are. I was in complete awe when I looked at myself now, and I'm sure Alan would be also. As we pulled up to the school my mother kisses my cheek and said "Have a great day I wanna hear all about it when you get home. I love you Lissy." I smiled and opened the car door getting out and closing it behind me. The colourful leaves covered the ground and the crisp cool air caught me off guard. I looked around to see if I could find Alan and I couldn't. The bus must not have shown up yet. Instead of waiting outside, I went indoors to my locker which had been upstairs by the chemistry room; the west wing of the school. I had a perfect view. A giant window sat on the wall beside my locker where I could see the bright green grass and the autumn leaves covering spots of it. The American flag waved with the wind, and all 50 stars seemed to shine brightly as the sun Beamed it's rays of light toward them. The view was amazing, it almost made me not want to leave and forget about my horrible life.

The bell rang and the halls were crowded. I had to walk towards my chemistry class which was just across the hall, and even that was a struggle. With over 1000 eager students attending the school, the hallways are always like a war zone on a typical day. I finally get across the hall and enter my class and sit in my regular seat. I wait and wait. There is no sign of Alan. And there wasn't a sign of him until lunch and I knew exactly why.

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