Chapter 29: Baby Vamp

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Waking up in the morning I got a text message from Bonnie saying that Elena died with Vampire blood in her system, and now Bonnie is asking my help to turn her back to a human. It's impossible. Even if I always have little quarrels with Elena she's still my sister so I decided to visit her and Jeremy in an hour. I did my morning routine then use faded jeans, black combat boots and a T-shirt with my messenger bag.

When I arrive at the front step I knock and Elena answers.

"What do you want?" She ask shock.

"Can I come in?" I ask.

"Fine." She huffs then move aside allowing me to step in.

"I'm sorry. I know Bonnie is trying to find a way for you to turn back into a human but you should know that's impossible. I can help if you want but I can guarantee that we won't find anything." I walk to the kitchen where Stefan is.

"Why do you want to help? And for all I know we aren't even sisters, you now look completely different." She says.

"Blood related or not I grew up knowing you as a sister, and even if we have our little fights I still find it in my heart to care for you, real deep in my heart." I say.

"Alright." She says.

Smiling I open a cabinet and start out a kennel and tart to boil water.

"What are you doing?" Stefan ask.

"Making tea, for Elena. I know everything she eat will taste disgusting so I'm going to brew her a special tea infused with herbs to help her control herself...So she can actually eat something and not be dimmed by light." I explained as I crush together Cranberries, Mistletoe, Lavender and Rosemary. I added the mixture into the hot water and let it boil again. After 5 minutes I poured the liquid into a mug and gave it to Elena.

"Drink." I say.

She takes a big gulp and looks relieved as she signs.

"Thank you." She smiles.

"You're welcome." I turn around to clean everything up when the front door is knocked down.Pastor Young and armed guards comes into the house circling Stefan.

"Stefan?" Elena ask shock stepping forewords.

"Elena don't move." He says looking at Paster Young.

"What's going on?" I ask as the guards inject Stefan with vervain making him collapse as they move him into a van.

"We are getting rid of the Vampire problem, and you are?" Pastor Young ask.

"It's me, Clarissa." I explained.

"You look...Different." He observes.

"I wanted a change." I smile.

"Well you girls need to follow me, it's not safe." He drags us out.

After an hour of driving he stops in front of a small house an next to it a barn.

"What is this place?" I ask stepping out of the car.

"It's where we'll keep all the vampires and this house is safe for us. No vampires have been allowed in." Pastor Young explains opening the door and letting both Elena and I in.

Elena and I sit while Pastor young makes us tea.

"Still want to be a writer?" The pastor ask me.

"I would love to be one but I'm not sure that's my calling." I smile at him.

"And you Elena? Do you still want to be a writer?" He ask looking at a dazed Elena.

"I renumbered how you both would read your short stories to my daughter, when you both babysit. She still loves writing because of you two." He says while he takes something from the fridge.

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